Freeport Replato r~ TE VIE W ..-- ..._. 1/2-INCH IRON~''''''''''- BOUL E VA R ,I ROD FOUND (C.M.) --] PART OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 84205, PG. 18,:'55) PART OF "TRACT 4" T/E FREEPORT NORTH LAND II, LTD, (VOL. 96055, PO. 04179) A=I 5'28'1 O" R=515.38' L=139.15' T=70. O0' CB=N 82'39'21" _---'~'~ .~ ~POINT IN CREEK 150 DRAINAGE EASEMENT---, , / ...~ (NOT SET) ~ / __ ~ ~- ~ ., __ ~ (NOT SET) .. _. ¢ / E . CD=I 5.8.75'V ~ .. LiMiTS OF FLOOO ZONE ,,~ ,.. ., ,,, ,,..-, I . (BY mis PLAT) Z~--. --0 JOG j> zI ELECTRIC EASEMENT LOT 3, BLOCK 5 / 20'X2OiBy THIS PLAT) FREEPORT NORTH '~,..] 12.136 ACRES 528,623 SF ELECTRIC EASEMENT MIN FINISH FLOOR (BY THIS PLAT) ELEVATION = 516.00 24' EA SEN EN T (BY THIS PLAT) = 100' R.O.W. 1/2-INCH IRON-~' RO0 FOUND (C.M.) N 00'10'10" 224-.95' 1/2-INCH IRON ROD j W/ 'SUMMIT SURVEYING" CAP FOUND (C,M.) TEXAS POWER &: LIGHT CO. EASEMENT (VOL. 4504. PG. 121) (W~DTH NOT GIVEN) 24' F1RELANE EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) L2 c2~ / ~ /-1/2-INCH IRON L9 PO0 FOUND ~01 ' / __ _ /c9 J ....,.. ~ . I~ N 89'36'3~ W ~..~'- ~ lR:455.00'--~ ' -..- _- ._-..- ·. / J I=OIo.~o CAP FOUND ~ ICB=S 55'31'45" W , zo'x~o' w,~, OT ~EASEMENT L 6, BLOCK A mis P~T) / FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 2000102, PO. 4826) FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 84205, PG. 1836) VICINI T Y MA P (NOT TO SCALE) 50' DRAINAGE EASEMENT VOL. 84205, PC. 18,35) LOT 5R2 REPEAT OF A PORTION OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 95245, PO. 2050) DERSE ASSOCIATES DALLAS, L.L.C. (VOL. 97041, PO. 2089) POINT OF · .-1/2-INCH IRON ROD ,16 I//w/'R LS 560" ,lB VI cA , FOUND ,.- ,h-N._ 446,10 % k~, , , ,, w un, vt ~I/2-1NCH IRON PO0 J W/ %UMMIT SURVEMN'G" J CAP FOUND (C,M,) Rick Ffeld;¢2 VERI ZON (972) 888-~J44 Date of Approval (272) J18-0652 (214) 320- 74~04 S~te of Approvqt Dote of Appr¢vqt 0 50 10 '0 20'0 30'0 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LINE TA3LE UNE LENGTH BEARING L2 555.57 N 89'55'55"W L3 150.92 NOS'O4'OS"E L4 191.22 N 07'31 '18"E L5 503.91 N79'23'O5"E L6 124.19 S70'49'13"E L7 312.74 S00'23'05"W L8 5.12 NOO'24'Ob"E Lg 269.78 N 89'35'55"W L10 19.76 N51 '17'44" W Lll 210.64 NO3'OA'O3"E L12 191.22 NO7'31'18"E L13 503.91 N79'23'Ob"E L14 133,12 S70'49'13"E L15 45,33 S89'3T57"E L16 19.43 N 89'37'57"W L17 301.66 S00'23'05"W L18 / 1.84 N8g'35'55"W L19j 5.12 S00'24'05" W COMCAST Juan Z¢pata LOT 4R REPEAT OF A PORTION OF FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 95245, PG. 2050) WEEKS REALTY, L.P. (VOL. 98107, PG. 115) CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C2 39'44'53" 513.80 185.73 356.44 S70'45'53"W 34.9.34 C3 132'10'37" 30.00 67.66 69.21 S63'01'15"E 54.85 C4 71'51'47" 76.00 55.08 95.32 S43'27'12"W 89.20 C5 29"47'42" 76.00 20,22 39.52 N 85"43'04"W 39.08 06 71'12'18" 30.00 21.48 37.28 N35'13'OA"W ,~.93 C7 9'0'01 '00" 30.00 30.01 47.15 N45'23'35"E ,1,2.43 C8 90'00'00" 30.00 30.00 47.12 N 44'35'55"W 42.43 C9 45'13'34" 489,80 204.01 386.62 S68'01'53"W 376.66 010 101'40'27" 30.00 36.83 53.24 S05'28'07"E 48.52 011 52'56'56" 84.00 41.83 77.62 S 23'24'15"E 7~.89 012 71'51'47" 100.00 72.47 125.42 S43'27'12"W 11'7.36 013 29'47'42" 100.00 26.60 52.00 N85'¢3'04"W 511.42 C14 18'48'44" 100.00 16.57 52.83 S80'13'35"E 32.69 015 89'58'58" 30.00 29.99 ¢7.11 S45'22' 34" W 4.2.42 C16 90'01'00" 54.00 54.02 84.84 N45'23'35"E 7(¢,38 Cl 7 90'00'00" 30.00 30.00 47.12 $45'24'05" W 42.43 OWNER'S DEDICA T/ON. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, TiE FREEPORT LAND It, L TDo does hereby adopt thls plat designaUng the herein described property as Lot ~, Block J, Freeport North, an add/t/on to the C/fy of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dod/cate fo the pub//c use forever, the streets, dleys, and easements spec/fled as dedicated to the pubUc shown thereon, The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated, No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shdl be constructed or placed upon, over or across the 'Utility Easements' as shown, Said 'Ut/I/tx Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public uUIiUes desirin~ fo use or using same. Alt and any public ut/l/fy shall have the right ~a remove and keep removed dl or ports of any buildings, fences, frees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, porto/ting, maintaining and adding to or removing from all ports of its respecUve system , within said 'Utility Easements', without the necessity qf any Urns of procuring the permission of anyone. Notwithstanding the forgoing, TiE FREEPORT LAND II, LTD reserves for themselves, their successors and assigns the right to use lhe surface of dl such easements for installing landscaping and /rr/gqUon systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and fo construct and maintain pavin9 on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. witness my hand at Coppelf, Texas this the __ day of TiE FREEPORT NORTH LAND It, LTD, a Texas llmifed partnership By, Ernerson Partners, /nc,, ifs general partner · 200~, 'fit/e: STATE OF TEXAS C'OUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME. the undersigned author/fy, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared ~ known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consJderqUon there(n expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this__ day of Floodplain Oe velopm en t Permit Apptica t/on No. on . 200J, , 200J, Notary Public /n and for the State of Texas Wy Camm/salon expires: Roodplain Administrator . has been Ned with the City of Coppdl floodp/aln admimYtrafor The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies ~hat the forgoing Plat of Lot J, B/ack J, Freeport North, an qddiUon fo the City of Coppe(l was submitted to the C/fy Council on the __th day of_ , 200~, and the Council, by formal acUon, then and there accepted ~he ded~cqUon of s~ree~s, qlle~, parks, easements, public p/aces, and water and sewer fines, as shown and set forth [n and upon sold plat. and $q/d Council ~r~her qu~hoWzed ~he ~q~r fo note ~he acceptance ~hereof by m~nfng hfs name as here(n above subscribed. MTNES$ MY HANG, this ~ doy of , 200J, City Secretary, City of Coppelf, Texas Recommended for Approval: Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Approved and Accep ted: Mayor Date City of Coppd/, Texas NO TE; 1, Bearing system for th/e survey /s based on a bear(rig of South 00'2J'2~' ~est for the west right-of-way line of Royal Lane qe described in "Tract 4" of q deed fo TiE Freeport Morth Land II, LTD. recorded in Volume g6055, Page 04179 of the Deed Records of Do/fas County, Texas. 2. SMewalks will be constructed at the expense of the property owner when deemed necessary by the City Engineer. 5. The City of Coppell will have no responsibility For maintenance of the floodplain/floodway areas as shown hereon; however, the C/fy does have ~he authority fo regulate actMfy i'n Ihs ffoodway/ffoodplaln as per the City's Floodplain Oral/nonce. The maintenance of these areas shall be lthe sole responsibility of the individual owner,s) ad. latent to said areas. These areas are fo remain free of improvements that may obstruct the Row of storm water and protected from potential erosion by the owners. No Fences will be allowed in the floodplain, dong with any o~her structures q$ per ~he City'~ Floodplain Ordinance. 4, (C,/vl.) - Controlling monument IIII I II1' I 111119 II II I III I I II III I 0 WNER'S CER r/FICA S TA ~ OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS TiE Freeport North Land #, LTD, is the owner of a 12.1J6 acre tract of land dfuafed in the William K. Pakne Survey, Abstract No. 1140, Dallas County, Texas, said ~rqct be/ng part of Freeport North, an addition to the C/fy of Coppelt, Dallas County, Texas according fo the p/at thereof recorded ;n Yo/ume 8420J, Page 18J5 of [he Deed Records of Odla$ County, Texas, sold tract dso being a porUon of the some Uqct of land described as Tract 4 in q Special Warranty Oeed from TlS Cen~[eport Euild~ng~, Ltd. to TlS Freep~t North Land /1, L~. receded in Volume 96055, Page 04179 of the Oeed Records of Dotfos Counf~ Texq~; s~fd 12.1~6 acre Uqct being more porUc~/qdy described BEGINNING, at a l/2-inch iron rod with 'Summit Su,rve.~ng" Cap found at the most southerly point of a corner dip at the intersecUon of the north right-of-way fine of Creekvfew Drive (q 610 foot w/de right-of-waX) wHh the west right-of-way fine of Royal Lane (a 100 foot w/de right-of-way); THENCE. North 89 degrees, J6 mlnufes, J4 seconds H/es& dong said north right-of-way fine of Creekdew Dr/ye, q d/stance of 448, 10 feet fa q 1/2-inch kan rod found for corner; sold point being ~he beginning of q tangent curve to ~he left; THENCE, in q sou[hwesfedy dkecUon, don9 said north right-of-way fine of Creek~ew Dr/ye and dong said tangent curve to the /efta halving a radius of 455,00 feet, through a cenUd angle of S9 degrees, 4J minutes, 21 seconds, qn ara distance of 55J. 68 feet, on q chord beaWng and distance of Sou~h 55 degree~, Jl m/nufe~, 45 second~ ~est, 520.15 fee~ to o 1/2-inch kan rod wi~h 'Summit Su~ng' cop found for corner on ~he east fine of q Uqcf of/and described /nq deed ~o Fellowship of Las Col/nas, recorded ~n ~du~ 94091, Pq~ 1880 of ~h~ Oeed Record~ THENCE, North O0 degrees, 10 minutes, 10 seconds H/est, deparUng said north right-of-way line of CreekZew Drive and along sam east fine of sold Fellowship of Las Colinas Uqc& a d/stance of 224,95 feet taq l/2-1nch kan rod found for corner;, THENCE, North 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 58 seconds East, continuing dong said east //'ne, a d~sfance of 518.81 feet to q point /n Cottonwood Branch for corner; THENCE, deport~hg said east line, dong the centertlne of a 150 foot w/de dralnaqe eo$,ernento generally dong sa/d Cottonwood Branch the following ~hree (J) cd/s: North 74 deqrees, 55 minutes, 1S seconds East, q d/stance of 519.87 feet to a point for corner, said point be~hg the beginning of q tangent curve to the right; /na northeasterly dkecUon, dong said tangent curve fo the right, having a radius of 515.58 fee& through a central angle of 15 degrees, 28 minutes, 10 seconds, an arc distance of 159,15 fee& on q chord bearing and d/stance of North 82 degrees, ~9 mlnufes, 21 seconds East, 1~8.7~ feet fo a point; South 89 degrees, J6 minutes, J4 seconds East. a distance of 254.69 feet fo a polnf for corner on the sa/d west right-of-waX//'ne of Royal Lane; THENCE, South O0 degrees, 23 minutes, 26 seconds H/est° dong said west right-of-way llne of Royol Lone, a distance of 588. 76 feet taa 1/2-inch iron rod with 'Summit Surveklng" cop found for corner; said point being the most northerly comer of said corner dip; THENCE, Sou~h 4.5 degrees, 2J minutes, 26 seconds H/est, dong said corner clip, a distance of 21,21 feet fo the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAiNiNG, 528,62J square feet or 12. 156 acres of/and, more or /ess. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF OALLAS KNOH/ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That /, James A. Koch, Jr., Registered Profess~and Land Surveyor, do hereby cerUfy thqf I prepared this p(qf from on actual and accurate survey of the land; that the corner monuments shown were properly p/aced under my personal ~upervfslon in accordance with the ptafUn~ rules and regu(oUons af the City af Ooppell, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS PRELIMINARY RELEASED 10-28-0,3 FOR REW:EW PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. James A. Koch, Jr. Registered Profess(anal Land Surveyor No, 4888 COUNTY OF OALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, q Notary Pub/lc in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me fo be the person whose name /s subscribed fo ~he foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for ~he purposes and cons(deraUon therein expressed. GIVEN UNOER MY HANO ANO SEAL OF OFFiCE this day of , 200J, Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Cornrniss~on expkes: O H/N ER : TiE FREEPORT NOR TH LAND I/, L 172 CiO EMERSON PARTNERS, /NC. 46rS LOVERS LANE, SUITE 197 OALLAS, TEXAS 75225 E F IPILAT FREEPORT NORTH LOT 3, BLOCK 3 BEING A REPLAT OF 12.1,36 ACRES OF FREEPORT NORTH LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE WILLIAM K. PAYNE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1140 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS I&4 8350 N CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 972.235.3031 SRD TEF 1"=100' 08/25/05 1958-05.200 DWG FI'LE: 1958-03.200RP.DW(