P&Z ltr. re apprvl on 12/18/03COPPELL December 19, 2003 Mr. Terry Holmes The Holmes Builders, Inc. 1406 Halsey Way, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75019 RE: Case: St. Andrews Estates~ Lots 1-24X~ Block 2~ Final Plat Dear Terry: This letter is to inform you that the St. Andrews Estates, Lots 1 through 24X, Block 2, Final Plat, to allow a 23-1ot single-family subdivision, and one common area lot, on approximately 10 acres of property located along the north side of DeForest Road between Prestwick Court and Stratford Lane, was recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, December 18, 2003, subject to the following conditions: 1 ) All conditions of the preliminary plat are followed. (See attached letter to applicant dated September 10, 2003.) 2) Tree mitigation plan will be followed (reference John Elias e-mail attached) and a reforestation fee in the amount orS11,800 will be paid. 3) Stonewick Lane alignment is acceptable to all parties. 4) Homeowners Association will be formed to maintain all conmaon property. 5) Resolve outstanding floodplain and drainage issues with Engineering. 6) Receive written permission from adjacent property owner to the west that realigned Stonewick Lane is acceptable. 255 PARN WAY * P O BOX 478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 7 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at this meeting, which will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304- 3678. Sincerely, G eb, AICP Building Inspection file · H J. C I T Y 0 F COPPELL Septcmber 10, 2003 Mr Terry Itolmes The Holmes Builders 1406 Halsey Way, Suhe 100 Can-olhon, TX 75007 RE: St. Andrews Estates~ Lots 1-24X~ Block 2~ Prelimina~ Plat [)ear Terry I'his letter is to infbrm you that 'the St Andrews Estatc~L~ot~s I th~ou h~ Block 2. Preliminm-/ PJa!. to alia,.,, a 23-1ot single-i~miI), subdivision, and one con.non area. lot, on approxlmalely 10 acres of prope~ Iocated along the no~h side of [)eFore~t Road beh~een Prestwick Cou~ and Stratford lane, ~as approved b~ the Coppell CiO, Council on Tuesday. September 9, 2003, subject to the tbllo~mg conditions: " 1) The cul-de-sac shall not exceed 625 feet in lergtb. 2) Final approval of the alignment of' tt~e extension of Stone',.,.ick Lane 3) Council granted '~'.ai,.ers of the '~,al] height/setback and alley requirements 4) Specie, that the contmon landscaping a~d wall easement ':~iil be maintained by the I~OA Ensure that a com~ecting side,aalk v, iil be constructed betv,.een Lots 14 and 15 bnder>,andmu tha~a 52,000 f]ood stud), re',,~ev, It'e ~ill be paid Io Ihe C ),, and no de~-eloprnent will be allo:,.ed ira floodplain a~eas until all appropriate approvals are obtained 7) No struc utes or fill 'o, iH be altcm, ed in the revised f'loodplain. 81 Engineering x',iiJ require additional m£om']ahon on the grading plan 9) Detennmahon and approval of the final tree mitigation plan