FP filed w/County - 1985 1 2 3 7 9 lO ll CURVE CENTRAL 13°53 28" 13°53 25" 13°53 28" 35°54 32 37°30 30 10~05 28 A7~35 58 23°53 55 'l 7°06 05 41 ~00 O0 49 °00 O0 49' UU UU'~ S. 15' 22'28"E. 28,03' % N, 88'3 I' 00" E, 46.36' R.~O US 578.00 "50 300,OC 350.0:3 520,00 520,00 520,00 200,00 200.00 200,00 200,00 48U,~U © o © N. i, ~9, 00,, W' A, 18o38'57'' R, I00.00' T,16.42' L,32.55' IIII ~ II , N89'55' 02" E t63.60' 389'55 38"~ 147.20' $89°55' DATA TAngENT TO.,;1 3& 55 ? 23 63 i 76 56 ~5 91 229 34 42 33 30 07 7~. 78 91 15 Zi'd,}5 LE",GTH 140,13 36,37 72 73 237 68 340 42 91 58 432 O0 83 42 59 69 143 12 ltl C4 N.7~* $7 ' 3&" ff.. S. 60° ZZ' ~" ff.. , 3?2 ~ zo,O0' Z\ .$\' 2O 16 14 13 12 11 9 d' 13' 53'28" R' I 06.00' T'12.91' L'25.70' /0.65, 6' 17~14' 55" ~' R. 550.00' T.85.42' L,t 5,5§' /" " '%, 2, GENERAL HOMES COP, PORAT!CN A. 13' 53' 28" R. 727, 00' T. 88,56' .176,26' '~ ,o i° 4 60' HARRtSON ti 12 a'~ 13., :o 63' I6C 7 5 ~ IOa.03' '5e' GO" 2 N88~31' O0"E 714.33' 20' ALLEY N ~6¢29 00'~ ~ ~ ,,6; I G : :S i ~ 63 20' AL._E r ' PLACE t t6. tg' ,:---i~'~,_ ' 25 k, 8,3 ° 3 t' O0"E i 23. 79 22 ~4~95= - ~ $ 21 $ 26 $88o31'00"',~ ..~ t04.88' 104' o 20 ® $ 27 ....... e ............ +-T~ ~ L i ~1 7 } 3.2 ~,' 60' $6 -;5 50' 50 I 60' i 5 60' 20' ALL EY 60' 60 50 50 60' 60' 5 14 -a ol 60' f ID 20 ALLEY ~'h 73 24' 60 I 60' I I PARR STREET NOTE:EACH CORNER TO BE MONUMEN'rED wit H 1/2" IRON ROP, rrb'~TY OF ~"' i. AS J _,r~,, t!O~ES CORPORATION , is thC owner of a tract of WNEREAS, OF i~'- '<rIL land situated in the B.B.B. and C.R R. Company Survey, Abstract ~o. 200, and the Alfred Logsdon Survey, Abstract No. ~83, Callas County, Texas and also being part of those certain tracts of !and as described in deed to Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II, as recorded in Volume 81239, Page 1382 (Parcel 2) and in deed tO the Parks of Coppell 3oint Venture as recorded in Volume 81239, Page la61 (Tracts l, 2 & 4), Dallas County Deed Records and being F~re particularly described as follows: BEGIhNING at a point in the west line of Ceforest Road (a variable width ri.iht-of- way), said point being N. 1~29'00'' W., 19.~4.34 feet from the intersection of said >,.est line of Ceforest $oad with th.e north line of Sandy Lake moad (a variable width right-of- way); in of a curve to the ,~u,~E S. 88~31 O0 W., 1.~6.50 feet to a point for the beginn g having a central angle of a~~O0'O0'' and a radius o~ 510.00 feet; r!'ghtT:Sr4CE along said curve 436.16 feet to the end of said curve; TPEhCE N..:2'~29'00' W., 4;5.,14 feet to a point for the beginning of a curve to the left having a central an'~!e of 47~35'58' and a radius of ~90.00 feet; -.:;,,r= ,I-.~..] ~id curve 407.08 feet to the end of said curve; T.~:"~CE S ~"~'C2" W. i,:} 20 =eet to a '?oint for corner; ...... " 6~.20 Feet to a point for corner' .-:,CE $ 15:22'28 W, ' ' - ' - a curve to the . o: 55 02 E , 163.60 feet to a 7oint for the beginning of r~ht hevi,',g a central e,-,ale of l f~14'55'' ar, d a radius of 550,00 feet; ~'~_ OE ~l.3rq seid curve 155 58 feet to the end of said curve; T-["CF q ;~.~ 5F : ~f¢ 13 fret -, , ~ __ .r~ o",d of sa~d curv~; ,,.[, :c ~ c",': said c.,;,',~ ~2,55 f~t t3 "~ , - , '~: .., ,.,,. , ' - .,r- th~ _._~i'";'~g o .- - c t6,36 ,,_,..o ?:o,2~3 reef '0 > , :,., r,.~ rc;r'n ", . , (% Ti."','.2{ ",.,',;'3/'3~ E , ;',t) feet te -.,c~n: ,' "1:7"'32' : 't;o ',R fn~t to ~ -:,- rot CO:ce:", '- ..... ' - ' -""~ ...... r~ Of a :,3,'~3 ;::" a ,':',:',s :'; ,%:. } :' :: a e'-:u' rg ',. , ' ~!i 5', ............. ' '-'"'' : /',' ~3 rr.,~, *o ~ ::s:~'r "hr ,C3r'r,z~ in t'e abc,,,:~ described "-- ' " . ......... "re ..... c "- '' -' E ...U :'~at *EXAS POWER ':4,1',S P,;D ESM'T '~ CC EASEMENTS ~e:3re "e, tr.e jr-,]g,-s'$qgt~, a ',.',L3r',' 2JD],iC ~q and "-~ said Ccunt/ '~ r'i'J State / 3 6 LO'rS its duly authorized Ottlcers, uuu~ ~cu7 ~uuv ...... described property as PARKWOOD, SECTION ONE, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets and easemeqts sho,~n thereon. The easements shown hereon are hereb~ reserved for the purposes as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improveme~ts or growths shall be con- structed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Ease~e~ts" a~ ~hown. S~id "Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and acco:~odation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall h~ve right to ~ove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the ccnstruct~on, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the "Utility Easement" and all public utilities shall at all timeSts,~ave the full right o~ ingress and egress to or froq and upon the said "Utility Easemen for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrollin~, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its re- sion of anyone. spective system without the necessity at any time Witness my hand at ~allas, Texas this the/~day o~~~ A.D., 19~4. ATTEST: GENEraL F, OHES CORPORATION Before re.e, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fo,' said CounLy and State, on this day perscna!ly appeared H~CHAEL S. GA'/;N, kr, o>n to me to be the person whose is subscribed to the foregoing instru:ent and acknowledged to :e that he executed the sa:e FILED FOR PtECORD - FEB. 24, 1984 - VOL, 84040, PG, 3014 for the purpose and considerations therein expressed, Giver un. der n..y hard and s~al of office, this tYJ~ day ot~~'& A.D., - '/>- SU~'/EYOR~S CERTIFICA____T_~ 198¢ ~, STATE OF TEX,~S J CCUhTY CF D,~LLAS t ,, v-,, ' That I J G TkREASSILL do hereby certify that K,~v~ ALL ,,~., BY THESE PRES~h'TS: , · . ' ; prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land; that the corner mor. u:ents shown were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with ti~e platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. ~g(2r'tered Public Surveyor STATE OF TEXAS j COUNTY OF DALLAS J Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared J. G. THREA~GILL, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoi~,g instrument, and acknowledsed to me that he e×- ecuted the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the/~_~Ty of_~/~~A.D., 1984. ! i RECCI~MENDED FOR A?PROVAL: PI ~ nn i nc City o and Zoning Com, r. issic, n r.o~p, ell, Texas Date cretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the f©regoir, g final ?lat of ~ne PARKWOOD , SECTION OSE Su to the City of Ccp~eil was sub?-~itted to the City Council on the /~ ~ay l~~ nd the ~ouncil, by for;~.al action, then and there accepte~ ~ dedic~on of stFee~s , ' ' ' ~' ir, and urcn said plat, and said Council further authorized the Hayor to note the ,--'~ <~Ce t},2r'eOf ~, si,:;:-,i:,,; ?~is r':a;'e as hereinabove subscribed. 'Nit:,ess ~"y hard this ~ [lay. of ,- A,D., ,. , FINAL PLAT ? PARKWOOD SECTION ONE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL ABSTRACT NO. ~OO B.B.B. ~ C.R. R. SURVEY , LOGS00N SURVEY, ADSTRACT NO, 753 DALL AS COUNTY , TEXAS JANUARY , 1984 SCALE; I"=100' OWNER GENERAL HOMES CORPORATION 5151 9ELT LINE ROAD -- 5UifW_ gOO PH,(214) 385-3227 - DALLAS , TEXAS - 75240 T tREADOILL DOWDEY ond A550GIATE5 CONSULTING ENGINEERS INSURANCF bANE DALLAS ~ TEXAS PI_ rK NO.