Harrison Estates II 19772 LoT 3 ti ~J Y "t' PY ROAP ,.?- T-,&-/-A,/- ~OT ~ ~4 I1 11~ I II IIq I I I Ilqlfl I IfiI I $: BILL? ,/. ttA. RISON 4 IftlE R O I,' I' E I O X I6 g tl CITY Of COPPE LI. , fg',f 4 4P IL, I 77 COUN'Pf OF DALiAS ~q{E?F~.S '~'e, Billy J. Harrlssn ~d wife, A~ie L. }{arris~, are the owners of a ~ract ~ land situated in the ALPZ~iD ~]~N SUR~, AgSTI~JCT ~O. ~llas C~nty, Texas, and bei~ part of a trac~ of l~d conveyed f~n E. E. Jacks~ by deed r~:orded in Vol~e 6'.~93, Psge 0655 in the Deed R'a~ords of ~llas C~.mty, Texas, a~d be~ more ~%icularly descriled by metes and b~mds as B~OlN~4l,q, at a ~int for co,--e,-..,, . in the Southeast co~mer of Tot.. 5 P,l~k of Stripz:felle'....'Jztior., an addition +-t ae City of Copula, Yex~ accordir4 to the plat rezorded in Voluen /,~7, Fs~e 1'~ in the ~,fap Eeco:-]s of ~al!as Co*mtM, Texas, sa're bafc~ ~o,.:th 01 de~ree 55 minutes 45 s~onds West ' ,, .,. South line of Sandy b~ke Road with t"" line vf ~jo,~re R~'ad: ;~t:,~ South ~I ~-ree.._.~ ~.., :n~n,_ltes 4P s~onda '~'est a al'stance of 26];52 feet ..... ~. Moore Road to a ~tnt for .... ,'r,- S~th ~9 de~:rees 21 rX~ut~s West a dist~e of 502 50 feet to ~ ~nt for ' ~ ~':C~-' O0 .... s ~ t,t-.~,, ~ h'orth d.~.ee, t.I minutes 20 se,:~v~s Ecs+ a .i, .ance of 26~ to a ~int for .corner, said ~int beip~ the f~lthwest .come:' of ~t o ::,~,~]~ A ~.el.o~ Addition; of said Str~ ~'~ "' T]~]NCE North 8~ degrees 21 minu~s East '~ith the ,5~th l~ne of said Strir~fellow Addition a dlst~ce of 508.~0 feet to the ~I~ OF BEGINNING ~d C~TAIN]NG 3.0541 acres cT l~d. NOW, TILEiV(~CP26, ~ ALL VfEN BY T~E That We, Billy J. Harrism~ and wife, A:~ie L. Harrison do adopt this plat, d~si~na'tt~ the he~inabove described p~r-ty as I{ABJ~ISf$~ ~2~AT~ NO. an addition to the City of Cop~li, Dallas Co~ty, Texas; snd do hereby dedicate to the ~blic ~e forever the streets and alleys shown thereon; ~d do r~serve the easy, hi stri~ sho~ on this plat for the mut~ml ~ ~d acc~ation of all ~blic utilities deslr~k~ to us~ or usi~ the s~me. ~blic utility shall have the right to r~ve and keep r~no~d all or of s~ ~ildi~s, fences, trees, shm~bs or other imp~v~.entsor g~"as in a~ way may en,da~er or inter,re with th~ constmiction, malntena:me efficiency of its r,s~tive syst~ on ~ of these easement st~i~; and ~lblic utility shall at all times ha~e the full right of i~ress and ~ress to and f~ and u~n the said eas~nt st~i~ for th, ~!r~se of ~nstm~ctlr:~, ins~ti~, r~onstm~cti~, ~trolli~, mainta~ni~ and addirg to or all or ~s of its resistive syst~s ~ith~t th~ n~sslty of a~ tim~ ~urri~ the ~ission of ~one.~ ~_,,,~ ~9'~. ANNIE L. ~ISON 6~A~ OF TF~ C~ OF DALES ~bl~c in ~d for ~llas Ct,~tv, Texas, t~ ~, the ~dersi~ed, a Nota~ ' ~ ~ this date, ~rs~ally ap~ared Billy J. Harrison, kno.n to me ~rsonail~ to be the ~rsan whose nmne is subscmlbed to the foregoir~ instrument ~d acknowledged to me that he ex~uted the same for the M~r~se and consideration therein exp~ss~d. GI'~N '~DFR MY ~L~ND A~D SEAL OF OFFICE THIS Z~ day of ~~ 1077. ,..'~ jt_ i ~-Z~, ~~ J as ~ unty ~FF'OP2~ ME, the undersigned, a Notary' ~(~!ic in and for ~a~ ..... ~': tai~ date, ~r~r.a~z~, appeare~ '.r. nie ~. Harrison, known t-me peri, or, airY to "'e the :~:-son whose name is ..~ubscri'zed to the fore~{oir~ instrument and t]'~t'~fn expre'.,::eS, T!L\T', James Pe',,eF, do here;-: '..e:'tif':,' ..,:at pre~ared, this ~t, ial and accurate s.~rvey outhe land and that all blcok monuments and corners were placed lnde? Wc ~tsonal st~r'/~ ,~ATE OF u~+a~-- r.'X~c in ~d for ?.~l!as.. ~ unt':, , Tex~:, on this date, ~rsonalkTap~ared Ja',nes ~ewey, kno~ to ,r,e personally to be ~rson ~hose n~e is subscribed to the fore~y:fr~ instr~t:ent to me that he ex..areal the sa~r~ for the 71rl~se and consideration therein ~xpressed. 'lIVEN,,tNTM, V'T' .,~..~ ' ,',-" . ....... ..... I hereby certify that the above and foregoirg plat of Itarrison Estates ~o. II Addition t the C~ty of Cop!>~ll, Te'xas .~.'3 ~ppr~ved by the City 0o~fl of the cit'/ of copp~ o~ th~ This approval shall ba invalid ,~less t;i~ aEp~ plat for such addition r~orded in the ~ftce of the Co,~ty Clerk of Pallas C~W, ]'e~as within thirty (YO) d~ys frr~ said date, of fLnal aporov~l, '~ITN?i~ MY HA}ID THIS ~ ~ __ ~,., ~ . ~~. '