FP filed w/County 5/14/0420' 10' 0 20' 40' DRAWING SCALE: 1"= 20' RCP Coppell # 1, Ltd. CC No. 2003-242-04143 D.R.D.C.T. FND YXDOF MON / / / / FND rxDor MON sE'r 54" IRON ROD W/YELLOW CAP MARKED "BHB INC" PO Lot 59 SET 5/8" IRON ROD ""k~ ELLOW CAP M~MLKkED "BltB INC" 20' Denton County Dallas County (Approx. County Line) Coppell Greens Phase Two Cab. R, Pg. 104-5 P.R.D.C.T. Lot 2 Block 1 / 1.159 Acres / ~' / SET 5/8 IRON ROD ,, Note: Easements shown hereon are dedicated by this Plat unless otherwise noted. Baird., Hem. pton & Brown, Inc. Engineering ~ Surveying ..? Ri~gleo Piece, Ste. 700 FL ~o~, ~ 76116 Te1:~817)3~-127~, Fax:(817)~-g245 E-Yail:mailObh~i~.com Apr 06, 2004 - 5:1 gpm DRAWING FILE: E:~Su~eyO3~O28~O10~Dwg~F~n~l Prat Lot 2.dwg Block C Lot 58X 20, fi) / / / / Kitbr~go Ln Block C Lot 18X / / / / / Coppell Greens Phase One Cab. P, Pg. 160-1 P.R.D.C.T. SET 5/8" IRON ROD W/YELLOW CAP MARKED "BHB INC" , ¢ ~>ZRC~~;oP~ell # 1, Ltd. CC No. 2003-242-04:143 / /0%0 Approved and Accepted b.7: Rick Fielding Date ONCOR F/]~G'119?d~~R~Y COMP/;~,N.'~ . ~ck Fielding ~(97~8-1344 Date ~~fl~~ 1~-0652 ~ Ju~ Zapata (972) 320-7404 Dale CoSERV ELEC'Y~C ~40) 321-7~0~ Date ~ (972) 31%5110 / / Lot 34 NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 N20'57' 12"W 6.70' L3 S20'58'36"E 6.73' L4 S20'58'36"E 6,55' L9 N65'58'18"W 8.97' LIO N65'58'18"W 8.99' NUHBER RADIUS ARC LENGTH DELTA ANGLE CHDRD BEARING CHURl) LENGTH C1 30,00 47,18 89°59'~6' S69°01'44'~ 48,43 C8 30,00 47,18 90°00'00' S~-0'58'18'E 48,43 C3 30,00 47,18 90°00'00' N69°Ol'4~'E 48,43 C4 30,00 47,18 90'00'00' N80'58'18'~ 48,43 C5 30,00 47,61 90'56'11' NBl°26'23'W 42,77 C6 30,00 47,1~ 90'00'00' S69*Ol'4E'W 48,43 SD\rE OF TEXAS § COUN FY OF DALLAS COUNTY OF DEN FON § CITY OF COPPELL § WItEREAS, RCP Coppell ¢ 1, is the Or, her of a tract of land located m the Clarinda Squires Survey, Abstract No. 1682, Denton County and Abstract No. 1327, Dallas County, City of Coppell, Dallas and Denton Counties, Fexas, being a portion of that parcel described by deed to Beal Mortgage, Inc. as recorded in County Clerk's File No 95-03066,1. Deed Records Denton County Texas (DRDCI'), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows (bearing referenced to the north right of way For State ltighway 121): COMMENCING at a found 5/g-inch iron rod for the south\vest corner of Coppell Greens, Phase Two, an Addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Cabinet R, Page 104, Plat Records Denton County 'texas (PRDC'r); rItENCE southeasterly' with the south line of said Addition as follows' South 64=35'10'' East, a distance of 368.52 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod ~ith cap marked"BltB I, C ' (set iron rod); South 62°17'03" East, a distance of 197,01 feet to a found iron rod with cap marked "SURVCON INC"; South 65°57'12" East, a distance of 464.99 feet to a set iron rod with yellow cap marked "BttB INC" (set iron rod) at the POINI' OF BEGINNING; FItENCE South 65°57'12" East, continuing along the aforesaid south line of Coppell Greens Phase 1%o, a distance of 201.96 feet to a set iron rod in the southerly line of Coppell Greens Phase One as recorded in Cab/net P, Page 160-1, PRD.C F; 'rtlENCE South 24°00'00" West, departing said southerly line, a distance of 249.98 feet to a set iron rod in the nortlnerly line of State Highway 121 Bypass; FttENCE North 65°58'18" West. along the northerly line of said 121 Bypass, a distance of 201.96 feet to a set iron rod: THENCE North 24°00'00'' East, departing said northerly line, a distance of 250.05 feet to the POINF OF BEGINNING containing 1.159 acres more or less. NOW, FtlEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY rHESE PRESENTS: 'r}L\'F RCP COPPELL # 1, acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the above described prope~y as Lot 2, Block 1, CoppelFl21 Ofti~e Park, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate the easements shox~n hereon for the purposes indicated. No buildings, Fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or groxvdqs shall be constructed or placed upon over or across the "utility easements" as shox~n. Said "utility easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities des/ring use of same. All and any public utility shall have the r/~t to remove and keep removed all or p~ Gimpy building, Ibnce, tree, shrub or other improvements or ~oxvths which may in any way endanger or interfere w/th the conslmction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the "utility easement" and all public utilities shall at all times have the IMll right of ingress and egress to or ikom and upon the said "utilib' easement" for the purpose of constructing, or reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all pans of its respective s'Ttem "ith°ut the "~essity at a'Y time °~r°cur(ng this the ~day ~~ ¢~ RCP Coppell ~ 1 A fexas Limited Pamnership By: S'FATE OF TEXAS %e me tlne undersig~ a Notao' Public for the State of'Texas, on this day parse.nelly appeared ..~. ~7'~' , kmox~n to be the person \al,ese name is to the for~7[~tmment and acknowledge to me that he executed tlne same for tine purposes ~d consideration th.erein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. First SaTin STARE OF I'E~ COUNTY of Beforeo,r,e )'. u~ ; .N,,o~~ ~e the .undersi n, a,.N tar'y' Public for the State of Texas. . on this day, ,t>ersonallv, aaceared,, __ ~2~/~~, ./',t~ , kn,o,,n to bethe person ,,hose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrmnent and acM~ox~tedge to me that he executed the same lbr the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capaciW therein stated. Given un.der my hand and seal of office, this the __~ da~~~ [' / ,2004 ~~ubl ~~~~ II'e tadersigned, the City Secretary' of tbm~ing Fh~ Plat tit]~ ~t 2, Blink l, Copk~tl/121..~2ke P~k, ~d&tJon~~to dqe City of Cop~ll, ,,~ subn~tt~ ~o ~,e city Cotaril on 0ne t~ay of ~~ , 2~, ~ dqe CoEa~cil, by tbm~ ac~io~ fl~en rand there ~ceptd One qt~6n of ~u~ts, alleys, ~k~, ~a~nts, public s~t~ ~d \rater mid ptat, ~]d mid Council 15~er a~l~nz~ d~e n~yor to note tlne acne,re d~erc~f by sinai ng his ~m ~ here/m~ve su~cri~. k~,TINESS MY } L~ND, this/~,.[/'~d'2ay of City' of Coppdl, Texas R~'o~nne~xk'd 1)r Appro Clnainnan, Pl m-u~gqg m~d Zoning Con*anision CiD' of CopF~il, Texas Date I hereby declare that this 1nap and the, ..~s~.r~¢lioti kereon were prepared from an on the ground survey, and that the monuments sho~m~.,~,~ ~nd and'or set under my supervision during October, ~003, m accordan~ ,x~.6~h~;~ }~,les and regulations of the Ciw of C oppell, Paul Hubert Registered Professional Land Survey.~t** ". ....... Texas Registration No, 1942 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § Before me the undersian a Notary Public for the State of Fexas, on this day' personaily appeared 't'~'i~l ~ ~.~4.~ ,knox, n to be the person \'hose name iS subscribed to the foregoing in~ent and ackno 'led=e to me w ~ that he executed the same t%r tlne purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. Gi~en under mv hand and seal ofoffice, lhislhe 74x dayof ~l~ ,2004 "2,.,,%7 ............. ][ ;;g, fi,,,, Septem,bef 29, 2007 Not ic for the State of Texas Clarinda Clarinda Final Plat Lot 2, Block I Coppell/121 Office Park Squires Survey, A - Denton County Squires Survey, A - Dallas County City of Coppell, Texas 1.106 Acres December 8, 2003 1682, 1327,