Carter Blks. 1&2N, $9: 35' '45" E, 386,65 I I I II I I III I1~1111111 226, ~8 230,$9 WEST 220,89 I °1 / / / ,$7 \, \ iO N,88:!47' 35" W, 230, O0 \ \ 160,75 g 170,75 BETHEL N,89¢35' ~8" E. \ \ \ \ g 282,00 167,75 '/ 20, 35 WEST \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I Iq,,25 175.00 o 18 173,6~._ 108, 59 ~, 178, LI3 WEST 180, 59 175,75 WEST 17'4, ~5 \ CURVE DATA cu ',E O © ® ® © ® 3, 0,0' ' o0' ' D 16: 20' 8: 15: 8' 12 RADIUS 358.10 286.~8 716.19 381.98 716.19 ~;77.~;2 TANGENT 99.31 261.89 206.28 7~.25 165.35 110.22 jjjJJJJ J O 0 J j SC,tLE: I = lO0' FO' /LER & GRAFE, INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS D~LL~S, TE~CaS LENGTH 193.75 ~2u~. 32 L~OI. 69 I qC. 67 325. O0 216.6'7 CARTER TO THE CITY ADDITION OF COPPEL L, TEXAS O NER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DALLAS ) WttEREAS, Donald J, Carter is the owner of a tract of land situated in the Alfred Logsdon Survey, Abstract No, 783, County of Dallas, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of 8ethel Road (qO.O foot right-of-way) with the West line of Moore Road (60.0 foot right-of-way); THENCE South 01~29'30'' West with the West line of Moore Road a distance of 987.63 feet: THENCE West with the South line of proposed Carter Drive a distance of 15.0~ feet to a curve to the left. said curve having a central ang)e of 31~00' and a radius of 333.10 feet: THENCE with said curve to the left in a Southwesterly direction a distance of 180.22 feet: THENCE South 59~00' West continuing with the South line of Carter Drive a distance of 288.59 feet to a curve to the right, said curve having a central ang)e of 8q~51'53'' and a radius of 311,q8 feet: THENCE in a Northwesterly direction with faid curve to the right a distance of q61,35 feet: THENCE North 36~08'07'' West continuing with the South line of Carter Drive a d stance of 201.~l feet: THENCE S,ou~h 53:51'53" West a d stance of 216.38 feet: THENCE South 01'i2"25' West a d stance of 178.88 feet: TIiENCE North 88~7'35'' West a d stance of 230.00 feet to a po nt in the West 1 ne of Carter's original tract: THENCE North OI i2'25" East with said West line a distance of 1239.~0 feet to the Northwest corner of said ~ract said corner being in the South 1 ne cf 8ethel Road (qO.O foot right-of-way): THENCE East with the South ine of Bethel Road a distance of 386.65 feet to the Northwest corner of a 2.2 acre tract conveyed to Shirley S, Ballard by deed dated October 22, 1966: TltENCE South along the West 1 ne of said 2.2 acre tract. 339.50 feet to its Southwest corner: T:iEHCE East along the South I ne of said 2.2 acre tract. 282.00 feet to its Southeast corner: "J~XCE North along the East 1 ne of said 2.2 acre tract. 339.50 feet to its Northeast corner in the $outr~ line of ~ethel Road: .~NCE East with the SoJth line of Bethel Road a distance of 70¢.15 feet to the PLACE OF ~:Gi~NING and containing 32.99 acres of land. SAVE AND EXCEPT the following described cc-,:tery tract: BEGINNING at a point which is South 01'29'30" West 861.22 feet amd West 398.9~ feet ~rom t~e intersection of the South line of Bethel Road with the West line of Moore Road: THENCE South 90.0 feet: THENCE West 2~2.0 feet: THENCE North 90.0 feet: THENCE East 2~2.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNIHG and containing 0.50 acres of land and leav- ing a net acreage of 32.~9 acres of land. NOW. THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY TtMESE PRESENTS: That I, DONALD J, CARTER, do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as CARTER ADDITION to the City of Coppeil, Texas, and, I do hereby dedicate to the Public Use for- ever the streets and easements shown thereon. ~ ~ ~]~_.~"~&/w,~ WITNESS my hand at Dallas. Texas. This the ~2 day of ~ _. 19 ~ STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DALLAS ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, on this day ¢ersonally appeared DONALD J. CARTER, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER HY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE. th s the . ~ day of , 19_~ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ENGINEER S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we do hereby certify that we prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under our personal supervision, in accordance with the Subdivision Rules and Regulations of the City of Coppell~/~Texas, ¢ STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DALLAS ) t, ¥ .SI','EN UH3Cq HY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this day 3e~sonall/ aooeared PETE STYNER, JR. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed ~o the ~c¢*'.:¢i¢g instrument, amd acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the pur- poses and consideration ti~erein expressed. NOTARY PUBLIC I~ !ND FOR DALL~,S COUNTY, TE~,S ,~PPROVED 'AND ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY ~EVISED 1-23'73 ?~-I