Memo re driveway#5, etc.Matt Steer - Coppell / SH 121 Office Park Page 1 I From: To: Date: Subject: Hell Carla, "Konstantine Bakintas" <kb@bhbinc.com> "Carla Bates" <dal.dallas.cbates@dot.state.tx.us> 12/1/2003 3:20:39 PM Coppell / SH 121 Office Park We are in receipt of Mr. Tegtmeyer's letter and respectfully request driveway #5 (at lot l's east property line) be given further consideration. Please review the enclosed drawing which has incorporated all of your previous comments and proposes a new deceleration lane to serve driveways #4 & ~5 (at lot 2 and 1). Our client is CU~Tently coordinating with the adjacent pmper~ owner, and we understand they are amenable to considering this arrangement. Thank you, Konstantine Bakintas, PE BHB Engineering & Surveying Tel (817)338-1277, Fax (817)338-9245 <http://www. bhbinc.com/> www. bhbinc.com, <mailto:kb@bhbinc.com> kb@bhbinc.com CC: '"Teresa Turner'" <tturner@ci.coppell.tx.us>, "Tom Wouters" <twouters@realtyca pital .corn>