Eng. ltr. re compliance to Ord.COPPELL January27,2004 Pete Hennessey, P E Hennessey Engineering, lac 1417 W Main St, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: St. Andrews Estates Dear Mr. Hennessey: It has been brought to our attention that work activity has begun on the above refferenced development. We would like to make you aware of the adopted ordinances related to approved development activity in the City of Coppell. Under the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell, some of these requirements are based on federal and state laws regarding development in floodplain areas of which the above is adjacent to and a portion o£ Hereafter listed are some ortho most important requirements for development on this tract: 1. TCEQ - the contractor will be required to develop and implement a site specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) in accordance with the conditions of the Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Construction Permit (TXR 150000) prior to construction, and submit a Notice of Intent to the MS4 (City of Coppell) 2 FEMA a flood study must be submitted and accepted with all applicable fees paid and ali data necessary for conduct of the review included. The City of Coppell will issue a Floodplain Development Permit after acceptance of' the submitted data by FEMA and subsequent issuance of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision. ]fa Letter of Map Amendment is obtained, then a permit will be issued after receipt of the LOMA by the City. 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Code - Ordinance No 91514 was designed to minimize erosion and sedimentation from private property onto public rights-of-way, making it unlawful to permit a public erosion nuisance and providing for a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of $500 per day during which a violation occurs 4. Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 91500-A-203 - regulates the removal and replanting of frees during development, requires a Tree Removal Permit when removal is necessary, and authorizes a City representative to place a Stop Work Order on any activity in violation of Section 34-2 We respectfially request that you immediately contact your client, Holmes Builders and make them aware of the federal, state and local requirements that must be adhered to prior to a~ny work activity of any kind taking place in the subject location Please contact this office so that we can discuss with you your clients' compliance to all applicable laws and ramifications of failure to adhere to those laws Construction Inspector C¢~ Holmes Builders Ken Griffin, PE., Director of Engineering & Public Works Keith Marvin, PE, Civil Engineer Suzan Taylor, CIP Coordinator Gary Sieb, Director of Planning Greg Jones, Building Official John Elias, Parks Operations Manager Dick Hightower, Operations Manager, Denton Co. Levee Improvement Dist.