Attny ltr re Fire Code reqmts.Jun-16-2003 06:4Epm From-WINSTEAD SECHREST & MINICK/I
June 16, 2003
T-gZo P002/003 F-g$o
di~cT dial: 214 745.5149
j marshall~
VIA FAX 972.304.3514
Mr. Travis Crump
Coppell F~re Administration
500 Southwestern Blvd.
Coppell, TX 75019
Re: Fire Code Requirements for Old Coppe]l Town Homes
Dear Mr. Cramp:
Thank you for taking the time today to meet with myself and Kurt Jones to address
application of the Coppell Fire Code to the Old Coppell Townhomes_
Pursuant to our meeting, it is our understanding that in order to comply with Section
503.1.1 of the Coppell Fire Code and its requixement for an unobstructed pathway, the developer
of the Old Coppell Townhomes agrees to the following:
The fencing separating the Townhomes will be made of decorative iron or another
"open" style.
The fencing behind and between the Town. homes will not exceed a height of four
Gated access between each Townhomc will be provided by gates without latches
so as to provide full time access across the backs of the Townhomes.
In lieu of a masonry wall along the boundary with the Commercial lots, a
decorative iron or other "open" style wall will be allowed such that fire hoses may
pass through the wall mare easily.
Each of the above restrictions will be included as a part of the restrictive
covenants for the property.
By ensuring that the above conditions axe met, the iment is to allow the Fire Depeub~ent
to have unobstructed emergency access to all of the buildings located within the development.
Finally, as you noted, the two units on the development plan which are designed as standalone
umts will not be required to comply with the above or to be sprinldered.
Jun-lB-ZOO30B:4~pm Fro~-WINSTE^D SECHREST & MIHICK/I +214-745-5~g0 T-gZO P.005/003
T~avis Crump
June 16, 2003
Page 2
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
hesitate to conta~[ mc.
If you have any qu~tions, please do not
~. M~shall
cc: Kurt Jonea, (via fax 972.735.9976)
Gaxy Sieb, City of Coppell (via fax 972.304.7092)