NLW East, Phase II : Curve Dafa .... :£ ........ .... Z..... .... .... ~00' ' 9'0~00' 15Z'06'58" '6' "29'47'16'"' ~9'47'16;' 29'47'l6;'' A 80"00' ~5.0' 50.0' 600' R ~47. 73' r/2 73' . D?.73' ~ 40.0' 25,0' ~.0' 806,4~' 4 T 39.89' 45.~' 5259' 7 T 40.0' 39,21' 7B~' l~4,~' b . 76.80' 89.80' 102.~0~ b 6283' 229,18320 114.59160 95.4~ D 38.~13 33. t~073 28,9~679 D 143,23950 1.14592 0.5?296 0.42747 ,~,, d 0,19392 0.16585 ,,,~ , ~,1~ ~ d 0.~1820 , , ..i.~,....~t__I _~ml~, , . , WHEREAS, MURRAY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION , a Texas corporation, ~¢ the owr~er of ~, ' a' tract of land situated in the James Parrish Survey, fibstract ~lo. 1139 City of Coppe11, Oalla~ -,-. ....: .... ' ~ County, Texas, and further being part of a 99.79 acre tract of land conveyed to J.P.D., I~lC., as - -.,., . . · ,' ~ecocded on 0ecembet 12 1973, D~llas County Deed Rpcords and being more part,cull'fly described 'lJ:"'" "' ' . .~,' :.. ~: ~ ,.'~.,": ,. ~ "I I.'?.. '.. ' , ,J.'h: ~' as follows: BEGINNING at a point along the South tine of Sandy Lake Road (a 60' R.O ii ) said point being N 89° 3t' 44" E, a distance of 485.17 feet from the intersection of the East line of Hoore Road (a 60' R.O.W.), and the said South line of Sandy Lake Road, an iran ~take for corner; 320.0' 3450' 3'70.0' ,.5T t75.0' i85.O' , 1950' 502.65' 541.92' 581.19' b 274.89' 290.60* 306.31' 17.90494 16.60748 15.4~535 D 32.74046 30,97070 0.08.952 0.08304 a07743 d O. IG370 O. 15 15°23'44'' I5°23'44.'' 15'23'~," A,~°0G'44" 2250 250.0' 275.0' R J0. O' 30.41' 33,79' 3'/.17' 6 T 2L60' 60.46' 67, 18' 73,89' L 41.72' 2546480 22.91832 20,83484 D 81,85114 0.12732 0.11459 0.[0417 d 0,40926 THENCE N 89° 37' 44" E, continuing along said South line of Sandy Lake Foad, a distance of' 1605.50 feet to the Northwest corner of '4oodridge-Sectfon Two, an addition to the City of a t~n corner Coppell, n i stake for ; TJ~ENCE S 0~ 01' 01' E, l~sving s~td South ]~ne oF Sandy Lake Ro~d, and ~lohg the Nes~ l~ne of s~id Woodefdge-gec¢ion Two, ~ distance oF g97.13 fee~ to an ~ron stake for cornet; LU · * ~ '" :: THENCE S 89° 58' 59" W leaving said West line of Woodrtdge-Section Two a distance of 125.0 :' feet to an iron stake for corner; / THENCE,.N 0° 0t' 0t" W, a distance of 16.03 feet to an iron stake For corner; SANDY LAKE ROAD b ~5'Util. E~m). 15'UhLE~n'L~ ~ b :.' ~ ,_ ~o [ ~ N69~3V'44"E ~ ~05.50' ~ ?O' ~fr~h P~d,'c(~I/On ~r F,ndy Z~e.,~cd ~ J .. ..~,~- ,, ,~ ~) ~ TI4ENCE S 89° 58 59" W, a distance of 50.0 feet to an iron stake for corner; ~'~"" --- ~ 25' ~s'~ ;?5' ,, % a distance of 904.96 feet to an iron stake For corner; ~ " ~ o. _n:~.~ ', ' , =. = =,1 I ~t "~[~. ; =~ = =[~ = ' ~',~..j ~ f<" .... "<~ ..~'~ Ti!ENCE S 8g©22 i E, a distance of 389.54 feet to an iron stake for corner; - ~ ? '~ ~ ~ ' ' ~'/-~ I ',~ ,t c4CE S 37 ,14" W, a distance of 125 0 feet to an iron stake for corner; ."~,' ~ _o Nc. , j ,, i ,, ' ,, ,, ,, ,? ,, '1~' 77' ~ - ~,HcNCE' N 22 1 E a distance of 6.21 feet to an iron stake ,for corner; . ~ :~ . ~ 3~o' ' EAOLE DRIVE ~:~.~:' ~ , ,j , line of Hoore Road, an iron stake for corner',  ........ ~ ............... ~ ........... ~X~ j N 0* 00' 46" E, a distance of 2g7.06 feet to an iron for'corn~r; ": ~': - N 2 09 13 E, a d~stance of 264.18 feet to an Iron stake for corner; , .' ~ ~ ,, ~ J ] ~:~ ~qJ ~]q~ ~J~ ~-/~ -/~l -1(~[ ~ : ~ ;~ -,J: ~ N 10o 55 56", E, a distance, of 205.76 feet to an iron. sta~e for corner; .. 22 : 21 :j 20 :J 19 : [8 : l~ : J6 ~ O : " 5~.718 acres of land. ' t'-': 88' 74' ',~' ,, ;5' I " ...... J '! J_ "~ ~L ...... :,- .....-. I~ ~ jJ~ Tt4AT, MURPAY 8AV1NGS ASSOC;AT[0N , a Texas corporation, does he~eby ~ N~9'3';'~"~ ~ ~a.35' ~. ~J 1 ___~ ~ this plat designating the here~qabove described property as Northlake Woodlands, East PhaSe 514.32' C& ~ : 'z2' ,, ,, ~' ~ ] ~ 6w~[Lo~ DRIVE -g':. ti - ~ ~'-~a~ addition to the City of Cocpell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to d '~,~ ~ use ~orever the ~reets and alleys shown thereon, and does hereby reserve ~he ease~en~ 125' r7 .... rtl-O'-'- vs-'q ~15 ~ 14 13 = 12 II~ 4j 0 j ~ 8 ' S~'O~¢' ' ~ ' ~ ' T'~ 0 : ' , .,.,, -, I ~ 2 · 3 4 ' 5 ? ' 8861' 72' ~' t~ r~ 72' 76' 98' - ~ O sm.~,, 1 ~% 7>-1 W3~ W~ ~ ~ 7~t7 7~ ,, r, . , - t, "' ' 74' I ~ tf 8,4;3' 30' BL, 20 ~! 21 = 22 23 : 24 ~ 25 = 27 : 28 ,' 73' 53. 58 SPARROW LAN E ~, - tf '/2' .08' 236' ~'---, 22.C~S' ~... 25 O5' ' 8~,9~' 60' 18 [9 73' '73' 17 = 16 = 15 SB9°37 %4"W ~, 655. Ail Lof Lines Are Radial Or Perpendfcgl To The 3treot~ Un[e~ 0therwi~e Norad Dy 8c~rinq, '"/ Lofs Recorde,~ In Volume = 14 = ~13 i2 " 11 ~ \0 a 1 65422' ~3' 53 58' / 656 24' qUAil. 17 L A N ~'d N ~9*3-~'&4"W ~ 776.74' 3 4 = ,5 PHEASANT LANE 73' 30'BL 6 : 7 , 8 9 S89°37'44"W ~ 802,74' N0°22't6"W "' 6.81 / Nodthtoke Woodlands East ~ Phase ~0 (,,, DJ t = L,J 0d © 125' 125.0 309o37'44"W CARDINAL LANE = 33 = ,904.95' ,,,.orth[oke Wmdland~ ao,,f '" Phase 34 35 = 36 , 37 g~ ~ .%_ , ~, '72' 81c5 J j?~'j2~'j:' ; -- r',ii ,~e.9 o8 o9 W 60o ~;i- ~ ' ::,> 3 59'58'59"W :,:5 NO JAMES PHASE WOO COPPc[.L PARI:~ISH ,SURVEY OALLAS COUNTY, 't'~XAS ' AfS0¢I ' ' MURRAy SAVING8 Al' '',; OWNER ' '13600 L.B.d. Freewoy, , Oarlond, Te 41 :s : SCO[e: I", JOO' , [ Jonuory I~ 1903 ~.f'any buildfngs, fences, trees, shrubs, or other growths or improvc~entr~4~ch in any wa~ % :.~atlger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficieccy of Its respective sY~'tem~ , ;~ o'n any of these easement strips; and any public utility shall, at all times, have th,~'~igh~ ~n§ress and egre~$ to and fr~q and u~on the said easement strips for the purpose o¢ const~tlc~nq, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or rer,~ving all of ',' respective system~ without the necessity, at any tine, of procuring the penM~$fon of an¥on~-~ WITNESS HY HAND at Coppell, Texas, this the_~___day of ............... ~~-~~.._ MURRAY SAVlNOS A'~SOC1ATION .: ' ; --" '- 'N- ''''~ ' ' i ', ' ' STATE OF TEXAS " ~: , _ , COONTY OF DALLFlSJ .; .... %, .. ASSOCI~IO~,k~n f~"~to be the person whose name ~s suoscri~ed ~o t~e foregoing ~,,d ,,,~,~,~~.>t~,¥~>¢'~at he executed same in the capacity therein stated, "~:.~e~ hot s exas . -- ... , ,,. SLJPJ,/EfC:'2'S CERTIFICATE , ..... ',?_32 ' LZ,:; i, ~ :.'.: :, C,('::i ,',. -:~, ,.h do qe~y -~ :ify ti~at I prepared *his plat from an actual and asc,~:Le survey ~f the land and [hat %he corner ~:onu:::ents show~ thereon were properly placed ,:nde,' "v ~ersc~al s.~servision ir: accordance with the Platting t~les.and Regulations of the ' ':; CoDpeli Texas ~ / ~'-- ~'N cq /. ~.~,~ ...... . .... '~,P:'T'7~-' T: ~hV%: 7 :t%~' ~-~-B~:~%~.:5~::%T ST,::: C'F TEXAS ~ CO~TY ~F ~A~LLA BEFORE ~E, the ur. dersigned authority, a ~ota~v Public in and %r said County and State ~n 3 ~T~' . t~is da~ ~ersona 3 a~3oeared ~O~t ~. T~ ~..,~, k~own to me to be ~he ~erson whose name is suDscribe~ the foregoing instr~?.ent and acknowledged to T:e that he executed the same in the capacity rIVEN UNDER ~Y w,~lD 3ND SEAL 0 OFFICE, this the ay of _ ~. , __ ~¢~~ :: ....... ,,~ ..................... ~County, Texas , No, ar/ ~ublic, Dalla ~, the undersigned, hereby certify that ~he above and foregoing plat o~ Nort~take Woodlands E~st Phase II, an addition tothe City o~ Coopelt, Texas, was approved by the CttJ Counci} of .~th~ Cit~ of Coppell on ~e day of ...... ....... ~ 198~. o h~l b invati~ unless th~ approve~ST for such addition ~s recor~ea in the urt~ce ot the ~oun~y ~lerk Oaltas~Count texas, within thirt ays from s d date of Final ~ppr · : /,,. ,. , ,'.~ ':~' _~ ..... CtT RY,':Ctty of Coppe .,. . ,;~ , ~' , ,. ~,,,