Page 1 filed w/County 2003.s~+*~.0efr., 1 ....... 32.~2, _ . ! T14 T15 T15 T17 T16 T22 1'25 1'27 1'28 T29 T33 T34 7 FF' 508.00 11 UIN FF 506,00 508, OO ~ S24'02'50"W 75,00' ¢OUNT'r' OF' D4LLA$ VOL, 91251 P~. 5059 '~' 1 c,~ MIN FF 4! '2 u~b~ rT 5C~, 10 ESMT. '"-.,..j..,.~A.°PROX1MAT~ LO~ATION. OF lDO Y~ ri. ODD PLaN · $~2'fZ'E Lgt' LOT ~X DETAILS EASEMENT DETAIL (not to 0 100 200 5o0 SCALE 1"=100' PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTEICT NO. PD-IOSR2 RESIDENTIAL D!S/RI(~T DEVE:LOP~ENT I~EC.,ULATION$ "~'-g", ,.~NGLE FAMILY RESIOEN~IA,L DIST~C~' REGULATIONS 12~1 Use Regulations: A building or premise ~haIl be used only for the following purposes: 1. Any use permitted in the "SF-[D'. "SF-t8" or the 'SF-12' districts, 2, Home 0ccu~ation. 3. Such u~es os. may be permitted under provisions- of Spect<~I Use Pe~'mlts. Sections 30-5 and 50-6. 12-1 Maximum Height Regulations: Thirty-five (35) feet nor more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories high. 12-2 Area Regulations: 1., Mtnlmum Size of Yord~: A. Front Yard: Twenty~-. ftys (25) feet. ~e' lots ho~ ~ble ff~tege, ~nning though fr~ one s[reet ~o~, the requked ~ont ~rd shall be pfo~ded ~ bo~ street~. B, Side Y~rd: Elgh{ (8) feet. A side ~rd ~'d~c~t to o side street: Fifteen (15) feet. Allowable n~-restdenUol use~ Tw~ly-FI~ (25)f~et. C, re~ Y~d: TW~ty. (20) 2L M~n~um Size of Lot:. A. Lot At.~:' Ntne thousand (g,0~) square, feet, B; Lot w~: ~t~fl~ (75) feet, m~Sured et the mldpo~nt of the lot, C. Lot 0~[h: ~e. hunted (100) feet, 3, M~imum 0w~ifn.g Size: Tw~t~f~r hundr~ (24~) squ~e feet. exclusNe of gor~es and breezew~ and p~che~, ~. Moxfmum Lot ~oge: ~{rty-Ftve (35) p~c~t of the total lot oreo may be co~ by the c~blned oreo of the main buildings end ocdessory buddings. 12-5 P~ E~uloU~s: Two (2) ~closed p~g. ~ea p~ unit b~nd the [r~t ~rd line, p0rklng ~aces ~1, be provided In acc~d~ce Wffh ~e r~u~ts f~ ~eclal uses set fo~[h ~ ~ct~ 31. ~e lots ~e od~c~t to an alley, the ~cl.os~. porkhg' ~eo (garage) most be' occess~, off of the alley only. 12~4 T~ of [xt~t~ C~stru~tlo~: At least EI~ty. (80~) p~c~t of the ex[~l~ w~l$ of the first fl~r of a{~c~ute~ ~ell be of mos~ry c~st~cU~ (~ee Sectl~ 42-80~ exclUsNe. ~f':~e~ w~do*~, end the ~ the t~ plate line, E~ stay aba'va the first fl~ of a :stra~,t wall ~tmCture.ah~t be at l~ost eighty (80~) percent mo~nry:exdust~ of do~ windows and [he oreo 0bOys the l~ PI~{e II~e. ~,42'24'~ 2~7.~' ..... N88*42°24"W 23~,97~ ~OMMON AI~A LOT , ~ ' N02'35'1 l'Z ~ ~A LOT C11 AREA LOT 1X  I~THE't. ' : ...... :" ..... ,, ROAD The developer, builder, seller, o:r agent shall inform in writ, lng, each" prospective buyer of subdivision lots or property Ioc¢ted within special flood hazard 0roes of this site that such property is in an identified flood hazard oreo and that oil development. must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppetl Floodplain Management Ordinance. The written notice shall be filed for record in the county Deed of Records and a copy of the notice must accompany the oppllcatlon for development permit. BE~IEL ROAD "Floodplain Development Permit Application N.o,,_C~ I__%_D_c~_~_A____has been of Coppell Flood,plain AdminiStrator on .... ~'~,. Oc~ .c~ ~ ...... 2003 ." ~-~~_. . _ ....... Floodplain Admt.nistrot Date. flied with the City Conditions per the Preliminary Pl~t o~provol: 1. G<~a~e$ to face, r~ ~ .sl~e lot. l~e~, 2, H~e ~iz~ to be e m~um 0f Z~ squ~re 3, A- m~um 6' unify, d~'~otivo, me, t~ r~ f~ce~ by staff ~e c~st~cted beh~d ~he h~e~ backing up to ~rope~ne ~Hngs Pork, VARIAN(~ES TO THE SUBDIVISION. OROtNANCE: f, No olley~ required. 2, P~mlt ~d;ne ~ntoble. curbs, 5. M~ntmum Street offset: Ot ~t~s~tt~ 0f 6ethel Ro~d, Ros~t C~tt and P~f~d~ L~e may be reduced to 85 feet c~lne to c~t~lne. LOT 'I"~ICAL TXU ESMT. 5' UT~JW ESt,IT, LOT £A~_rM£N? OWNERS OF LOT I, BLOCK "B" STEVE CHENG and GAYLE CHENG OWNERS OF LOT 3, BLOCK "B" CURTIS DAVENPORT and SUSAN DAVENPORT OWNERS OF LOT 6, BLOCK "B" DALE CLARK and LINDA CLARK OWNERS OF LOT 10, BLOCK 'B" VINCE MARGIOTTA and VIVIAN MARGIOTTA OWNER OF LOTS 7, 9 AND 11, BLOCK "B" HOLMES BUILDERS The purpose of this Amending Plat is to revise the Finish FIoo.r Elevations on Lots 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 in Block "B" NOTE: As part of all executed monetaw contracts, a disclosure letter must be given to MINOR AMENDING PLAT OF home buyers indicating: "Due to proximity of runways at D/FW Airport, residents of this subdivision may be subject to intermittent aircraft noise." LOTS 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, BLOCK "B" The City of Co.ppell wi'Il have no responsibility for maintenance of the floodway or ~,~~ ~=~~'~..~V"J~' floodplain areas as shown hereon. The maintenance for those areas shall be the sole responsibility of the individual lot owners if said area is within the lot area. These areas shall remain free of improvements that may obstruct flow of stormwater and protected from potential erosion by the owners. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL J. SIMMONS SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. 1296 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS AUGUST, 2003 SCALE: 1"= 100' This plat is an amending plat and has been amended in accordance with Section 212.0~ 6(?~of the Texas Local Government Code. Director of Plannin/ ~],~1~ ~ ~y__. ' Date¢ '/~' ~,.~ ENGINEER DOWDEY, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 200 PLANO , TEXAS 75093 972-931-0694 SHEET of 2 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § OWNERS CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION WHEREAS, STEVE CHENG and GAYLE CHENG, CURTIS DAVENPORT and SUSAN DAVENPORT, DALE CLARK and LINDA CLARK, VINCE MARGIOTTA and VIVIAN MARGIOTTA, and HOLMES BUILDERS are the owners of all those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land located in the J. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296 Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of lots 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, and 11, in Block "B" of The Reserve, an Additon to the City, of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 99249, Page 23, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, the owners of the property described herein do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as a Minor Amending Plat of Lots 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 an,d 11, Block 'B" of The Reserve, an addition to the City of Co,p.pelt, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the pubtic use forever, the streets and alleys, shown thereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, s.hrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Easements" as shown. Said "Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the "Utility Easements" and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said "Utility Easements" for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all or parts of its respective system without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyo0e. . r _ ~ WITNESS my hand at Copp.ell, Texas this the '~) day of ~")rC'p"~.l'Y'li~'~---f 20,03, LOT 1 , BLOCK"B" T ,B CK "B" Curtis Davenport LOT 6 , BLOCK'B" Dale Clark LOT 1 , BLOCK"B" / LOT 3, BLOCK"B" k,.s~sa'~'l~venp.ort -- ' LOT 6 , BLOCK"B" LOT 10, BLOCK"B" Vifice Marg~otta LOTS 7/~CK Terry Holmes LO~ 1,~CK STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for s.ai.d County and State, on this day personally appeared STEVE CHENG known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purp,oses~ and consi.der, gtion thereir!, expressed. GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the ~ . d ay of ~>2~. l~...,¢~, p(~ ./'"- 2003. Ngta-ry Pu ,n and'for the Sta~e of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared GAYLE CHENG known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, g~o and consi.de, cation t:herein, expressed. and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the p sea GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the ~ day of ~ ('>S.~T~ ~1~ ..4~JO~J' 2003. N~Cry Public i'g and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared CtURTIS DAVENPORT known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the ~.g,~ Ja,nu-a~ Cl 20C5 ~ day of ~ ~.S ~ L~.,4"- 2003. l'~ Publ~nd for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY O~F DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared SUSAN DAVENPORT known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ~ d a y o f. ~-.~ ?'~__~/~ 2003. G IV E~N, under my hand and seal~ of Office,uv~.~,~,~Co,,~.,...,~o.~thiSL S m,se~the~.,,.¢.~'~~~~,_,% ~--/~~¢. Texas ¢¢ ~,,~.. o4 :.~=~ .... ~ ~{~-~ Publ~ and fo.r the Sta~ o STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared DALE CLARK known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,' and acknowlledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consi.dera,t/on therein e~:pressed. GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the .-~ . day of ._~% ~LO'(-...r'J',R,Z'~.¢''' 20.03. ~,~ c,o,~-~;~o~ ~,~. Notary Publio~in an'd fo~"the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared LIINDA CLARK known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the p~p.oses and conside, cr-Ation,th.ereirl expre__ssed, GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the ~ day of, _"~f, ~'-'~'-~ YY')~ d~.~( 2003. u~o....~.~ ¢.~ ~0os NOtary Public in'~nd for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for sai.d County and State, on this day p.ersonally appeared VIVIAN MARGIOTTA known to me to be the person whose name is subscribied to the foregoing instrument, and acknowtedge.d to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the ~--2'-.,. day of q. 2003. %~,¢ ~,~,~.~.:.~ ~005 Notaw Public ~'and for't~e State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for sai.d County and State, on this day personally appeared TERRY HOLMES known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of said Holmes Builders, and that he executed the same for the purposes and co,nsideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. . GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this t:he ~ day of ~jJ~~~C)03, STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Sean Shro.pshire, a Registered Professional Land Surveyo,r, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual on the ground survey of the land; and the monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppel~l, Texas. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5674 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for sai.d County and State, on this day personally appeared Sean Shropshire, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribe.d to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this ~ ~ day of /~,.~.~.....,../z_ 20'03. "~R'-otarry,,p4Cblic in and for t,~Stat~xas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § Haley L Sm~se,k ~.v Ja,n ua~y 04 2005 BEFORE me, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared VINCE MARGIoTTA known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ~ day of ~'~,/'~'~)Z,~ 2003. GIVEN, under my hand and seal of office, this the No"~'r'y Public~r~nd f~r the State of Texas MINOR AMENDING PLAT OF LOTS 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, BLOCK "B" , THE RESERVE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL J. SIMMONS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1296 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST, 2003 SCALE'1'"= 100' ENGINEER DOWDEY, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 200 PLANe , TEXAS 75093 972-931-0694 '¢Z/O. 03039 SHEET 2 OF 2