LS Specs for Lot 7SECTION 02900 A, Maintenance= C, Selection of Plant Material= {cont,J 2'2 SOIL PREPARATION MATERIALS .
I, The Landscape Contractor will De held responsible for the maintenance of all REALTY CORPORATiON
work from the time of planting until final acceptance by the Owner, No trees, 4, Owner and/or Architect retains the right to further inspect ail plant material upon A, Sandy Loam;
PART I . GENERAL shrubs, g(oundoov, er or grass will be s,ccepte~3 unless they show a healthy growth arrWa~ at the site and during Installation for size and condition of root ballS, limbs,
s0r~ying, edging, p~uniqg of trees, mowing of gra~, cleaning up and ail omar during t~e p~ocess of ~ork, Rempve rejected set,Hals .from the site immediately, 2~ Physicat properties as follows: Phc,ne:
1,2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 3, A written notice requesting fl~l InspecU~ ~d ao~gta~e ~hould be ~ubmitted Slit-between 15-25 percent
to the uwfle~ at least seven {7] days pr]or to comp(etlon. An on*site inspection by Sand-less than 52 percent
A. Work included: Futnis~ all supervision, faDo~, matedais, s?vices, equipment and Owner a~d Landscape Contractor will be completed pdo~ to written acceptance, 1.8 PROOUCT DEUVERY, STORAGE ANO HANDLING 3. Organic matter shall be 3%-10% of total d~y weight,
appliances requ~ed to complete the work cove~ed ~n conjunction with the landscaping 4, Afte~ final a~egtan~e of installation, the Landscape Contra~to~ will not be A. Preoa~ation= 4, If requested provide a certified soil anaJys~s conducted by an approved soil
coveted ~n these specifications a~d landscaping plans, including= requt~ed to do any of the above listed work. test ng [a,bo~ato~v verifying that sandy loam meets the above requirements.
1, Galled and Burlapged (B&B) Plants: Dig and prepare shipment In a manner that
I, Planting (trees, shrubs and grass] will not damage roots, branch,el, shape, and future development, B, Qrga~lo ~aterlah Compost ~tth a mlxt~re of 80% vegetaUv~ ma~ter an~.20% animal
2, Bed preparation a~d fertillzaUon B, Guarantee= 2~ Container Grown Plants: Delll~er slants In rigid container to hotd bail sha~e and waste, mgredlenta should ce a mix ct course and fine tex~ureo matena,~. S m r
Notification of sources
3, protect root mass. C, PremiSed.Bedding Soil aa supplied by Vit~ Earth Res%ureas,_ Gl~dewater~TexasL la:nds pe architects, inc,
4, Water and Mainteeance until final a~cegtance 1. Trees shall be gHaranteed for a twelve (12) month ~eriod after acceptance, ~roteastonat Beddlng Soil aa supplied by Living Earth Tecnno ogy, ua las Texas or Acid
5, Guarantee Shrubs and grounooover Shall be guaranteed for twa(va (12) mont~a. The
Contractor s~all re,la,ce all dead materials aa soon aa weather permits and uOon B, Delivery: Gtc Municipal Mix as supplied by ~oil Building Systems, Dalla~, Texas o} approved equal. 1708 N, Griffin
1.3 REFERENCE ~TANOARDS notification of t~e uwner, Plants, including t~eea, which have partially died so that I, Deliver packaged materials in seafed containers showing weight, anaJysta and D, Shar~ Sand: Shana sand must be free of seeds, soil Oartl~le$ and weeds, Dallas, Tex~ 75~
A. American Stands,rd for Nursery Stock ~ublls~ed by American Association of shape, size, or symmetry has Been damaged, s~l be oo~stdered subject to name of manufaot'urer, Prote,et materials from deterioration during delivery and
Nurserymen= 27 October 1980, Edition: by American Natlona,I Standards Institute, {no, replacement,, In such cases, the opinion of the uwnet snail be final 2. Deliver only plant materials tthat can be planted in one day unless adequate E, Mulch= Double Shredded Hardwood Mulch, partially decomposed, da~k b~own. Living Tel 214,871,~
storage and watering facilities a~e available on job site, Earth Technologies or approved equal. F~ 214,871,~
(Z60,1]-plant material, a, Plants used for reCacement.shall be of the same kind and s~ze as 3. Protect root balls by heeling In with sawdust o~ other a~p~oved moisture retaining F, gigS,nlQ Ferttllze~= Fertile{d, Susta~e ot Green Sense o~ aqua as recommended for Email smr~s~-ia.~
B, American Joint C,ommittee on Hortlouttura~ Nomenclature: 1942 Edition of Standardized those originally p~anted and. snail be pla~ted as originally specified, AIl material If not p(a~ted within :24 hours of detlve~, req~itpd applications. Fe~illzet sh~Jl .be delNeted ~o t~e site in original uno~ened
D, Hortls Third, 1978 - Cornell University, or bed areas, incurred as a result ct making replacements shall be G. Commercial Fertilizer: 10-20.10 or similar analysis. Nit~ogen source to be a minimum
immediately repaired. 5. Notify Architect of detl,~ery schedule 72 hours In advance so pia~t material may 50% slo~ release organlo Nit~ogen (SCU or UF) with a minimum &% sulfur a~d 4% iron,
be observed upon a~rlva{ at J~ob site.
1.4 NOTIFICATION OF SOURCES ANO SUaMITTAL~ b. 6. Remove rejected pla~t mated{mi immediately from site,
At the di[~ction of the Owner~ plants may be reCaced at the sta~rt of the
next year s plaqting se{son,. In such .cases, dead Cants s~all be
A. The Coetractor Shall, within ten (1~) days following a~cegtance of bid, notify the removed from t~e premises immediate(y, 7, To avoid damage or stress, <do not lift, move, adjust to plumb, or otherwise H. Peat: CommerclaJ sphagnum Seat moss or pa;ttally decomposed shredded pine bark or
Architect/Owner of the sources ct plant materials and bed preparation required
for the project, o, When plant replacements are pfae, ptants, s~il mi5, fprtillzer and manipulate plants by trunk o~ stems, other approved organic
mulch a~e to be utilized as originally s~ectflea ~na reinspected fo~ full
B, Samples: ~rovid~ representative quantities of sandy loam soil, mul¢~, bed mix material, compliance with Contract requirements, All replacements are to be
grave~, aaa crushed stone, Samples shall be approved by Architect before use on Included under "Work' of this ~e~tlon.
project. PART 2 - PROOUCTS
C, Product Data: Submit com01ete product data and specifications on all other specified 2. The Owner agree~ that for the gu?antes to be effective, he will water p~a,nt$ at 2,3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL~
materials. ~east twice a wee~ during dry per~ods and cultivate beds once a month after fins: 2,1 PLANTS
D, Submit three reo~ese~tattve samples of each variety of ornamental trees, sh~u~e, and 3, The above guarantee shall not cory where Cants die after acceptance A. Steel Edging= Shall be Ryerson 'Estate Curbing', 1/8'x4' with stakes 4' on center,
groundcove~ ~{an~s for A~¢hitect s approval. When e~oved, tag. In~tall, and maintain as because of ]nJury by storm~, hall, freeze, lnsect~, diseases, injury by human~, A. ~enerah Well-formed No. I grade ~or bet~e~ nursery ~rown stock. ~sted piant heights are B, Staking Material for S~a~e Trees:
reo~esentatlve samples for final installed plant materials, machines or theft, trom tops of root balls to nominal: tops.ct plants. F~ant spreao refers to nosing{ outer
E. File Ce~tificates of Inspection of plant material by state, c,ounW, and federal authorities 4, Acceptance fo~ all ~andscepe work shall be given afte~ final ~nspectlon by the width of the pfa~t, not to the oute~ ~eaf tfgs. Plants wilt be Individually approved by the I. Poet~ Studded T-Post. no,1 A~m~o with ano~o~ piate~ 8'-0' length= paint black
F. Soll Analysis: Provide sandy loam moll analysis if requested by the ArchiteCt, stand of grass {n all lawn a~eas, At thi$ time, the Owne~ will assume maintenance B. Quantities: the drawings and spectfiQattons a~e complimentary{ anything 3, Rubbe~ hose~ 2 ~ly, fiber reinforced hose, minimum I/2 InCh inside
on the ecceCed work, called for on one and not the oth~e~ tm as binding as if shown and cai[ed for on Co{o~= Black
both, The ~fant schedule }m an mhd to bidders only, Confirm ali quantifies on C, Grave{: Washed native pea O~ave{, g~aded I in. to 1.1/2
plan. ' D, Fllte~ Fabd~ Mlrafl 140N by Celanese Fibers Marketing Company, Available at LofUand
1.5 JOB CONOtT]ONS 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE C, Quality ~d size: Plant materials sha{I conform to the size given on the ~{an. and shall be Co,, (214) 631-5250 ct approved equal.
A, Oene,ra{ Cont~acto~ to complete the following p/nth Ii, il Prlo~ to L,andscage ~ont~actpr healthy, mymmetH~a{, well shaped, full b~an~hed, and ~e{I rooted. The p{antm shall be
initiating any p~tlon of landscape Insta{lation= Gene~a{ uoqt~mcto~ ~nall ~eeve p~nting ced A, Gene~ah Co~p{y with applicable Fede~sl, State, County, and Lo,al regulations free From Injurious insects, dlmems~e3, Injuries to the bark o~ roo~$, b(oken ~ranche$,
drawings, AIl lawn areas to receive solid sod shag be left one [I"1 inch below the flash B, Personnel: Em¢oy only experienced personnel who a~e familla~ with the requi~ed D, Ap~rovah AIl plant materials shall be subject to the approval of the Owner and/or
grade of sidewalks, drives, and curbs,, AIl construction debris shall be removed prior to work. Provide full.time supervision by a qualified foreman acceptable to Landscape Architect, Landscape Architect. All plant~ w~hic~ s~e found unsuitable, in growth, or,la ~nyo
~Jthy, ~l~ly s~l~ O~ ~r~Jl~f~ condition, wl~ be re~eated by the Lanasca~e
Land~ca~e Contractor b~l~i~g J~y work, C, Selection of Plant Materlah Arch{tact, either b~fore or after ~lan~{ng, and shall be remov~ at the ex~en~e
B, General Co~tra~to~ shall p~ovIde to~soll aa descrl~e,d [~ Sectlo~ 02200 . Earthwork.
C, ~to~age of mateHats a~d equipment at the Jo~ site ~tll be at the rfsk of the Landscape I, Make contact with ~up~l~e~s I~medlately u~n o~alning notl~e of contract of t~e Landscape ~o~t~aoto~ and ~ep~aced w~th a~e~table p~ants ae s~eoffled.
~ooeptan~e to select a~d boo~ materials. ~eve~o~ a p~og~sm of maintenance E. Trees shaft ~e healthy, full b~anch~d, ~ell shaped, and sha l meet the trunk
uo~racto~, The Ow~e~ ca~n~t be held responsible fo~ theft o~ damage, [p~unmg and fe~tlllz~flon~ which will insure the purchased materials will ~eet ?amete~ and height requirem~ta pf the p~ant schedule, Ball~d and Bprlap~d shall
and/or exceed project s~e¢{f{catlons, pe firm, neat, slightly ta~ereo an~ ~ell wrap,ed {n b~rfep, Any tre~ {goss n the
2. Landscape A~¢hlte~t will ~ovfde a key Ide~tifylng each ,tree ~ocaflon on s~te, . pail o~ ~lth b~oKen bail ~t time ,ct p~a~flqg will be rejected. Balls snail be ten ~
Written veriflcatlo~ will be requi~ed to document material selection, source an~ [10') [ngwee tn dlamete~ tot each ~ne 1"} Inch of trunk dlamete~ ~easu~ed six c
de41ve~y schedules to site, (~*} aches above bal. o
3, Owne~ and/or A~ohttect shall inspect ali plant materials, when reasonable, m, Nomon¢lat~e conforms to ous~to~a~y nursery use0~ .for clarification. '~
at pla~e of growth fo~ come,lance wtt,h requlreme~t~ for gen~e, sge~lee, ~ultlvar/varlety, the term 'multi-trunk" deflne~ ~a pla~t having three ~3} or mo~e trunks o~ ~
size and quality, ~e~rly equ~l diameter, ~
F, Pruning= All ~uning of t~ees and shrubs, as dkec~ed by Landscape A~chltect,
shall ~e executed by Landscape Contractor at no addiflo~al cost to the Owne~, ,
Sectfon 02900 . 01 Section 02900 . 02 SectJom 02900 . 03 ~ectfon 02900 . 04
PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Maintenance of plant materials s~a{I begin immed[ate{~ after eac~ plant is delivered to F, Shru~ and tree phs shah be mo less than two 2'{ feet t~enty.four 24") n~hes wider O, Trees and large shrubs shah be staked as site conditions require. Position Stakes to ~ ~
3,1 BED PREPARATION & FERTIUZAT1ON the site and shall continue until all construction nas caen satisfactorily accomplished, than the laterat dimension of earth hal and sx 6") inches deeper than {ts vertical ~ ~
A. Land~ca~e Contracto~ to ~ns~ect ail existing conditions ~nd re~ort any deft~fencies to B. dimension. Remove and haul ~rom site all rocks ct sto~es over one (1') In~hes In secure tree against seasonal ~evalll~g winds.
the uwne~
P~ant materials shell be delivered to the site only efte~ the bede a~e pre,areal and
ready to, planting. AIl shi~eentS of nurse{y materials shall be thoroughly p~otected, diameter, Plants should be th,o~oughty moist before removing oontaine~e.
from the drying ~Inds.durlng t~ansiL .All p~nts .which cannot be planted et once, after
deliver] to t~e site, snail be we~l p~ot~¢tea a~alnst the possibility of drying by wind and G. Dig a wide, rough sl~ed hol~ ~exacUy the same depth ~s the height of the ~all, P, Pruning and Mu~¢hing: Each a~ea shall be ~uned In accordance with standard
B, Ail Canting a~eae shall be oondltio~ed as fotlows~ sun, ,~8115 o~ earth of B. & B p~anta Snall.~eKe~ coveted ~tth soil o~ ot~et acceptable es~ecfally at the surface of tthe ground. The sides of the hole should be rough and horticultural ~re~tlce to.reserve t~e netu~a~ character of the ~lent and [n the
material, AIl plants remain the pto~erty of t~e uont~a~tot until f~nal acceptance, jagged, neve~ sllck o~ glazed, fitting its use in the landscape design.
1. C, Posit:Ion the t~eee and shrubs in their intended ~ocatlon as pe~ ~len. H. Percolation Test: FIll the hot~ with ~ater, If the wete~ ~evet does not ~e(co~a~e within 24
hours, the tree needs to be ~oved to another location or have pier hole drainage added.
necessary, Till existing soil to a depth of six ln~ea pdot to te~ttllzet an~ compost Dead wood ct suckers and b~oken or badly bruised b~anches shall be removed
ao~ cation. Apply fe~tflze~ a~ ~er manufacturer's recommendations, Add D, Not~fy. t~e Landscape A~chHect for inspection and approval of all positioning of plant General tipping of all branches {s not
s{~ [6") inches of compost and till {nrc a depth of six (6~) inch[s of the ma~er~a{s. 2, Pruning shatl be done wtth clean sha~
native soil.. A~¢y o~gan{o fertlllze~ such .as ~u.stane ct .G~een ~ense at the rate E, Excavate ~{ts ~tth vertical sides and horizontal bottom. Tree pits shall be la, ge enough L Backfl~ only with 5 ~a~ts exJs~t~ng sot{ o~ sandy ~oam a~d.1 ~t b~d ~e~a~a~{on When hole {~ dug In
Immediately af~et plant{ag ope~ations ate co~l~ed, ,al tree.pits shall be
~olld rock, to~soll from the same a~ea should not be useo. ~a~emlly settle ~y 3, cove~ed with a. layer of specified ~ulch two [2 ) {n~nes ~n ~ept~, . This ~Im{t
of t~e~ty (20} ~ounda ~er one thousand (1,000) square teat. to ~e~mit handling and plant{ag without inJu~y to balls of. earth ct roots and shah be of we~erl~g .to ~r~vent air ~ocke~ts, Remove the burla~ from the to~ 1~3 of the be I, as
such de, th that, when ~a~eo eno settled, the ~own o~ the ~lant shah bea~ the same as ail nylon, ~astlo ~tring andl wire mesh. Containe~ t~ees will usual/ be ~ot bound, of the s~ec{fleo mulch for t~ees snail be the diameter of the ~ant
2, All ~l~nttng bed a~eas shall receive a two (2'] in¢~h [aye~ of s~ecff~ed mulch, re{atica to the finish grade that }t did to soil surface In ~lace of growth, if so fo}lo~ standard nursery ~aot{ce of 'root
3, Backfill fo~ t~ee ~It~ shall be as fotlews~ Use ex{sUng to~sotl gq s~te, f~ee from Q. Steel Curb{ag
}a,rge o{ump~, rook, debrle, ca{lobe, subsoils, erg,. placed [n nine (9"} inch layers
~a[ered In t,ho~oughly, J, Do not wrap t~ees, 1,, Curbing shall be aligned as indicated o~
C, Grass Area~ K. Do not ove~ prune. 2. AIl steel curbing shall be free of kinks ct abrupt bends,
1. ~reas to be Sol{~ Sod Bermudagrass~ B{o~ks of sod should be {aid joint to joint, 3, Tog of curbing shall be I/2' maximum higher than ex{sUng grade, ~
[staggered jointsj, after fe~till~i0~ t~e ground first. ~oll ~tass areas to achieve a L, Mulch the top of the ball, Do, not plant g~ass all the way to the trunk of the tree. Leave 4, Stakes are to be Installed on the planting bed side of the curbing, as opposed
smooth, even surface, The joinle ~etween the blocks or sod should be filled with the area above the to~ of th~ ~aJl unplan~ed and mulch wl~h at least two [2') taches of to the grass side.
topsoil where they are evldently gaped open, then watered thoroughly, s~eoifled mulch. 5. Do not Install steel edging along sidewalks.
2, Areas le be Hydromuloh Common Berm~de~asp~ Hydromulch with . 6. Cut steel edging at 45 deg~ev angle where edging meets sidewalk. ~
be~muda~ass seed at a ra~e of tw~ 12{ poun~a per one thousand H,0001 M. All pl~t beds and t~eea to b~a mulched with a minimum settled thickness of two (2')
square ~eet. Use a 4' x 8' bailer ~oard egalnst the bed areas, inches over the entire bed or pi~. 3,3 CLEANUP AND ACCEPTANCE ~
N. Obstruction below grour~d~ In the event rook or underground construction work or A. Cleanup~ During the work. ~e P[emlses shall be, ke~t neat and orderly at al~ tlm~s.
chat,ructions ere encou~tered 'I~ ~ny plant pit excavation work to be done ~nder this Sl?a~e areas t? all materials snail be so otgamze~ that they, too, are neat eno
se~tfon, alternate local',oas m~ os. selected by the Owner. Where oraer~y, All trash and debris shall be removeB from the site as work progresses.
locadon~ c~nnot be o~8~ged, lt~e oo~tru¢?on~ shall be .re~oved to a depth of not less Keep paved areas clean by sweeping or hosing at end of each days' work,,~
than t~ee [3'} feet below gra(ae an~ no [ess than slx {~"} in~hes below bottom of ball
when plant Is p~op~rlY ~et ~t the. required gra~e, The. w?~ of .thls section sha~l include
the reeova{ from the s~te o~ ~su~n fcc. or unae~grouno oostruct{ons encounteteo at the ~
Section 0290,0 - 05 Seat{on 02900 - 06 Sect{~on 02900 - 07 Sect{on 02900- 08 O ~ ~
~~%~ , , , ~ ~~~ "~ ~'~ -~' - FINISH GRADE ~ ~
..,~,~4'~ ~." ~ ,'~ ' ~.';~ ~'~i~',~, ~,~,~.', '~' '
'r' ~ '~ - NOT ALLOWED
~' ~~~ ~/ (3) METAL T-POST PAINTEO
7 t' '~ YI"3'
CRUSHED ROCK '' '~'' ...... "'~'' "' ....... ~ .....
2X DIAMETER NOTE: LOCATE STAKES OUTSIDE il I1~1 I ~ I' I~, )l{~'~i; ~: I ~
P.EV IUNG WINOS, ~,1} ~ ,AT '.
NOT TO SCAL~ no steel along sidewalks NOT T0 S '~0 ~ LE ~''I :----~