Eng. ltr. re violationsTo-' From: Date: MEMORANDUM FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERINg[':: tll i:, Chief ~se, Fire Dep~ment Greg Jones, Building Official Pe~ Kittles, Enviromental Health Officer Gle~ Hollowell, Assist~t Director of Public Works G~ ~ieb, Director of Plying L~is, Construction Inspector Jan~y 29, 2~4 RE: St. Andrews Estates From the physical activity observed on the above-mentioned project (the former Service Center site) it appears that the owner/operator, Holmes Builders, has been issued a demolition permit for this site. Field observation made on January 27tn at 1:30 p.m. shows the owner/operator to be outside of many of the regulations set forth by City of Coppell ordinances, the State of Texas and the federal government. A short meeting was held on January 28th with a representative from Holmes Builders to discuss some of the issues relative to the site. The purpose of this memo is to provide information related to the limits of a demolition permit. The activity apparently encompasses removal of all paved areas around the existing structures including the driveway leading to Deforest Road. It is my concern that during the removal process, Holmes Builders has made no provision to protect the quality and soundness of services in the fight-of-way and easements that belong to the City of Coppell (water, se;ver and emergency access). There is also a concern that proper drainage has been altered. In addition to the concern of maintaining the soundness of services is the concern that utilities - water, sanitary sewer, electric power, underground gas lines and oil/grease traps - appear to be in service and have not been properly disconnected or removed while the work activity is taking place. Various individuals are working in, around and over these utilities which presents a safety concern, as well as concern that there is no protection from ingress/egress to this site for the general public. The representative from Holmes Builders was requested to make immediate temporary corrections to alleviate some of these concerns. He was also encouraged to contact various City divisions for assistance in these efforts. It is my understanding that the owner/operator has followed through with plat requirements although, as of this date, the plat has not been filed. The Engineering Department has not, as of this date, approved any construction plans or permitted any construction activity at this location. We respectfully request that you provide any assistance needed to the owner/operator in the proper methods to achieve compliance in all areas. Please contact the Engineering Department at x3679 if you have any questions. Attachment - Letter to civil engineer for St. Andrews Estates "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING - EXCELLENCE BY DESIGN"