Replat filed w/County 6/9/04N ~ 1/2-INCH IRON '" "-' I RO0 FOUND (C.U.) ,' . - O_UL E VA R D , ~" 0 50 10'0 200 300 GA TE VIE W . T/E FREEPORT NORTH LAND II, LTD. o UNE TABLE UNE LENGTH BEARING L1 24,00 N 89'56'34"W L2 5.13 NOO'25'26"E L3 6.25 N 52'02'33"W L4 76.32 N65'12' 40"E L5 10.53 S89'37'57"E L6 3.05 N 89'37'57"W L7 1.85 N 89'36'34"W L8 5,13 S00'25'26"W L9 76.32 N65'12'40"E LIO 20.0'0 N60'21 '50"E Lll 25.00 N 29'58'30"W L12 20.00 S89'56'34"E L13 20.00 S00'23'26"W L14 122,59 N 89'57'02" W L15 2,57 N10'56'55"W L16 20,00 S79'23'05"W L17 20.00 N1 L18 20.00 S79'23'05"W L19 2.37 N1 LOT 2 BLOCK 3 PART OF THE FREEPORT NORTH ADDITION FREEPORT NORTH (VOL. 84205. PO. 1855) PART OF "TRACT 4" (VOL. 96055. PO. 04179) A=I 5'28'10" R=515.38' L=139.15' T=70.O0' CB=N 82'39'21" E OWNER'S DEL)ICA T/ON. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, CARUSO, LTD, does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein descn'bed property as Lot :7, Block 3, Freeport North, on qddlUon to the City of Coppe(l, Texas and do hereby dedfcqt~ to the public us~ forever, the streets, qlle~, and easements speci~ed q~ dedicated to ~he publ,'c shown ~hereon. ~e easements shown hereon qre hereby reserved for ~he purpose os ~nd~cqfed. No bu/Idinrs, fences, trees, shrubs, or other /mprovemente or growth shqll be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Easements" os shown. Said 'Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of qtl pub/lc ut/liUes des/r/no to use or using same. All and any pub/lc utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, ~rees, shrubs or other ~mprovemenfa or growth~ while reconst~cUn], inspecUng, pqfro(Hng, mqinfq(n(ng and odd[no to or removing from dl parts of if~ respecUve s~tem , within sold "Utility Eosement~ without the necessity qt any UTe of procuring the perm~ssfon of on.ne. 1/2-iNCH IRON RO0 ,-'"' ~ W/ 'SUMMIT SURV~YINO / / CAP FOUND (C,M.) /-. / / ~' Notwithstanding the forgoing, CARUSO, LTD reserves for themsdves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of dl such easements for /nstqlllng /and$coplng and ;rr/goUon s.y~tems, for parking of yah/c/es (except that parking shqtt not be authorized in any deslgnqted Ere fanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular troffTc, and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. H4tness my hand at Coppelt, Texas th/e the ___ day of_ CD'-I'3~3' .,-. -'~o~¢,'~ '-:' "--- ... ~ ~ I I.<-'"'- "'--%.J--I-"-- IF ~ ~...--',-',-',-',~'J --- --1 ~ I 'F- ~ ~ _--'""~'~.~ ~"" '"'"" I r'POtNT IN CREEK m ~ I ~1~ 150' DRAINAGE EASEMENT--~ ~ ~ ~'~ '~' f I /(NOT SET) /f rzE. l~Z (voL. 8~203. PG. 1835)~ ~ ~ ,~-~ / I lq o ,, .-, ,, , -, , ,, ,- ..... ,// ~ ~ ~ / / ~ ~ ~ \ _~. ~ ~ ~ ' ' (NOT SET) . I I _1 ~o~~~ oF DALLAS POINT tN CREEK~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~., ~ ~ -- ~lj. L12~ kl ~20'x20' WATER VOL. 84206, PG. 1865) O~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~%~ ~B~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (BY mis P~T) /, % I ' ' / / , :~ ~ o~9o , I~ I ¢ ~ - 15 ONCOR ELEC~C . ~ > ~ ~ ~ [, I~ .~ ~ / _ / / DEL]~RY COMPANY E~MENT I~ I LOT 5R2~ o ~ ~ -'IUZ ' o'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT 3, BLOCK 3 (BY m~s P~)-- - X ~ ~.~ , REPLAT OF A PORTION OF = ~ ~ , . ~ ¢,~¢~,¢~ ~ 4909~ ~oo' ~ow FREEPORT NORTH oo~ ,/ ~ ~o~ -'~ FREEPORT NORm 20x20 ONCO, ~L[Cm, C ~ ,~:.~ '' '] , ............. ~ ~ ~ ~ /~ ..... ~ 12.1~6 ACRES OEU~Y COUPANY EASEMENT ]~ /~ I / tVUL. e~Z~, MU. ~ ~' ',/~/ / ~,~'.~3'.~COR ELECTRIC 528,623 SF (gY m~S PLAT) I ~ /~ I~ / DERSE ASSOCIATES DALLAS, L L C ~ ~ ~ DEU~RY COMPANY EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ mi ..... .;, F N SH FLOOR I" (VOL. ~ -1 / ELEVA~ON = 516.00 . . ~ ~¢ ~ ~ ~/S/ CARUSO, LTD. ~ 18 ' ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ O, r (VOL 200~055, PG, 06565) /~/ 0 ~ ~ I z~ -TEXAS PO~R ~ LIGHT CO. EASEMENT - (vOL 450~, ~G. ~2~) ~ ~ EASEMENT --~,~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t '% L I ~I/2-1NCH IRON RO0 · / / ~ - /~ I~ ~ ~ ~ VV ~./M ~ ~~ .~,~,~, ,., ~ - ~ ' / - C IRON ROD ~/~-~CH t~O~ L 55~.6~ ~/"~c,~co ~oc,' ~/27~0~ ~o~ ~OUN~ (C.~.) ~ . ~. ~/~7~.N~, ~0~ ~OOT=516.96 c~ ~OUND W/ ~zC~CO W/ LGA CAP FOUND 1/~?NCH IRON ROD" ~ " CAP FOUND ~/. ~ / 25'x20' WATER ~ ~ W/ SUMMIT SURVE~NG" ~ / FREEPORT NORTH REPLAT OF A PORTION OF t~ / (VOL 2000102, PO. 4826) FREEPORT NORTH ~Z,~ / (VOL 95245, PG. 2050) FREEPORT NORTH WEEKS REALTY, L,P. (VOL. 84205, PO. 1806) (VOL. 98107, PO. 115) ~4pproved and acceoted LOCATION 'H~rd L¢~(972) 6~-2~2~ CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 90'00'00" 50.00 50.00 47.12 N44'36'54"W 42.46 C2 217'02'46" 30.00 89,54 113,65 S07'18'15'W 56,89 C3 5'49'17" 455.00 23.13 46.23 S69'45'36"~,/ 46.21 C4 52'38'41" 30.00 14.84 27,56 N25'43'13"W 26.61 C5 55'06'37" 54,00 28,18 51.94 S24'29'15'E 49.96 C6 4'27'15" 60.00 2.36 4..66 S05'17'41"W 4.66 C7 57'41'21" 100.00 55.08 100.69 S56'21'59"¢/ 96.49 C9 29"47'42" 100.00 26.60 52.00 N 85'43'04'hV 51.42 C10 18'48'44" 100.00 16,57 32.86 S80'13'35"E 32.69 Cll 42'06'51" 30.00 11.55 22.05 N69'18'57"E 21.56 C12 89'58'37" 25,00 24,99 39,26 S45'22'44"V~ 55.35 C13 90'00'00" 54,00 54,00 84..82 N45'23'26"E 76,37 C14 90'00'00" 30.00 30.00 47.12 S45'23'26"N 42.43 C15 132'09'39" 30.00 67.64 69.20 563'00'46"E 54.85 C16 4'27'15" 56.00 1.40 2.80 S05'17'41%/ 2.80 C17 57'41'21" 76.00 41.86 76.52 S36'21 '59"1~ 73.33 C18 14'10'23" 76,00 9,46 18.80 S72'17'51%/ 18,75 C19 29'47'42" 76.00 20,22 39.52 N85'43'O4"W 69.08 C20 71 '12'39" 30.00 21.48 37,29 N35'12' 53"'N 54.93 021 90'00'00" 3.0.00 30.00 47.12 N45'23'26"E 42.43 , 2004. CARUSO, L T~. BEFORE MEo~ the under, s./qned'q.uthority, o Notary Pub/lc in and for the State of Texas, on th[s day personally appeared ~1~__~~ , known to me to be the person whose name /s subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for ~he purposes and considerqUon thereln expressed. OIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF' OFT/CE this ~(~) day of _~y,~ . 2004. I Not~ry f~ub/lc in and for tl~ Stole of Texas /:7oodp/q/n Development Permit AppllcaUon No. V~_.~_ has been filed with the ¢ty of Coppell floodplain odmln/s~rotor on , 2004. Date The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppel/, Texas, hereby certifies that the forgo(no Plot of Lot 3, ~t~19.c~ ~7,/Freeport North, qn qddiUon to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the ~Lth day of ~_~,[~.~L~,_~ 2003, and the Council, by forrnql oct/on, then and there qccepted the dedTcqUon of streets, qlle.y~, pdrks, easements, pubffc p/aces, and water and sewer Hnes, as shown and set forth in and upon said plqf, qnd said Council further authorized the Ma,var to note the acceptance thereof by s(~n/ng his nome as herein above subscribed. City of Coppel~ Tex¢~ Recommended for Aporovah Chairman, Plonnt'ng'onu~on/'ng Commission Ciyo coppe , exos 2004, N O TE,; VICINIrYMAP ,.Bearing s.v~tem for th/¥ survey is based on q bearing of South 00'2"2~" West for ,h, ,e,, ri~ht-o,wqy fin, of (NOT TO SCALE) Ro~l Lone os described /n "Tract 4" of q deed fo TiE Freep~f Worth Land It, L~. recorded /n Volume 96.055, Page 04179 of the Deed Records of Dallas Count~ Texas. Date Dote 2. Sidewalks will be constructed at the expense of the properly owner when deemed necessary by the City Engineer, 3. The City of Coppe(I will hove no responsibility for maintenance of the tloodp/ain/ffoodway areas oe shown hereon; however, the City does hove the authority to regulate ocUvify /n the ffoodway/ffoodp/q/n as per the C/fy'~ Floodplain Ordinance. The maintenance of these areas shall be the so(e responsibility of the /nd~v/dud owner(s) od.k~cent to said areas. These areas are to remain free of improvements that may obstruct the flow of storm water and protected from potenUql eros(on by the owners. No fences will be allowed in the floodp(a/n, dong ~ith any other structures qs per the City's F~oodplqin Ordinance. 4, (CAW,) - Controlling monument, OWNER'S CERllFICA TE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS CARUSO, L 1'0. is the owner of q 12. 1J6 acre tract of land situated in the ~/l[am K. Po2ne Survey, Abstract No. 1140, Da/iDs County, Texas, said tract being part of Freeport North, on qdd/Uon to the City of Cappella Dot/as County, Texas according to the p(qt thereof recorded in Yo(ume 8420,3, Pqge 18,.t5 of the Deed Records of Dallas Count~ Texas, said tract dso be[n~ all of the sqm~ tract of ~qnd o~ described [nq Special Warranty Deed from TiE Freeport North Land I/, Ltd. to Co~so, Ltd. recorded in Yo/ume 200J055, Pqqe 06~6~ of the Deed Record~ of Dq/fq3 Counf~ Texas; said 12.136 acre trqct being more particularly described q~ BEGINNINq, at q 1/2-inch iron rod with 'Summit Surve?ing" cap found at the most southerly point of a corner clip at the intersecUon of the north right-of-way //ne of Creekvfe~v Drive (q 60 foot w/de right-of-way) wi~h the west right-of-way //ne of Royql Lane (q 100 foot w/de right-of-way); THENCE', North 89 degrees, J6 minutes, 34 seconds ~est, dong sold north right-of-way line of CreekZew Drive, q distance of 448.10 feet to a 1/2-inch i?on rod found for corner; said point being the beginning of a tangent curve to ~he /off; THENCE, in q southwesterly d/recUon, dong said north right-of-way //ne of Creek'dew Odve and dong said tqngent curve to the /eft, hqving q radius of 4.55.00 feet, through q cen~rd qngte of 69 degrees, minutes, 21 seconds, on arc d/stance of 55~.68 feet, on q chord bear(no and d/s~once of Sou~h 55 degree~, 51 minutes, 45 seconds West. 520, 15 feet to q 1/2-inch iron rod w/~h 'Summi~ Surve~ng' cop found for corner on ~he e~sf l/ne of q ~rqcf of land described ~n q deed ~o Fellowship of Los Col~n~. recorded ~n ~/um~ 94091, Pq~e 1680 of ~he Deed ~ecords of D~Hqs Counf~ Tex~s; THEN¢~ North O0 degree~, 10 minutes, 10 seconds West, deporUng said north right-of-way /ine of Creaky/aw Dr(ye and dong said east //ne of said Fe(/owsh/p af Los Colino$ trqcto q dlstqnce of 224.95 feet fo q l~2-inch kan rod found for corner; THENCE, North O0 degrees, 02 minutes, 58 seconde East, continuing dong said east //ne, (7 d/stance of 518.81 feet to a point /n Cottonwood Branch for corner; THENCE, deport(no said east //ne, dong the centerffne of a 150 foot w/de drainage eosement, generally dong said Cottonwood Branch the following three (3) cd/e: North 74 degrees, 55 minutes, 1S seconds East, q distance of 519.87 feet to q point for corner; said point being the beginning of q tangent curve to the r/ght; In o northeasterly dkecUon, dong said tangent curve to the right, having o radius of 515.58 feet, through q cen~rd angle of 15 degrees, 28 minute~, 10 seconds, on arc d/stance of 1~9.15 feet, on q chord bearing and distance of North ~2 degrees, ,39 minutes, 21 seconds East, 1,38.7~ feet to a po/n t; South 89 degrees, 56 mlhutes, 34 seconds East, q distance of 254.69 feet to q point for corner on the sa/d west right-of-way //'ne of Rok~l Lone; THENCE, South O0 degrees, 23 minutes, 26 seconds West, dong sold west r~ght-of-way //ne of Royot Lone, q d~stonce of 588.76 feet to q 1/2-inch ;ran rod w/th 'Summit Surveying' cop found for corner; said point bel'ng the most northerly corner of sq/d corner dip; THENCE. South 45 decrees, 23 minutes, 26 seconds West, dong said corner clip, q distance of 21.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING, 528,623 square feet or 12. 156 acres of land, more or /ess, STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: Thqf I, James A. Koch, Jr., Reglstered Profess/ond Land Surveyor, da hereby cerUfy that / prepared this pict from an actual and accurate survey of the land; that the corner monuments shown were properly p/aced under my personal supervision in accordance wi~h the platting rules and regu/qUon$ of the City of Coppe//, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS :ional Land Surveyor BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, q Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome /s subscribed to the forego(no instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for tho purposes and cons/deroUon therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER ~,IY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFTCE this ~t~ day of !~,,~ .2004. Notary Pub/lc in ondYor thd State of Texas 0 WNER: CARUSO, L lO, 2833 PARK BRIDGE COURT DALLAS, TEXAS 75219 Volume: 2004111 Page: 00141 FREEPORT NORTH LOT 3, BLOCK 3 BEING A REPLAT OF 12.156 ACRES OF FREEPORT NORTH LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THE WILLIAM K. PAYNE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1140 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS d'~ 8350 N CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS /5206 972235,3031 SR D TEF 1 "= 100' I DA TE I JO8 NUMBER 08/25/0~ I 1958-05.200 DWG F1LE: 1958-05-200RP,DWG XREF FILE: FREEPORT NORTH.DWO