Ltr.-P&Z cont. to 11/20/03 T H E C I T Y 0 F copP-ELL October 17, 2003 Mr. Kurt Jones 117 Cascade Way Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Case No. PD-197R~ Old Coppell Townhomes~ Detail Site Plan Dear Kurt: This letter is to inform you that on October 16, 2003, the Coppell Planing and Zoning Commission voted to hold open and continue the Public Hearing for Case No. PD-197R, Old Coppell Townhomes. Detail Site Plan. zoning change request from PD-197-HO-TH-1/C (Historic Overlay-Townhouse 1/Commercial) to PD-197R-HO-TH-1/C (Planned Development-197 Revised-Historic Overlay- Townhouse-1/Commercial) to attach a Detail Site Plan to allow the development of 21 residences, a recreation area and two commercial lots on 3.81 acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road, north of Bethel Road, to its November 20th meeting. ]'he Commission's major concern was with the townhouse renderings. You've been asked to research period architecture based on the Old Coppell Master Plan to establish a historical difference in this area, using more Colonial/Victorian style architecture by vaD'ing roof pitches/gables, raising porches, varying the use of brick, wood and stone, offering more two-story structures, garages be more side-entry vs. front-entry, unique front doors, raised entrance ways, etc. A committee consisting of Rick McCaffrey, Anna Kittrell and Drew Halsey was named to sit-in on discussions with you and staff after preliminary sketches have been drawn up. Please contact the Planning Department as soon as possible with revised elcvations and renderings so that this case can move forward. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, i' A.I.C.P. 'oab~n~ogn, L.L.C. Building Inspection file 255 PARKWAY ~ P O BOX 478 * COPPELL TX 75019 ,~ TEL 972/462 0022 ,*, FAX 972/304 3673