Replat filed w/County 8/12/03p2OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION WITNESS OUR HANDS, this the <A~'fk .day of ,2003. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, AmberPofnt of CoppelI, L.L.C,,o Deloware limited liability company, formerly known as Ballantyne Jack, L.L.O.,and Northpofnt RoyaI, L.L.C. are the owners of a tract of land situated in the Jesse Moore Survey, Abstract No. 968 and the C.S. Dun.nagan Survey, Abstract No. 1655, both Dallas County, Texas, said tract being all of Hager Containers Addltron, an addltlon to fha City of 6oppelI, Dallas County, Texas, as recorded fn Volume 88206, Page 3786 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.O.T.),said tract also being a part of Freeport North Addition, an addition to the City of Coppellas recorded fn Volume 84203, Page 1835, D.R.D,C.T., said tract also being ali of Lot lB, Block A of the Rapist of Lot 1, Block A of Amberpofnt Buslness Park at Ooppell, an addition to the City of Coppellas recorded in Volume 2003077, Page 00080 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.),same being a part of that froot of land described in SpeolalWarranty Deed to Amberpolnt at CoppelI, L.L.C. dated December 21,2001 as recorded fn Volume 2001249, Page 15701, D.R.D.C.T.,and said tract also being a part of that tract of land described fn Specfal Warranty Deed to Ballantyne Jack, L.L.C. dcted August 31, 2001 as recorded fn Volume 2001173, Page 3803, D.R.D,C.T., and said tract also being ali of those tracts of land described in deeds to Narthpofnt RoyaI, L.L.C. as recorded in Volume 2002009, Page 6247 dated January 11,2002, Volume 2002009, Page 6254 dated January 8,2002, cnd Volume 2002009, Page 6265 dated January 11, 2002, allD.R.D.C.T.,and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped 'HALFF ASSOC INC' (hereafter referred to as 'with cap')found for the southeast corner of Lot lA of said Rapist of Lot 1, Block A, said point being in the west right-of-way line of Northpoint Drive (60 feet wide) as dedicated by plat recorded In Volume 2002027, Page 00071, D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE South O0 degrees 03 minutes 37 seconds West, along said west right-of-way line, a distance of 382,77 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 420.00 feet, whose chord bears South 45 degrees 02 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 593.71 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve to the right and along said west right-of-way line, through a central angle of 89 degrees 57 minutes O0 seconds for an arc distance of 659.37 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for the point of tangenoy; THENCE North 89 degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds West, along the north right-of-way line of said Northpofnt Drlve, a distance of 315.43 feet to a 1/2-Inch found iron rod with cap found for fha point of curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 480.00 feet, whose chord bears South 79 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance of 173.50 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along said cfrculcr curve to the left and continuing along said north right- of-way line, through a central angle of 20 degrees 49 minutes 27 seconds for an arc distance of 174.46 feet to a 1/2-Inch Iron rod with cap found for the point of compound curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 950.11 feet, whose chord bears South 66 degrees 50 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 77,78 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve to the left and continuing along said north right- of-way line, through a central cngle of 04 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds for an arc distance of 77.80 feet to a 1/2-Inch iron rod with cap found for the point of reverse curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 488.80 feet, whose chord bears South 77 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds West, a distance of 218,18 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, along sold circular curve to the right and continuing along said north right-of-way line, through a central angle of 25 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds for an arc distance of 220,03 feet fo a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for the point of tangenoy; THENCE North 89 degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds West, contTnufng along said north right-of-way line, a distance of 333.49 feet to a 1/2-inch fro.n rod with cap found for the most southerly point of a corner clip at the intersection of sold north rlght-of-way line of Northpofnt Drive with the east right-of-way line of Royal Lane (100 feet wide); THENCE North 33 degrees 09 minutes 24 seconds West, departing said north right-of-way line and along said corner clfp, a distance of 16.54 feet fo a 1/2-fnc.h iron rod wlth cap found on sold east right-of-way line for the most northerly polnt of said corner clip, sold point being on a circular curve to the loft having a radius of 1050.00 feet, whose chord bears North 11 degrees 38 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 413.21 feet; THENCE Northeasterly, along said clrcular curve to the left and along said east right-of-way line, through a central angle of 22 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds for an arc distance of 415.92 feet to a 1/2-Inch iron rod with cap found for the point of tangenoy; THENCE North O0 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds East, continuing clong said east right-of-way line, a distance of 155.55 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for the southwest corner of Hager Containers Addition, an cddltfon to the City of 6oppellas recorded in Volume 88206, Page 3786, D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE North O0 degrees 07 minutes 49 seconds East, continuing along said east right-of-way Ifne, a distance of 335.00 feet fo a 1/2-inch iron rod with oep found for the coramon northwest corner of sold Hager Containers Addition and southwest corner of Four Seasons Addition, an addition to the City of Coppellas recorded in Volume 91139, Page 2187, D.R,D,C.T.; THENCE South 89 degrees 52 mlnutes 11 seconds East, departing said east right-of-way line and along fha common line between said Hager Containers Addition and said Four Seasons Additlon, a distance of 606.12 feet to a 1/2-inch Iron rod found for the common northeast corner of sold Hager Containers Addition and southeast corner of sold Four Seasons Addition, said point being on the west line of the aforementioned Lot lB; THENCE North O0 degrees 07 minutes 49 second8 East, departing said common line and along the common line between sold Four Seasons Addition and said Lot 1B, a dfs-'ance of 3.31 feet to a 1/2- Inch iron rod with cap found for the common northwest corner of sold Lot lB and southwest corner of the aforementioned Lot IA; THENCE South 89 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds East, departing said common line and along the common line between said Lots lA and 1B, a distance of 842.5;5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,189,884 square feet or 27.316 acres of land, more or less. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Gary W. Matthews, Registered plfofrkssfonalLond Surveyor, do hereby cortlfy that the plat shown hereon accurately representsUThe/j~ro_p_erty as determined by an on ~he ground survey made under my direction and s.upervTsfon on ...... ~t~,C,Tc,~~;_; ,200~ and that the Iocatfoq of all monumenfs shown are correct, and that the Iots, blo~ks,¢reets, and avenues, alleys and publ'c ways and ground are accurately staked ~ ~d m(~ked~ GA~ W. MgTHEWS REGISTEREr PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the underslgned, a Notary Public In c,nd for sold county and state on this day personally appeared, Gary W. Matthews, known to me to be the person whose name ts subscribed to the forgoing fnstru,ment and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose fn consideration therein expressed, and the capacity therein stated. ' GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on thls My commission expires-. the ~ ~_~ day. of ~Jf~ ,200,3. NOTARY PUB~ fn c~d for the STATE OF TEXAS NOTE.. The basis of bearings Is deed recorded fn Volume 2001173, Page 3803, D.R.D,C.T. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That AmberPolnt at Coppell, L.L.C,,a Delaware limited liability company, formerly known as Ballantyne Jack, L,L.C.,aotfng herein by and through frs duly authorized officers of frs managing member, AmberJack Ltd., an Arizona corporation, cna Northpofnt RoyaI, L.L.O,,a Delaware limited Ircblllty company, acting herein by and through Its duly authorized officers, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as Lots 1MR and 10, Block A, AmberPofnt Business Park, an addition to the City of CoppelI, Dallas County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate, tn fee simple to fha public use forever, the streets and alleys s.hown thereon. The streets and alleys are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated for the pubtlc use forever for the purposes indicated on fhfs plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except pavement, parking lots, and that landscape improvements may be placed fn landscape easements, fi approved by the City of Coppetl. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all publfc utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use fo particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the publl¢'s and 61ty of Coppell's use thereof. The City of Ooppell and pub.Ifc utllfty entitles shall have the rlght to remove and keep removed eliot parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other hnprovements or growths, which may in any way endanger or Interfere wlth the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems In said easements. The City of Coppelland publlo utlllty entitles sh~llat alltfmes have fha full right of ingress and egress fc or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and addlng to or removing ali or paris of their respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. That the undersigned do hereby covenant and agree that they shcll construot upon the fire lane easements, as dedicated and shown hereon, a hard surface and that they s.hallmalntafn the same Tn a state o'f good repair at all tfmes and keep the same free and clear of any structures, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or obstruction Including, but not limited to, the parking of motor vehicles, trailers, boats or other impediments to the access of fire apparatus. The maintenance of paving on the fire lane easements is the respcnsiblllty of the owner, and the owner shcll post and maintain appropriate signs fn conspicuous places along such fire lanes stating 'Fire Lane, No Parking'. The police or hfs duly authorized representative is hereby authorized to cause such fire lanes and utility easements to be maintained free and unobstructed at all tfmes for fire department and emergency use. The undersigned do covenant and agree that publlo access easements may be utllfzed by any person or the generalpublfo for ingress and egress to other realproperty, and for the purpose of general public vehicular and pedestrian use and access, and for fire department and emergency use along, upon and across sold premises with the right and privilege at alltfmes of the City of Coppell, Its agents, employees, workmen cnd representatives having Ingress, egress and regress in, along, upon and across said premises. Thls plat approved subject to oltplattfng ordfnances, rules, regulatlons and resolutions of the City of CoppelI, Texas. WITNESS OUR HANDS, this the ~ ~rkday of ~-~L~/ ,2003. AmberPolnt at CoppelI, L.L.C., a Delaware Ilmlted liability company formerly known as Ballantyne Jack, L,L,C, By: AmberJack, Ltd.,an Arlzona Corporatlon, fts managlng member Name.. :[' Johr~ rL~qfn~ Tltle: ~ VIC2PRESiOENT STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McLEAN I, the underslgned, a Notary Public fn end. for sold County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT John R. Ri,oqfn~ and Leo& Buchignani, Jr. personally known to me to be the VIC~ PRESIOENT and As.s;.~..>~¢t ~..?.t of AMBERJACK, LTD.,an Arizona corporation and managing member of AmberPofnt at CoppelI, L.L.C.,a Delaware limited ITabfllfy company, formerly known a8 Ballanfyne Jack, L.L.C.,and personally known to me to be fha 8ama per~ons whose name8 are subscribed fo fha foregoing instrument, appeared before me fhfs day fn person, and severally acknowledged fhaf d8 such officers they signed and delivered fha said fns~rumenf, pu¢suan~ ~o ~ufhorlfy given by fha Board of Directors o¢ said corporation, as theft free and voluntary dot, dnd a8 fha fre~ and voluntary dc+ and deed of said corporation, a8 managing member of and for a~d on behalf of AmberPofnf af Coppell, L.L.C.,for ~he uses and purpose therein 8et f,orth. OIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on thf8 ~ day of .... , , . , NOTAR~ PUBLIC OF~C~L S~L L~DA S. S~R NOT~Y PUB~, STA~ OF i~IS ~ ~i~ION ~ I My commlssfon exprres: FLOODPLAIN NOTE." 1, Sub]eat tract Iles withln Zone 'X'. Zone 'X'ts deflned as 'Areas determined to be o.utsfde the 500-year floodplain. 2. All floodplain information wa8 provided by the FEMA Flood Insurance Rote Map No. 480170-0135 J, dated August 23, 2001 for Dallas County, Texas and Incorporated Areas. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: Floodplain Development Permlt Applfcatlon No,~ cf CoppeltFloodplafn Admlnfstrator on Floodplain Admt:~tor has been flied wlth the City ,2003. Date NorthpoTnt RoyaI, L.L.C., A Delaware limlted liability company By: AmberJack, Ltd.,an Arizona Corporation, Its managing member Title.. ~ V C~ PR~:-T~':r By: Name: Title.. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS I, the undersfgned, a Notary Public fn and for said County, In the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ,i~hr~ ~. Ni,~q~n~ and L~ eoJ, Buchignanl, J~ personally, known to me to be the AMBERJACK, LTD.,an Arizona corporation and managing member of N,ORTHPOINT ROYAL, L,L,C,, a Delaware limited liability company, and personally known to mo to bo the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, appeared before me thrs day rn person, and severally acknowledged that as such offlcers they signed and delivered the sold Instrument, pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation, a8 their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, a8 managing member of and for and on behalf of Northpolnt RoyaI, L.L.C,, for tho uses and purpose therein set forth. OIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this. ~:if~ ~ay of My commlssion expires: APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY.. ...... "' ONCOR ~~ D.ELIVERY ~ . (Print Namo~ ~//' Date of Approval TXU/4;A~S (Pr:tnt Name3 Date of Approval VERtZON Date of Approval NOTARY/(JBLIC OFFICIAL SEAL LINDA S. SHARER NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1 I/9/2005 COMCAST - (PrTn~r N~m-e ) Date of Approval RECOMME~ED FOR~PROVAL: · ya~rp nr~fOZ~'& Zonlng Commlssfcn Clty of CoppelI, Texas Date of Approval Date of Approval The undersigned, the City Secretory o'f the City of CoppelI, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing ffnclplat of the AmberPoint BusTness Park af Coppellan Addj.tfon to the CIty of Coppellwas submitted to tho Clty Councilor tho.~"day of . ~l~l)~ ,2003, and the Council, by formalaction, then and there accepted the dedlcat?or of streets, alleys, porks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown opd set forth fn and upon said plat, and said Councllfurther authorized the Mayor t~ note the acceptance thereof signing his name as herelncbove subscrlbed. day of A ~ , 200;5. VOLUMF_~ S ~ ,PAOE c~&~ . BEING A REPLAT OF LOT lB, BLOCK A of the MMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK OF COPPELL AND PART OF THE HAGER CONTAINERS AND FREEPORT NORTH INTO LOTS 1BR AND BLOCK A OF THE AMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK OF COPPELL SITUATED tN THE JESSE MOORE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 968 C.S. DUNNAGAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1655 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS FOR AMBERPoINT AT COPPELL, L.L.C. 5001 SPRING VALLEY ROAD, IRVING, TEXAS 75038 BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE - DALLAS TEXAS 75225 SCALE 1'=100' (214)346-6200 AVO 20718 MAY, 2003 LOT lC, 20718 DG;N=718CFPO2_2,DGN