CC 7/6/04 appvl. letterT H E · C I T Y · O F CO?PELL July 7, 2004 Mr. Brian Straley Duke Construction, L.P. 5495 Beltline Road, Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75254 RE: Duke-Freeport Additiom Lots 6&7~ Block A1 Replat Dear Mr. Straley: This letter is to inform you that the Duke-Freeport Addition, Lots 6 and 7, Block A, Replat, being a replat ora portion of Lot 2, Block A, to allow the construction ora 140,000-square-foot building on Lot 6 and a 70,000-square-foot building on Lot 7, totaling approximately 14.13 acres of properly located along the west side of Freeport Parkway, south of Creekview Drive, was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, July 6, 2004, subject to the following condition: Refer to the attached Engineering comments. This Replat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (January 6, 2005), or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. It is recommended that this plat not be prepared for filing, including obtaining the franchise utility signatures, antil alter receiving Engineering comments on the first review o£the civil plans. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with the Dallas County Plat Records Department. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements fbr filing. if you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Ai~tact~rnents (2) ' Cc Jack Evans, Pacheco Koch Building Inspection file DE Ii'EL OPMENT RE IilE It/ COAxI311TTEE E:5, GL:~ EERLY, G C0311~ENTS ITE3h Duke-Freeport Addition~ l.ots 6 and 7, Bh)ck A~ Replat, bemL4 a replat of' a port~on of Lot 2. ~]ock A, to a]Io~ theconstmct~on ora 40,000squa~e- ibot buil(im~ on Lot 6 and a 70.000-square-f~ot building on Lot 7. tota]in~ approxm~atdy 14.13 acres oSproperly located along the west s/dc of F~ecpo~l Park~ay. south el Crcek~cw Drive, at the request of Duke RcaI~ Coq~oration . STAFFR~p.: MaliSleer PROJECTID~RP_04_0036 DRC DA TE: 31ay 2 7, 2004 and June 3, 2004 Water & Sewer Plan - 'Ib, e fire lineonSheetC40showstymgmtotheexistmgsFstemonLotyBlockA Thatisa pr:~ateI; oxtncd and mamtumcd s}stem and as such needs to remain independent of fills hne LOOp your fire Iine exclusive ofth~s prope~tx 2 Thc sameistrueofthefirehneoni.or(,~crsus/c, t7 those also need to bc mdcpendent of each other. 3 1 his is also true o~thc water and sex, er serx~ce to these [xko build ngs You canno~ the sen ~ces. they must be independent wDich ~i]1 reqmrc the extension of the ex~stmg 8" sanitary'sex, er (onto Lot 7 and txto scr~ice lines, one for lx)[ 7 and one for I et 6 4 kVatcr service '.x ill need to be .located from Lot , to lot 6 to sc~w'e the Lot 6 Ci0, of Coppell Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLATS Follo~ ing approval of the final plat/replat by the City Council, and correction of the plat if required by Council and the Engineering Department after the first review of the civil plans, the information listed below is required for the submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Department: · Transmittal letter, including the name and telephone number of the contact person. · All blank spaces completed, with the exception of the signature of City Officials. Eight (8) 24" x 36" black lines on white paper and one (1) 24" x 36" mylars. Black lines must be folded in a 8 1/2" x 11" format. You may submit additional copies for your use; however, one (1) paper copy will remain with the City prior to filing and, after filing, seven (7) paper copies and one (1) mylar must be returned to the City. · Original signatures on all plats. Names must be typed or printed below each signature. · Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative. It will take approximately 3-5 weeks to review and obtain signatures of City Officials. Once proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Department will telephone the person listed as representative or contact to pick-up the plats. The representative shall file the plat with the County Clerk's office and return the seven (7) black lines and one (1) mylar to the Planning Department, indicating the volume and page of the Map and Plat Records, as filed by the County Clerk. If the final plat/replat has not been submitted for signatures by City Officials within slx (6) months af~.er approval, the plat shall be deemed null and void, and resubmittal shall be required. }:or additional information, contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. *PLEASE NOTE: Tar Certificates front each taxing entity (cio,, school district, attd county) having jurisdiction over the property showing that all taxes have been paid, must be provided to Dallas/Denton CounO, at the time of filing. DO NOT SUBMIT TAX CERTIFIC4 TES TO THE CITY OF COPPELL 2/09/04