2nd TxDot ltr. re drvwy accessTexas Department of Transportation 12000 N. Greenville Avenue Dallas, Texas 75243 December 4, 2003 Control-Section: Highway: City: 3547-03 SH 121 near Denton Tap Rd. Coppell Mr. Konstantine Bakintas BHB Engineering & Surveying 309 W. 7th St., Suite 500 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 Driveway Access Coppell/121 Office Park Dear Mr. Bakintas, Thank you for your e-mail of December 1, 2003 which serves as your response to our letter dated November 20, 2003. This letter will address your e-mail response. First, let me reiterate for clarification that driveway spacing, as measured by the Department, is along the edge of the traveled way from the closest edge of pavement of the first access connection to the closest edge of pavement of the second access connection, not from center to center. Our letter of November 20, 2003 states that the location of driveway #1 is acceptable. The drawing that accompanied your e-mail of December 1, 2003 shows that you propose to reposition driveway # 1 approximately 150 feet to the east. I have labeled it and will reference it as driveway #1A. Although you have located it to just outside the controlled access area, its location does not conform to the Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT's) requirements set forth in our Roadway Design Manual for spacing downstream of an exit ramp. These spacing values have been calculated to provide the highest level of safety for the driving public. A downstream driveway or side street located too close to thc exit ramp terminal increases the weaving movements that occur on the frontage road and may lead to operational problems, such as a lower level of service and an increase in the number of side-swipe and rear-end accidents. For safety reasons, it is important to maintain the appropriate distance between the exit ramp and downstream driveways. Therefore, the location of driveway #lA is not acceptable to the Department. An Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Konstantine Bakintas December 4, 2003 p. 2 The location of driveway #4 is dictated by its distance upstream from the exit ramp. TxDOT's driveway spacing criteria does not allow for an additional driveway to be constructed on your property east of driveway #4 due to insufficient distance. In addition, the same operational and safety concerns stated in the paragraph above would apply, regardless of a deceleration lane. Therefore, access for driveway #5 will not be granted. You stated in your e-mail that your client is currently coordinating with the adjacent property owner regarding a shared access arrangement. TxDOT would also like to coordinate with the adjacent property owner regarding driveway access and plans for future development of the corner parcel. If you would provide us his name and phone number so that we may contact him directly, we would appreciate it and I'm sure it would serve to expedite this matter. If you have any further questions, please contact Carla Bates at (972) 479-9747. Sincerely, Larry D. Tegtmeyer, P.E. Area Engineer Northwest Area Office cc: Teresa Turner; City of Coppell