CC approval on 11/11/03AGENDA REQUEST FORM COFPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: November 11, 2003 ITEM ti: 11 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 2, Block B (PSINet, Addition, Lot 1, Block 1), Site Plan Amendment, to amend the Site Plan to allow for a covered structure to be erected over an existing parking area on the west side of the site located at 1333 Crestside Drive. GOAL(S): APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ;~ ~ ,ol,~ ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve M - Tunnell S - Suhy Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: October 16, 2003 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Milosevich, Kittrell, Halsey, Borchgardt, Foreman and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following condition: (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. DIR. REVIEW: FIN. REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 Document Name: GlNL635BP SPA I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 2, Block B (PSINet Addition, Lot 1, Block 1), Site Plan Amendment P & Z HEAR1NG DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: October 16, 2003 November 11, 2003 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: 1333 Crestside Drive. Approximately 6.5 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan amendment to allow a covered parking structure over 28 existing parking spaces. APPLICANT: Dan Meeks Crestside Facilities Corp. 1333 Crestside Dive Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-8623 FAX: (972) 471-3845 HISTORY: Page 1 of 3 On July 14, 1998, Council approved a Site Plan and Minor Plat on this property to allow for the construction of an 80,000 square-foot office building. At that time, the proposed user for the property was a call center. Although the building was constructed and the site fully developed and landscaped, it was never occupied for that use. Item #10 TRANSPORTATION: On March 14, 2000, Council approved a Replat and an Amended Site Plan for this building to allow for the construction of a 20,120 square-foot courtyard area addition to house mechanical equipment to serve a start-up internet access provider, PSINet. Unfortunately, they occupied this building for less than a year. In August of this year, staff administratively approved a Minor Amending Site Plan to allow for the closing of one driveway and the widening of another, with a gated entrance and additional landscaping. Because this request also received support from the Fire Marshal, it was administratively approved. Lake Shore Drive is a concrete street with a 41-foot pavement width within a 60-foot right-of-way. Crestside Drive is a concrete street with 37-foot pavement width, within a 60-foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -Office; LI (Light Industrial) South - vacant; A (Agriculture) East - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) West - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for Light Industrial/Showroom uses. DISCUSSION: Page 2 of 3 This request is to add covered parking over 28 existing parking spaces along the west side of the building. The covered parking will be made of a "sunbrella" fabric, similar to the material that was approved at the Park 'N Fly project along 1-635. However, to be more compatible with the main building, the fabric will be terracotta in color. A minimum of 80% of the height of the poles will have a brick veneer, matching the brick of the existing building. The portions of the poles and supports that will be exposed will be cream colored, complementing the accent color of the main building. The approved Landscape Plan for this project shows one Chinese Pistache tree in the island, between the two rows of parking, and one Red Oak in each of the parking Item #10 islands at the end of the parking rows. However, two Bradford Pear trees were planted in the center island, in addition to the Chinese Pistache, along with a Bur Oak in the north island and an Ash tree in the southern island, instead of the approved Red Oak trees. The additional trees in the center island are not required per the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance, and the applicant is concerned about the long-term viability of these trees and has requested they be relocated to the south side of the tract, behind the building. Staff is in support of this relocation and is requesting that the applicant specify the new location. This covered parking request is in compliance with the zoning regulations (i.e., adhering to the masonry requirements with the brick veneer) and is attempting to make this addition aesthetically compatible with the color scheme of the existing building (utilizing terracotta and cream). It is also in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANN1NG AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the amendment to the Site Plan to allow for covered parking for Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 2, Block B (PSINet Addition, Lot 1, Block 1) subject to: 1) Specification of the location of the two (2) relocated Bradford Pear and one (1) Chinese Pistache trees. ALTERNATIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) Site Plan Plan View and Front and Side Elevations Page 3 of 3 Item #10