PP attchd to CC 12/9/03 packetPD-LI N 0 TEl! ISLAND TO BE M, BY H,O,A, LOT "Xt" .C:I HO-C JWl Additl'on VoI, 20'01165 Pg. O098 Robert E. LewEs and wife Judith M. Lewis Voli20102049 P9.7114 Camiffe Juroszek% 5' Access Esm t. .... / 12 / CONTROL MONUMENT IR 1" / S 87'35'5,,t" g Open Space (HOA) STARZYNSKt, ANTHONY J 15 J S 87"36'53" E 95. 71' 9 S 87'$5'55" E 114.25' (HOA) ._.- ____. X4 Jean Murph Vol, 84048 Pg, 6358 coEed 0,10 Dc Charles R, Price Vo1,98160 Pg.5529 coiled 0,2111 acres / / ¢ 1oo:o5'- 5' Access ,:5 180,69' StR S 89'44'33" E 9g, S 89'44'35" E ~'/ 113.37' S 89'44'3,3" Open Space (HOA) / / 4 15' B,L. 6 10' Sidewalk 32. 62' 42. 00' .. 33, O0ii ! s 89'4005 35, 00' 42. 00' 51.5~. NeD 42.00' r D F 15' B,L. FIR- 1 "-- x / ,NTROL MONUBE,NT LOT ~ 2 42. 00' W 33. 00' / / ~ / I I / / / / / 4 5 .42oo"' -- I I I I Jal~t Khorrgmi Voi, 200113~P~. 1167 coiled 0,/422 acres 1 / / I \\~ // ive 15' B.L. J 50, $ 7' 478.38' PD-89t(SF7) 29Z, ' X5 Coppett Road Business Pork Vot. 87106 Pq. 4593 ................ LINE ~'~BLE"' LINE LENGTH] BEARING L 1 25.00' N89'SJ'J4"E L2 13,12' S87'52'J7"E L,,t 24.84' S00'06 '26 "E L4 ,,,1.5,75' ,. S29_'07'56"E CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD BEARING 01 100.00' 15'12'15" 26.54' 26.46' Na2'oJ'59"W 02 100,00' 15'12'15" 26,54' 26,46' 582'03'5g"E CJ 100,00' 15'12'15" 26.54' 26.46' NO2'45'49"E C4 100.00' 15'12'15" 26.54' 26.46' S82'45'49"W C5 50.00' 18'15'02" 15.90' 15.85' Nog'47'25"W CS 50. 00' 25'12'24" 20. 25' 20.11' NJo'ao'oB"w C7 50,00' 64'29'45" 56,28' 55.36' N74'2/'11 c8 50, oo' 17'17'30" 15, o9' 15, aY s~4'45'oa"w C9 50.00' 24'07'16" 21,05' 20.89' S44'O2'42"W C10 50,00' 25'40'41" 20,66' 20,52' S20'08'44"W Cl I 50, 00' 52'28'28" 45, 79' 44, 21' 5t 7'55'50"E C12 50.00' 4,5't2'.4s,~, 25,00' 25,00' J LROY, ROBERT F 14 70, 07' \ h \ N J /. J J LOT 1 1oo.~6' \ \ 11 \ 98. 00' I f 12 Open Space (HOA) g& 00' 15 gB, O0' x 14 gB. 00' / / ( / \ \ f gaoo' X7 Open Space (HOA) / X8 J 9& 00' 98. 00' N 89'55'3~" / / Open (rbA) J J I ...... Black A Lot ~ Area 1 11,848 2 4,587 5 5,416 4 5,410 5 4,542 6 5,526 7 4,524 8 5,594 9 5,518 10 5,809 11 5, 248 12 4,116 15 4,116 i4 5,254 15 5,254 16 4,116 1 7 4, 900 Block B Lot //I Area Is.f,) 1 11,107 2 4, 200 5 5, JO0 4 J, JO0 5 4,200 6 5, 02 7 Block X Lot ~ Area (~.f..) X1 148 X2 2, 581 X5 1,866 X4 5,81 7 X5 5,199 X6 1, 4 70 X7 1,470 X8 1, 50 7 X9. , 1~500 SLt~ZIA, JOHN LOUIS JR ~J 15 1/2" t / / / 'SS o\ ) I / / / I / NOTE: All on-street parking spaces to be mointaned by the HOA /UMBUWALA, HOM'2 c~ /DtAhtE / / is 1 I Copp ell, ~/itloge ] Vol. 80247f Pg, O001 / / ~ / / / . 1/2" / / ROBINSON,/DO~LD R / ,~ 7 / Phase P ase Twb / / X Acces~ / / Esm t. / / / ~ / / / / /, I / / PD- O (SFV)/ / / / / iI I I I I I ~so~, iE~tc s, \by ~ I I I I I ~ I ,/ / / / /--JANE U K~USSE LF EST / / I I ~ 2o / / / / / I / I I O~ER'S CERllFICA TE WHEREAS, R,L. Robertson, LLC, is the owner of o tract or parcel of land situated in the J.W, Anderson Survey, Abstract No. 18, in the City of Coppett, Dallas County, Texas, being the total of three tracts (.1). the 3,165 acres tract described in the deed to R,L, Robedson LLC recorded Volume 98170 Page 5891 in the ~ollos ~ounty ~eed Eecords,(2) the 0,2580 acres tract described in the deed to R,L. Robedson LLC recorded in Volume 981~9 Page 2900 [n the DCDR, and (3) the 0.4223 acres t/oct described [n the deed to R,L. Robertson LLC recorded tn Volume 2001165 Page 4850 in the OCOR, and being more particularly described os follows: BEG~NING at o found 1 inch ~ron rod on the east right-of-way line of South Coppell Road (60' wMe right-of-way) et ~he southwest corner of sam 3.165 acres tract and the northwest corner of Lot 2 of "Coppefl Road ~um~ess Pork% on oddiUon to the City of Coppell recorded [n Volume 87106 Page 4595 [n the Dallas Counly Mop Records; ~ENCE North 00'00'00' East, 257,94 feet olong the east fine of South Coppell Rood ~o o found ~ inch iron rod; ~CE South 88~2'01' Eosh 160,69 feet along the south side of the 0,2111 acres tract described ~n the deed to Charles R, R[ce recorded ~n Volume 98160 Page 5529 h the DCOR to o set ~ ~nch tron rod with C~P cop; ~ENCE North 00~7'45' Wash 156,52 feet along the east side of sam Charles R. Price tract and conUnu~ng along the east sma of the 0,10 acres tract described ~n the deed to Jean Murph recorded h Volume 84048 Page 635~ ~n ~he CDR and along ~he east side of the tract of land described in the deed to Robert E. Lewis and wife, Judith M, Lew~s recorded in Volume 2002049 Page 7114 ~n ~he OCOR to o found 1 ~nch iron rod; ~ENCE South 87'55'55' East, 297,63 feet ~long the south sma of the "J~ Add~Uon% on odd~Uon to the CRy of Coppell recorded in Volume 200116~ Page 0098 [n the Oollos County Mop Records, and conUnuTng along the south side of Lots 15 and 14 Block G of the "Coppel,l Vi'lloge% on oddRton to the City of Coppell recorded ~n Volume 80247 Page 0001 in the Dallas County Mop Records, to o found ~ ~nch iron rod; ~ENCE South 00'06'26' East, 599,09 feet o/onE Ihs west sides of Lots 15 thru 20 Block G of sam "Coppell Viffoge" ~ o set ~ ~nch fron rod; ~CE North 89'40'05" ~esf, 47&58 feet along the north side of Lot I of son "Coppell Rood Bus[ness Pork" ond the 0,422 ocres described ~n the deed to Jolol Khorroml recorded ~n Volume 20011J9 Page 11~7 [n the DCOR to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 166474 square feet or &8217 acres of ~ond, more or less, NO~ THEREFORg. KNOW ALL MEN BY 7~ESE PRESENTS: That R.L. Robertson, LLC is the owner of the herein described property, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as OLD COPPELL TOVt~IHOMES. on addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the pubffc use forever the streets and alle~ shown hereon, ~e easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for public utiliUes, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all pubffc and private utilities for each particular use. ~e maintenance of pov~ng on the utility access and fire lane easements ~s the responsibility of the property owner, No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements os shown, said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and occommodoffon of olt public utiliffes using or des~Hnq to use the some. All and any publ[c utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed oil or pods of any build~nqs, fence~, trees, shrubs or other ~mprovements or growths wh(ch in any way endanger or interfere with the consfrucUon, maintenance or efficiency of its respective s~tem on the easements and oil pubffc utiliUes shall at oil times have the right of ingress and egress ~o or from and upon the sam easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstrucffnq, potrolffng, mOinto[nin9 and oddinq to or remov{n~ alt or parts of ifs respective s~tems without the necessRy at any time of procuring ~e permission of on.ne. ~y pubffc utility shall have the right of rngress and egress to private property for the purpose of reodln~ me~ets and any molntenonce required or ordlnorily performed by the utility. ~is plat approved subject to plotUnq ordinances, rule~, reguloUons and resoluffons of the City of Coppelh Texas. EXECU~D thls the day of , 2003 0 wn er R,~ Roberfson, LLC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, on this dote personally appeared , known to me to be the person and officer whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 2003. Notary for the State of Texas My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CER TIF1CA TE I, Thomas C. Holland, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plot from an actual on the ground surve7 of the land, and that the corner monuments shown thereon were placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulaffons of the City Pton Commission of the City of Coppelt, Texas Thomas C. Holland Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2036 date STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ktE, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and far the said County and State, on this date personally appeared Thomas C. Holland known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated· GIVEN UNOER MY HANO ANO SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of , 2003, Notary for the State of Texas My Commlsslon Expires The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the preliminary plot of the "OLD COPPELL TOWNHOMES" on odditlon to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the .... day of , 2003, and that the Council, by formal action, then and there approved the preliminary plot and by separate motion designated the Planning and Zoning Commrsslon to be the Municipal Authority responsible for the approval of the Final SubdMslon Plat of such land and the Final Subdivision Plat of such land need not be brought back for final approval of the City Council unless, through inaction on the part of the Pfannlng and Zoning Commission, such F~nal Subdivision Plot is deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for failure to act within the 30 day period required by low, W~tness my hand this day of , 2005. City Secretary City Secretary Final Subdivision Plot approved by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the day of , 2005, thereby occeptlng the dedication of streets, alleys, porks, easements, pubffc places, and water and sewer lines, os shown and set forth in and upon said plat and authorizing its Chakmon to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinbelow subscribed. Chairman, PIanning and Zoning Comm;sslon dote City of Coppell, Texas A TTESD Secretary, Plonnlng and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas dote FI. OOD PLAIN NOTE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agencys Flood Insurance Rate Mop titled 'Dallas County, Texas and InroaD. rated Areas, Mop Number 48115C0155 J, Effe. c, tive Date August 23, 2001, the land described in this mop of survey ls located within a Zone X (unshaded), whlch is defined on the mop as Areas determined to be outside 500-year flood plain"; 'Floodplain Oevelopment Permit Application No. , 2003. has been filed with the City of Coppell Roodplain Administrator on Floodplain Administrator date "The developer, builder, seller, or agent, shall inform in writing, each prospective buyer of subdMdon lots of property located within special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in on Identified flood hazard area and that all development must conform to the prorslons of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance." Basis of Beoring: Deed to R.L. Robertson, L.L.C., Volume 98170 Page 5891 40 20 0 40 80 1" = 40' SAhDY LAKE RD. ~. ~...~Project i Site BETHEL ROAD SOUTHWESTERN . BELT LINE L.B,J. 655 LOCATION MAP LEOEND B.L.= Build~ng Setback Line SIR= Set Iron Rod I/2' with C&P cop FIR= Found Iron Rod · " SiTE DATA t Proposed Use: M~n. Lot Size: M~n. Unit. Size Max. Bldg. Height PD-197R--TH-1 5000 S.F. 1500 S.F. 28' (To Mid Point of Oable) Land Area: 5.81 Ac. (Totol) 5.1,3 Ac, (Townhome) 0.68 Ac. (Commerciol) Density 7.0 Units/Acre (Townhome) 2, g4 Units/Acre (Commercial) 15~ Open Spa.ce (Townhome) (12,956 SF) Gross Building Areo: Coverage: 85,177 SF (Townhome) 54Zo (Townhome) Min. Min. M~n. M~n. Front Setback Rear Setback Front Entry Garage Setback S~de Entry Garage Setback 15' 15' 20' 15' Front Setbacks Setback Avg. 457 L.F. 20.81 Feet (Bosed on 21 Lots) Sideyard Setback Sideyord Setback Avg. PRELIMINARY 58,84 ft. C.C. PACKET / pEA-T OLD COPPELL TOWNHOMES 21 RESIDENTIAL, 2 COMMERCIAL LOTS LOTS 1-17, BLOCKA LOTS I-6, BLO BEING A 3.8217 ACRE TRACT IN TtlF_~- ~ -"~'~. J. W. ANDERSON SURVEY, ABST. NO/,;~, CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Owner/Developer En g,nee rX%¢,~!Irveyon .~'/ 122~! ~¢rff Drive, Suite 7~0 1801 G~tcw~y BNd,, Suite 101 Da]las, Texas '/5251 Richm'dson, 'rexes '7~080 (9V2) 2 0-2 0 ( V2) 44-2 00 Fax (9'/2) 73~-99'7~ Fax (9"/2) ~44-2~ 1'/ Oct. 6, 2003 Job No. 02052 Sheet 1 of 4