FP att. to CC 2/10 packet PD-LI N 0 TEll ISLAND TO BE J Ct; MAIN TAINED ~ "" '~ $5,00' 42. 00' 5 I, DB. 00' BY H.O.A. ~ , k~ ~ LOT "x," J M N · / ' D-8 (SF7) ..... ' ' ' ~OL MONUMENT -- . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ LROY, RO¢ERT F SLEZIA, JOHN' LOUIS JR ~ 14 15 Judith M, gew/s =star, VOL2002049 P,.7114 I , I ' ~ % 11425 -- % 70.02' ~ ~' 8 ~7,7 Chorfes R Price Vo'.98160 'Pg.5529 ' ~ 7 , ~ ~ ~ I ' .' V01.80247 Pg. OO0, ,, E s m t J 1/2 S ' ~ ' ; ' - - ~ 98.00 ~ Dsm t. ' ~. S2.3~ J 42.00' c ear Drive ~ - ~ '- 52.62' _. ] oo 2.oo' 0 15' 8. L. ~ ( 100.00' 42.00' 53.00' JJ. 00' 42.00' 50.37' 2&O0' 2AO0' ~ F~g 1" N 89'40'05" W CONTROL UONUUENr 478.38' I LOT 2 Coppell Rood Bus;ness Pork Vot. 87106 Pg, 4595 Jolol Khorromi Vol. 20011J9 Pg. 1167 cot/ed 0.422 DoTes HO-C LOT 1 Coppetl Road Business Pork VOL87106 Pg. 4595 16 98. 00' X7 Open Space (HOA) 98, 00' 98. 00' IV 89'53'34" E PD-89 (SF?) RANSOM, ERIC $ SC AMY R 19 KRAUSE, CHARLES C LF EST Sc JANE M KRAUSE ILF EST X8 Open Space (HOA) 20 SIR LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L 1 25. 00' N89'53'54'T L2 13.12' S87'52'57"E L5 24.84' S00'06'26"E L4 j 15. 75' S29'OT'56"E CURVE TABLE '" CURVE IRADIUS DELTA LENGTH CHORD 1 BE'ARING Cf 100,00' 15'12'15" 26,54' 26,46' N82D$'59"W C2 100.00' 15'12'15" 26,54' 26,46' S82'05'59"E CJ 100.00' 15'12'15" 26,54' 26,46' N82'45'49"E C4 100, 00' 15'12'15" 26,54' 26, 46' 582'45'49'W C5 50,00' 18'13'02" 15.90' 15.85' NOg'47'25"W C6 50,00' 25'12'24" 20, 25' 20.11' NJO'JO'OB"W C7 50.00' 64'29'43" 56.28' 55.56' N74'21'11 'W C8 50.00' 17'17'5B" 15.09' 15.05' 564'45'08"W C9 50,00' 24'07'15" 21,05' 20.69' S44'02'42"W C10 50,00' 25'40'41" 20.6,6' 20.52' S20'OB'44"W C11 50, 00' 52'28'28" 45, 79' 44, 21' S1 ?'55'50"E __ C12 50,00' 45'12'46" 59.46' 58.44' 56,6146'27"E' Coppetl Rood Bus/ness Pork VoL 87106 Pg. 4595 Block A Lot// Area is.f,) 2 4,587 5 5,416 4 5,410 5 4, 342 6 5,526 7 4, 524 8 5,594 9 5,518 10 5,809 11 3, 248 14 5, 234 15 3, 234 17 4,900 Block B .Lot IllArea is.f,) 2 4, 2O0 J J, JO0 4 J, JO0 5 4,200 6 5, 02 7 Block X Lot// Area X1 148 X2 2, J81 XJ 1,866 X4 J, 817 X5 5,199 X6 1, 4 70 X7 1,470 X8 1, 507 X9 ,1,500 NOTE: All on-street parking spaces to be mo[ntoned by the HOA OWNER'S CERnFICA TE V~'tEREASo R.I. Robertson, LLC, ie the owner of a tract or parcel of land situated in the J. ~ Anderson Survey, Abstract No. 18, [n the City of Coppell, Oallos County, Texas, being the total of three tracts (1) the $,183 ocree tract described in ~he deed to R.L. Rofiertson LLC recorded in Volume 98170 Page 5891 in the Dallas County Deed Records, (~) the 0,2680 ocree troct described in the deed to R.L. Robertson LLC recorded in Volume 98139 Pose 2900 h the DCDR, ond ($) the 0.4225 acres tract described in the deed to R.L. Robertson LLC recorded in Volume 2001165 Page 4650 in the OCOR, ond being more parUculorly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found 1 inch iron rod on the east rlght-of-wo.y llne of Sou~h Coppell Road (60' w/de right-of-way) at ~he southwest corner of sam J. 163 ocres tract and the northwest corner of Lot 2 of Coppell Road Business Pork, on add/UGh to the City of Coppell recorded In Volume 87106 Pose 4393 In the Oallos County tdop Recorde; THENC~ North 00.00'00' East, 257.94 feet dong the cost line of $ou~h Coppell Rood to o round ~ inch iron rod; THENCE South 88'12'01' East, 180.69 feet along the south side of the 0.2111 ocres tract described in the deed to Charles R. Rice recorded In Volume 98160 Page 5529 in the DCDR to o set ~ inch iron rod with C&P cop; THENCE North 00'02"43" I~'esf, 156.52 feet along the east side of said Charles R. Prfce tract and conUnuing along the east side of the 0.10 Dares tract described in the deed to Jean Murph recorded in Volume 84048 Pose 6338 in the CDR and a/Grig the cost side of the tract af land described in the deed to Robert E. Lewis and wife, Judith M. Lewis recorded in Volume 2002049 Page 2'114 In the DCOR to a found I Inch iron rod; THENCE South 87'55'53" East, 297.8J feet dong the south side of the "J~ Addition', an add/UGh to the City of Coppell recorded in Volume 2001165 Page 0098 in the Dallos County Mop Records, and continuing along the south side of Lots 13 ond 14 Block~ G of the "Coppell V~llage', on odd/UGh to the City of Coppell recorded in Volume 80247 Page 0001 in the Dollas County Mop Records, to a found ~ Inch iron rod; THENCE South 00'06'26' East, $9g. 09 feet along the west sides of Lots 15 thru 20 Block G of sold 'CoppdI Village" to a set ~ inch iron rod; THENCE North 89'40'05' West, 478.38 feet dong the north side of Lot I of said °Coppell Road Business Pork' and the 0.422 acres tract described in the deed to Jolol Khorromt recorded in Volume 2001139 Page 1187 in the OCOR to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 166474 squore feet or $.8217 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: That R.L. Robertson, LLC ie the owner of the herein described property, does hereby odopt this plot designating the herein described property as OLD COPPELL TOWNHOME$. on addition to the City of Coppell, Do#as County, Texos, and does hereb dedicate to the public use forever the, streets ond alle~ shown hereon. The eosemente shown hereon ore hereby reserved for public utilit~e and all public and prlvote utilities for each particular use. The mointenonce of paving on the utility access and fire lone easements is the ~, gorboge and rubbish collection ogencies, responsibility of the property owner, No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or ploced upon, over or ocrose the easements as shown, said easements being hereby reserved for the mutuol use and accommodation of oil public utilities using or desiring to use the some. All ond ony public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed oil or parts of ony buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any woy endan~or or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the easements and all public utilities shall ot all Ones hove the right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said eosements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or remov(ng all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at ony time of procuring the permission of onyone. Any public utility shall have the right of ingress ond egress to prlvote property for the purpose of reGaling meters and any maintenance required or ordlnan?y performed by the utility. Thie plat opproved subject to all platting ordDonces, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. EXECUTED this the .... day of , 2004 Owner R.L. Robertson, LLC Basis of Bearing: Deed to R.L. Robertson, L.L.C., Volume 98170 Pegs 5891 40 20 0 40 80 1" = 40' -- SANDY LAKE RD. ~ .,...~Project ~.~ Site BETHEL ROAD .. SOU TH WES TERN BELT LiNE .L.O.J. 835 LOCATION MAP STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Pub/lo in ond for the eom Coun to be the arson o ty and State, on this dote er , ^uroose anP~ .... ?~d ?,fflce, r. whose nome Is subscribed to the foregoing hstrument off-~ --,. .......... p ?.on?l!y oppeored known to me ~' ~. ~ uun=~oerauon tl~eretn ex resse ~, u~.m,uwmagea rD me ~ot ~e ' P d o~d h the copocity thereh stated, executed the some for the G~N UNDER MY HANO AND SEAL OF OFRCE th{e the ~_~ day of . 2004. No,Dry for the Store of Texas My Commission Expires LEGEND B,L.= Bui/ding Setback Line SIR= Set /ran Rod 1/2" with C&P cop FIR.= Found Iron Rod SURVEYOR'S CER T?FICA TE I, Thomas Co Hollond. do hereby certify thor I have prepored this plot from on actual on the ground survey of the land, ond that the corner monuments shown thereon were ploced under my personol supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City Plan Commisdon of the City of Coppell, Texas Thomas C. Holland dote Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2036 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE M~. the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the said County ond State, on this dote personolly oppeored ThonGs C. Hol/an~ known to me to be the person ond officer whose nome ie subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose ond consideration therein expressed and in the copocity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANO SEAL OF OFFICE this the ~_~ day of , 2004, Notory for the State of Texoe My Commission Expires Recommended for Approvoh Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texos Approved ond Accepted: Dote .UTiLITY CER TIFI~A TF Th(~ plot correctly presents ~he required easements for this deve/opement. City of Coppell, Texas The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texos, hereby certifies thst the foregoing finol plot of the Old Coppell Tawnhomes Subdi¥(slon to the City of Coppell woe submitted to the City Council on the day of , 2004, ond the Council, by formal octlon, then ond there occepted the dedicotion of streets, olle~, porks, eosements, public ploces, ond water and ~ewer lines, os shown ond set forth hond upon said plot ond said Council further outhorlzed the Moyor to note the acceptonce thereof by signlng hie nome os hereinobove subscribed. ~tness my hond this doy of A.O., 2004. City Secretory FLO00 PLAIN NOTE According to the Federal Emergency Monagement Agency's Flood Insuronce Rote ' Number 48113C0155 J, Effective Oats ~un.~ ~ ............. Mop titled Dolloe County, Texos and Incor~..o. rated Areoe', Mop is defined on the mort as 'a .... .~.'~22J t_'"',_ _~vv,; [.n.e Lo_n_a qeser~oeq in th~ mop of survey is located within a Zone X (unshoded)o which 'Floodploin Oevelopment Permit AppllcoUon No. , 2004, has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on Floodplain Administrator date "The developer, builder, seller, or ogent, shall inform in writin ,eoch prospective h?.zord DreGs of this site thor such ,¥ooe-~,. ;~ ; ......... g'. buyer of subdlvldon lots of property located within spedol flood ~- ~. -./ ,= ..~ un ~oen[meo flood hozord oreo and that oll development must conform to the provlsions of the City of Coppell Floodploin tdonogement OrdDonce. ONCOR Utilities;, _Dote: Verizon CommunlcoUons:,,,, Dote: Comcost Coble:. 1XU Gos: _Dote: FINAL PLA' ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET OLD COPPELL TOWNHOMES 21 Residential Lots, 2 Commercial Lots, Zoned PD and 9 Common Areas LOTS 1-17, BLOCKA LOTS 1-6, BLOCKB BEING A 3.8217 ACRE TRACT IN THE $. W. ANDERSON SURVEY, ABST. NO. 18, CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Owner / Developer KURT SONES 12221 Merit Ddve, Suite Dallas, Texas 75251 (972) 250-2990 Fax (972) Revised P&Z Engineer- Surveyor: ENGINEERING, LTD. 01 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 , Texas 75080 (972) 644-2800 Fax (972) 644-2817 Jan. 16, 2004 Job No. 02~ _ pg,