Application & checkNOV-14 ~003 16:4~ BEAL BANK 4692419563 P.02/03 T M ! ' G I T Y ' 0 ~ COFFELL l:iliflg l:>e~e: Hovem~er 'l 7, 2fX)3 Name of'Applicant: _RCP Coppell Ne. 'l. Ltd. A. pphca,~t Address: 32 Villige Lane, Suite 200, ¢ollayville Tx, 76034 Site l lar Application 25~ Par~ay Blvd. Phone: 9T2-304.3678 ~ax: 972-304-7092 l:iling l;ee: ~ Telephone Number: (817) 488.~200 Fax Number: (e17~ 424.2*48 Firm Preparing Site Plan pacl~ge: Baird, Hampton & Brown· I~o. Add~ese: $09 W. 7th St.. Suite 600~ Fort War~l~ Tx, 76102 Telephone Nllmber: (I)173 338-127T l~ax Numbe~: (8~7).338-g245 ,4It Correspondence r,latiw to this application should bt directed to: Name: Mr. Tom Wouters. Viea Add, ess: 32 Vtlacje Lane. $uiM 200r Co eyv le Tx. 780~4 Telephone Numbe:: 9~ a 200 Fax Numb=r: 1~17) 424-2448 Name of Subdivision or Plat: Coppell/121 O~ce par~ Addition (:}erie:al L0catioll of Property: s~te i-iiO~vav '~2'1. Nc~'th of Denton TaD Road Present Zoning: H~ar~wav ¢omrr~, Proposed Site Plan Contains: · .LiaI'LT~:: :'. NO;:of ~'~ii;'i~r ,:?.'A/i~di ~o -:. Lan d Use~' ' No. er Lot or, rownho~ ~il )uplex ~Sht Indusffial Developmea~ ~ebile Home