Change in attached sign & monu.July 12, 2004 Mr. Matt Steer Planning Department 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Administrative Approval RE: Signage for Coppell Healthcare Center 546 East Sandy Lake Road Dear Matt, Date Thank you for going through the signage modifications with me this afternoon and last week. As per our conversation and your direction, I am enclosing two renderings; one of the building signage, and one of the monument signage, along with copies of the material sent to you previously. Again, it is our intention to provide you with whatever you need to allow the Contractor to install the Building and Monument signs only at this point. Future Tenant signage is to be applied for under separate permits as necessary and as the building is leased. Please review this material, along with the previously submitted material, and if this is acceptable, please notify the permitting officials as is appropriate. We will ask the General Contractor to apply for the permit again, and if all goes well, we will be complete. Thank you again for your assistance and your patience. Please let me know if you have any questions, or need further information. Sincerely, OSR-Andrade Architects W. D. Collins, II, AIA Contract Administrator Cc: Allison Teague Holly Dewar File &121COHHERCE STREET SUITE ONE I DALLAS, TEXAS 75226 } T. (21&)82&-70~0 { F. (21~)857-0559 I WWW,GSR-ANDRADE,COM Appcoval A k~ETAL PANEL SIMULATEO STONE VENEER ANGLED PROJECTION REF. PLAN ,~.- ~,:f ~' LED PROJ£C~IOK REF. PLAN UJ Z LU ..jO 0