Application & checkCOPi:'-ELL Name of Applicant: .7'~/t' O,/~_a~..~ Filin :ion :ment Blvd. 5019 .3678 .7092 Applicant Address: Telephone Number: ~/_~'. Firm Preparing Site Plan Package: Telephone Number: All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: ~,~. 4f,~/d~.,dl[~ .4~ie~/J/~"~- ,fdF/,,'F ~/~* Address: ~1~1 ~r~F 3/ ,~ O.r J~ Telephone Number: ~g~ ~- ~ ~d Fax Number: ~. Name or Subdivision or Plat: General Location of Prope~y: Present Zoning: Proposed Site Plan Contains: LandUSe No~ Of Lots or Acres for LandUse NodofLotor A~eg for Units each Use 3ingle Family Commercial fownhouse Retail - >uplex Light Industrial vIulti-Family Planned Development vlobile Home Floodplain Df f ice Owner's Signature: ~/"~'/~( ,~ ?~ ,.~(~_~ U:/Central/P&Zsrf/Submission Forms App and Checklists/Site App