P&Z setback requirements§ 12 32 2 COPPELL CODE 3. The front yard shall be measured from the property line to the front face of the building, covered porch, covered terrace or attached acces- sory building. Eaves and roof extensions or a porch without posts or columns may project into the required front yard for a distance not to exceed four feet and subsurface structures, plat- forms or slabs may not project into the front yard to a height greater than 30 inches above the average grade of the yard. (See appendix illustra- tion no. 7) 4. Where lots have double frontage, running through from one street to another, a required front yard shall be provided on both streets unless a building line for accessory buildings has been established along one frontage on the plat or by ordinance, in which event only one required front yard need be observed. (See appendix illustration no. 8) The minimum front yard setback require- s may be reduced by five feet in all single y except the 2F~9 district provided that at least 50 percent of the structures on a given block are set back an additional five feet from the original setback. The average setback would equal the original setback requirement. The purpose of this requirement is to encourage a variety of front yard setbacks along a street creating a more pleasing appearance of houses in the subdivision. In no case shall the front yard setback be less than 20 feet. (See appendix illustration no. 10). n.al platVarying setbacks must be shown on the approved in order to reduce normal setback re- q~uizement s. 6. Minimum front yard setbacks for lots with predominate frontage on the curved radius of a cul-de-sac shall be 25 feet if approved on the final plat. (See appendix illustration no. 14) 7. No fence, wall, screen, billboard, sign, struc- ture or foliage of hedges, trees, bushes or shrubs shall be erected, planted or maintained in such a position or place so as to obstruct or interfere with the following minimum sight line standards. (A) Vision at all intersections where streets intersect at or near right angles shall be clear at elevations between two and one- half Feet and nine feet above the average street grade, within a triangular area formed by extending the two curb lines from their point of intersection (see figure 4 of the subdivision ordinance) 45 feet, and connecting these points with an imag- inary line, thereby making a triangle. If there are no curbs existing, the triangular area shall be formed by extending the property lines from their point of intersec- tion 25 feet and connecting theses points with an imaginary line, thereby making a triangle. 8. Gasoline service station pump islands may not be located nearer than 18 feet to the front property line. An enclosed canopy for a gasoline filling station may extend beyond the front build- ing line but shall never be closer than ten feet to the property line. 9. Where a future right-of-way line has been established for future widening or opening of a street or thoroughfare, upon which a lot abuts, then the front or side yard shall be measured from the future right-of-way line. (Ord. No. 91500) See. 12-32-3. Side yards. 1. On a corner lot used for one-family dwell- ings, both street exposures shall be treated as front yards on all lots platted after the effective date of this Ordinance, except that where one ,street exposure is designated as a side yard by a building line shown on a plat approved by the planning and zoning commission containing a side yard of 15 feet or more the building line provisions on the plat shall be observed. On lots which were official lots of record prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, the minimum side yard adjacent to a side street shall comply with the minimum required side yard for the respective districts. 2. Every part of a required side yard shall be open and unobstructed except for accessory build- ings as permitted herein and the ordinary projec- tions of window sills, belt courses, cornices, and other architectural features not to exceed 12 inches into the required side yard, and roof eaves projecting not to exceed 36 inches into the re- quired side yard. (Ord. No. 91500) CD12:70