CC approval on 1/13/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: January 13, 2004 ITEM #: 16 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Coppell/121 Office Park, Lot 2, Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximate 8,288 square-foot one-story office building on 1.1 acres of property located along the north side of S.H. 121, approximately 1,134 feet west of Denton Tap Road. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ABOVE DATE GOAL(S): · Motion to Approve, subject to conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 14 below M - York S - Faught Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: December 18, 2003 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with Commissions McCaffrey, Milosevich, Kittrell, Halsey, Borchgardt, Foreman and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: CONDITION NO. 6) 2) All work must be coordinated with the construction of the main lanes of S.H. 121. 4) During engineering review, additional easements and/or utilities may be deemed necessary, and drainage issues will continue to be evaluated. 6) The deceleration lane on S.H. 121 must be constructed with this phase. All work, including this lane, must be permitted by TxDOT and constructed according to their standards. 7) The proposed waterline from Denton Tap Road will have to cross an open drainage channel. Provide a profile of this area with the engineering plans. (SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR MORE CONDITIONS) DIlL REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 FIN. REVIEW: CM REVIEW:.-,74 ~ '~ Document Name: ~ 9Cop. 121OPL2 SP 1-AR COPE-ELL AGENDA REQUEST NARRATIVE COPPELL/121 OFFICE PARK, LOT 2, SITE PLAN CONTINUED CONDITIONS: (CONDITION MET) 9) : .... ,~; .... ~ ....... u~ e:*= o1,, (CONDITION MET) tum..~ ............................. D ............................v ..... as tkis ....... * ........ a ~.., 'r..r~r (CONDITION MET) are. a~J ...... n~o, c`: .... cc, ...., .....~n..~. (CONDITION MET) ,^,, ...... ,o r~,n:, e:*~ m ......: ...... ':" be ..... :~,~ c ..... u ,^+ (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 14) Ensure the Landscape Plan reflects the proposed $7,070 in landscaping with the fourteen (14) 30-gallon Austrian Pines in the 10' landscape area on the northern property line. the En~ ......... ~, ~t- .........................................................(CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 17) According to Section 12-33-1.8 of the Zoning Ordinance, show columns taller than the remainder of the 6' solid masonry screening wall every 20 feet. Offsets in the wall are also encouraged. Staff recommends approval. Agenda Narrative Form - Revised 1/99 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNiNG DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Coppell/121 Office Park Lot Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: December 18, 2003 January 13, 2004 STAFF REP.: Ma~ Steer, City Planner LOCATION: Along the north side of S.H. 121, approximately 1,134' west of Denton Tap Road. SIZE OF AREA: 1.1 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: HC (Highway Commercial) REQUEST: Site Plan to allow the development of an approximate 8,288 square-foot one-story office building. APPLICANT: Tom Wouters RCP, Coppell No. 1, Ltd. 32 Village Lane, Suite 200 Colleyville, Texas 76034 Phone # (817) 488-4200 Fax # (817) 424-2448 HISTORY: No development histoi'y on the subject tract. TRANSPORTATION: Page 1 of 4 Denton Tap Road is a P6D divided major arterial built to standard in a 150' fight-of-way. State Highway 121 is designated as a freeway within the Thoroughfare Plan. It is currently being built as a 140' six-lane divided freeway facility within a 450' right-of-way. Item # 13 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East - West - residential; PD-134R-SF7 (Planned Development-134 Revised- Single Family-7) vacant and residential; PD-133-HC and SF (Planned Development 133-Highway Commercial and Single Family) vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for regional retail uses. DISCUSSION: The submitted Site Plan shows the layout of an 8,288 square-foot office on 1.16 (+/-) acres of property. This lot is located approximately 1,134' west of Denton Tap Road, and is part of a larger seven-lot commercial/retail subdivision, currently being preliminary platted. TxDOT has approved an ingress/egress point with a future deceleration lane along State Highway 121 on the east side of this property. There is a fire lane and a common access easement shown extending north/south on the east side of the structure and east/west on both the north and south sides of the building. These are to be extended with future development. The fire lane meets the City of Coppell's minimum width (24') and minimum distance from the building (150') requirements. The northern boundary of the property is to be screened with a 6'-solid masonry fence behind which will be a 1 O'-wide landscape area. The applicant has agreed to contribute an additional $7,070 (the difference between providing a 6'- and an 8'- solid masonry wall) towards the landscape screening in this area. This sets the precedence for the same contribution towards landscaping to be required upon development of the other lots of this larger development. The masonry wall meets the Zoning Ordinance requirement and the will need to be built abutting the northern property line. The parking ratio of 1 space per 300 square feet of building area is applicable to this office use. The applicant has provided 34 spaces, exceeding the minimum parking requirement of 28. Parking is shown on the north, south and east sides with a 5' sidewalk encircling the building. There are two fire hydrants and a fire department connection (FDC) shown on the Site Plan. The fire system will be further evaluated during the engineering review. Page 2 of 4 Item # 13 The building has two doors on each elevation with the entry feature facing south toward SH 121. The materials to be used consist of a brownish red brick veneer on each elevation with stone on the bottom 2'-3' of the front and side elevations. The wood columns on the front (south elevation) are to be painted an off-white color. Each elevation is shown with stone quoins except the side elevations adjacent to the rear. These will also be an oft'- white color. Dark navy blue awnings are proposed above each window. There are carriage lights at each door and "up-lights on extension arms" along the bottom of each elevation (The rear, or north elevation, only has one on each comer to reduce li~t associated with commercial uses). A monument sign elevation is shown with the signage criteria listed below. The location is depicted on the Site Plan as 10' from the southern property line and 105' from the eastern property line. This will need to be changed to 15' from the southern property line, per the monument sign setback requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. The 6'-solid masonry wall is shown on the Elevations. This will need to have columns every 20'. All trees in the Landscape Plan are compatible with the plant palette within the Zoning Ordinance. There are five 3" caliper Shumard Oaks planned along the northem boundary that meet the screening requirement (adjacent to residential) of one tree per 40 linear feet. The east, west and south boundaries have the normal perimeter tree requirement of one per 50-linear feet. The eastern landscaping consists of five 3" caliper Cedar Elms and three 3" caliper Live Oaks. There are four 3" caliper Shumard Oaks along the southern boundary. The westem boundary has five 3" caliper Cedar Elms and two 3" caliper Live Oaks. There are four additional Live Oaks interior to the site adjacent to the building. There are additional plants all contained within the Landscaping Plan and outlined within the Plant list. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL, subject to the following conditions: Page 3 of 4 1. All work taking place within TxDOT Right-of-way must be approved and permitted by TxDOT. 2. All work must be coordinated with the construction of the main lanes of S.H. 121. 3. Drainage issues will continue to be evaluated during engineering review. 4. Additional easements and/or utilities may be deemed necessary during engineering review. 5. Fire protection needs will continue to be evaluated during engineering review. 6. The deceleration lane on S.H. 121 must be constructed with this phase. The lane must be permitted by and constructed according to TxDOT standards. It appears that two inlets will have to be relocated. Item # 13 7. The proposed waterline from Denton Tap Road will have to cross an open drainage channel. Provide a profile of this area. 8. No trees or screening walls can be located over the sanitary sewer line. 9. Fire Lane shall have a 30' inside mining radius and a 54' outside turning radius. Revise the 20' inside turning radius shown on the Site Plan. 10. Delete the easternmost access point as this was not approved by TxDOT. 11. On site data table of Overall Development Plan, revise the landscape area "required (10% of nonexempt area)" to reflect City of Coppell standards. 12. Add to General Notes of Overall Development Plan - This is a conceptual plan intended to show general lot layouts. Detail Site Plan review will be required for each lot. 13. Show lot lines on Topographic Boundary and Tree Survey. 14. Revise the Landscape Plan to reflect the proposed $7,070 in landscaping for the 10' landscape area between the residential uses to the north and this use. 15. Move the proposed monument sign to meet the minimum setback requirement of 15'. Coordinate with the Engineering Department for a location that does not conflict with utilities. 16. Show signage criteria for the proposed attached signs in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. ALTERNATIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) Reconunend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Site Plan Overall Conceptual Plan Landscape Plan Topographic Boundary and Tree Survey Elevations Page 4 of 4 Item # 13 250.05 COPPELL/STATE HIGHWAY 121 OFFICE PARK 121, WEST OF DENTON TAP ROAD NORTH COPPELL, TEXAS LANDSCAPE PLAN I ~ Leeming Design Group appr. by: drawn by: /? COPPELL / 121 LAND