DRC commentsC-OPP-EL£
Planning Department
255 Parkway Blvd
Coppell, Texas 75019
Phone: 972-304-3678
Fax: 972-304-7092
PROJECT: Sandy Lake Plaza Medical Building,
Site Plan and Replat
DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676
DATE: June 26, 2003
TO: John Garrision, Mark Diaz
Glenn Hitt
Items Transmitted:
1. Agenda for the July 7, 2003 DRC Meeting
2. DRC Comments
PAGES: ~i (including cover)
FAX: 214-887-0559
Please revise all plans and plat(s) based on staff recommendations.
Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why
staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the
Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting on Monday, July 7, 2003
Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plans and plats to the
July 7, 2003 DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and
defend any revision. A representative of the project is required to attend
the meeting.
Applicant will have till noon July 8th to submit 12-24' x 36' copies, folded
into sets, and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG,
TIF OR SIMILAR ELECTRONIC FORMAT of each exhibit to the Planning
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304-3676
or e-mail at mdiamond(~ci.coppell.tx.us.
Project ID SPA-03-0051
Address 601 E Sandy Lake Rd
Project Name
Sandy Lake Plaza Medical Building
Project Type
Application Date
Case Manager
Project Description
Site Plan Approval
Marcie Diamond
, to allow the development of a 30,000 square foot medical office building on approximately 2.75 acres of property located
along at the northwest corner of Sandy Lake and Moore Roads
Building Inspection
Electric and Gas
Fire Administration
Parks and Recreation
1 of 2
Reviewed By Review Date
Greg Jones 6/26/03
No floor plan information furnished for comments.
Jeff Curry 6/25/03 Site Plan Acceptable
Teresa Turner 6/26/03 SITE PLAN
Travis Crump 6/26/03
John Elias 6/24/03
1. Verify that you can encroach into the 15' easement
along the west side of the property.
2. The proposed sidewalk along Moore Road must be
entirely within the right-of-way or sidewalk easements
need to be dedicated.
1. Depending on the capacity of the 18" storm sewer,
you may need to tie into the 66" RCP on the east side of
Moore Road.
2. All water meters and vaults must be located within
the right-of-way or in a dedicated utility easement.
3. Why are you proposing 2-2" domestic meters?
No comment
#110 on the tree survey is a protected tree, any tree over
10" is protected by the City of Coppell Tree Ordianance.
The following mitigation will be required:
Gross Retribution
Preservation Credit
Landscape Credit
Gross Retribution)
Net Retribution
20 inches(DBH)
0 (all trees on site to be
10 inches ( maximum of 50% of
10 inches x $100.00 = $1,000.00
A check made out to the City of Coppell Reforestation &
Natural Areas Fund in the amount of $1000.00 as well
as a Tree Removal Permit will need to be processed
prior to removing any trees on this site.
Planning Department
Reviewed By
Marcie Diamond
Review Date
Site Plan
1. Need to indicate Zoning districts adjacent to the south
and east of the property.
2. Add the dimensions of the boundaries of the
3. Show the adjoining streets (both Moore Road and
Sandy Lake) including curbs, sidewalks, existing and
proposed median openings, and all street
intersections, driveways, alleys within 100 feet of the
4. Verify the parking stalls are 19' in length.
5. Need to include elevations of proposed screening of
the refuse facilities and mechanical equipment,
including height and materials.
6. Indicate lighting facilities, security lighting, screening
and glare shades.
7. Proposed attached and monument signs, including
elevations showing dimensions, total square footage,
materials, colors, font, and light source, needs to be
included, refer to Article 29 of the Zoning Ordinance.
8. Verify that the existing TP&L easement permits
landscaping and parking within the easement.
9. The landscape islands north of the building appear to
be substandard in width and overall size (9' minimum
width-300 square feet in size),
10. Delete landscape(?) from adjacent to the dumpster
from the site plan, needs to be shown on the landscape
11, We are requesting that the name of the project be
changed to "Sandy Lake Plaza Medical Building
Addition, Lot 1 R, Block 1", given that it is a replat of the
Sandy Lake Plaza Addition.
Landscape Plan/Tree Survey:
1. Mitigation will be required for the 20" Hackberry.
Contac~ John Elias at 972-462-5115 John would also
like to discuss the use of Hameln Grass and Foster
Holly as plant materials.
2. Utility information, topo and existing trees to be
removed should not be included landscape plan.
3. Utility information and topo may be deleted from the
tree survey.
4. The landscape islands north of the building appear to
be substandard in width and overall size (9' minimum
width-300 square feet in size),
1. The color board shall indicate the name of the
proposed project and show a sampling of all proposed
materials in the appropriate color and labeled
accordingly, should be brought to the July 7, 2003 DRC
2. Although not required, colored renderings are very
helpful when reviewing building elevations.