Landscape Plan .' ~ ~:. ,C * - ~'~ 2 FINISH FLOOR ':~' ~"": ~"~ /~ ELEV=532.00 1 ~ .: ~ J / FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION=526.00 LAWN, HYDROMULCH BERMUDAGRASS, TYPICAL b,, 69'4G'21 ' R=455.00' L=55&SS' T=~16.96' C8=$ 55'31'48' W CO = 520,15' N 89'36'34" W 254.69' P,~mT OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 84-203, PG. 1835) (FILED '0/15/84 PAR- OF "TRACT 4." (VOL. 96055, PG. 04179) ('~'LED 05/19/96) 12,136 ACRES 528,625 SF "'/E FREEPORT NORTH LAND ,, ~.TD FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION=526.00 CREEK !VIE W DRi VE LOT 3, BLOCK A LOT I, LOT 2, LOT 3, BLOCK A, FREEPORT NOI~TH (VOL 2000102. PO. 4826) FRE~T NORT~ CVOL ~.4203. Po, ~,,~) NLE- --'- '~ ' 5 i ~}SED 36" HT, - 40" Hq BERM~ J. ¥'AU_ T (~LEP~'GNE) -ELE O'z:: [,NTERIO R LAN DSCAPE Requirements: 10 % of gross parking area to be landscace. One (1) tree per 400 s.f. of requked landscape area. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. Contractor shall ve~f,/all exlsting and proposed site eiements and notify Architect of any discrepancies. Survey data o" ex;sting conditions ¢¢aa suppiled by others.. Contradot ~t'~l !ocate a~l exist;rig ,~rde~ro,und ~i,ties and noti~ Architect of any oorrfl]~ta. C~etractor shall ~a~i~ tauten ¢/¢en '~od4,ng in tihe v!cinit'f of ~nderg ~ourd Jtilities. 3. Contractor ;s responsible ¢or obtaining all required 'ardscare and irrigation permits. 4. Contractor to pm'dde a m:[nimum 2 % sioc, e away from all structures. 5. AJI planting beds and ra~m areas [o ce secarated by stee~ edgirg. No steel to be Instatled adiacent [o sidewalks or cutes. 6. AJI landscape areas to be 100 % irrigated with an Jrde~round automatic irrigatk~ ~stem, 7. AJI law~ areas to be Hydromu:cr~ Bermuda~rass. unless other4,se noted on tfe drav~ings~ COPPELL NOTES I. Irflgatton contrdler shall include a surge protection de,Ace, freeze detector, and rain ~ensor. 2, Landsca¢~ plans shell be signed and ~ealed by a licensed Landscape Ambitect. 3. irrigation plans shall be signed and seated by a ;Icensed irCga~on Cesig~er, 4. Irrigation meter ~ill require assessment by the City of Coppell Water UUli~es, ~1 Landscape areas to be 100% ilmgated with an adomadc underground iuigatlo~ system. MAINTENANCE NOTES I. The Qwr, er, tenan,t and their age,,t, ;f any, shall ~e jointly and severally mponsible for t~e maintenance of ail !a~dscare. AJI landscape shall be maintained i~ a -eat and 0rder~ manner at ail times. This shall include recycling, edging, pruning, feddlizJng, watering, ¢¢eeding and ot~er suc~ a~(t~ea common to landscape maintenance. AJI landscape areas shell be kept free of trash. [i~ar. ~eeda and e~-er such mater!'al or plants ~ot part of k~{s plan, All plant matedal shall be maintained in a health7 and condition as is aperoodate for the seaso~ of the year. 5. All ptant mateda~ '~Joh d~e~ shall De repiaced with piar.t ma(er'a~ of equal or better value, Contractor shaft provide separate bid proposal for one year's maintenance to begin after ~rali acceptance. LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERIMETER LAN DSCAPE Requirements: Street Frontage shatl co~t,ain a 15' landscape buffer with one (1) tree per 50 If. and 30" hr. parking lot screen:: hedge or berm, Pedmter landscape areas shall co~tai,n a I0' landscape buffer along property lines with one (1) tzee per 50 I,f, Creetcdew Drive: (999.65 I.f,) 14,995.35 s.f. Required Provided (20) Trees (21) Trees evergreen hedge hedge/evergreen trees Royal Lane: (610.07 I.f.)9,15105 s.f. Required Provided (13) Trees (20) Trees evergreen hedge hedge North Property Line: (915.56 I.f.) g,155.6s.f. Required Provided (19) Trees (16) Trees evergreen hedge hedge West Property Line: (743.85 I.f.) 7,438.5 s.f. Required Provided (15) T~ (16) Trees evergreen hedge hedge Perimeter Landscape 40,7405 s.f. Parki,ng Lot: 142,5~7 s.f. Required Provided 14,256.Ts.f. (13~) 23,521 s,f, (16.49 %) (36) Trees (72) trees OPEN SPACE Req,uirements: 15 % of lot not covered by buildings to be landscape oran Brace, One (1) ~ee per 2~ s.f. of o~en spa~. TOTAL LOT AREA: (Excl,usN'e of building): 361,586 Requ ired Provided 54,237,9 s,f, (15%)) 130,048 s,f. (15,6%) (22) Trees (44) trees SUMMARY Total trees req,uired:: Total trees provided: Total site area: Total landscal~e provided: (125) Trees (I 27) Trees (127) Ornamental trees, 5" hr. 528,623 s,f, 194,309.5 s.f. (36.7 % of total si~) PLANT LIST Tf~EES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. SIZ~ Juniperus drgin:rana Eastern Red Cedar 88 7' ht. Pinus nigra Austrian Pine 34 7' hL Taxedlum diet,chum Bald Cypress 29 4" cai. Querc~s ¥tq~inians L~e Oak 39 4" cai. Quercus shumardli Red Oak 26 4" cai., U~m,u$ crassSolla Cedar Elm 54 4" cai. B&E~, full to base, 4' sprd. rain. B&8, fuji [o base, 4' spread B&B,I 3' hr., 5. sprd mJn,, matchi~,g B&B, 13' bt., 5' sprd mJn., matching B&8,13* hr., 5" sprd min., matchmg B&8,13' hr., 5' serd min., matching NOTE: ALL T't~EES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHI;NG WI~H,IN '¢APJETIE8 SHRUBS,' GROUNDCOVER BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. S'.ZE REMAndS Juniperas chinensis 'Sea, teen' Seagreen Juniper 261 5 gel. cent. full, 20" sgread, 30" o.c. Cynodon dec,Ion Common Bermudagrass n,ldromuJch NOTE: P!ant llst rs an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall ven'~ ail qua~tit;es on plan. A~I helghts and spreada a~e m,inimums~ All plant matedal shall meet or exceed remarka as indicated. ATTACHEr:, C .t.,. PACKET PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL PLANT TYPE AP Austrfan Pine CE Cedar Elm ERC Eastern Red Cedar LO LNe RO Red Oak BC Bald Sea. green Juniper 20 40 80 Bmr I:andscape architects, i,nc, 1708 N. Griffin Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Td 214.871 0083 Fax 214.871 ,~ Email smr~smr-la.com LANDSCAPE PLAN ': !;&,¢/ I ¢ LOT a, BLOCK 3 ...... ," ~ ¢~ "~_ ~.-~j~ ~ ~ ~" __. / L .%-FREEPORT NORTH ADDITION / C?: ,oK NO: DWG NO: 2052-27