Ltr. to Eng. re ingress of propMay 7~ 2004 City of Coppell c/o Mr. Ken Griffin Dircclor or E~lgineerhlg/Publlc Works 255 Parkway Copp¢lI, Texas 75019 972-304-3686 (Ikx 972-304-704 I) R}::: l;crgt~son Realty Company land lucated on Sandy Lake Road m~d Slate Highway 121, Coppell. Tcx3s Dear Mr. Gril'lin: l'crguson N. cahy C,-,mpany has cnterccl imu a 41 )'car grotmd leasc [the "Lease") with MC II l-)cveh~pm¢l~t C'o~upany, l,td or assigns (c/n Richard Crow 214-520-7800) Iht 31,57 acrcs ofl, ~d ru 'q:l ~ ly Lake Road in C{*ppcll. Fergl.~son Realty C~m~pany 'equcstcd and thc I. easc includes a pro',d~,mn for an easement and sharvd d~ivc approach ul'foflhc Sta~e Highu, ay 121 servicc road. Y'ergst~on l~¢alty (-'~,mpany did Ilo[ rcqu¢,st nlld '~]lc l,easc does 11o[ iqchldc a pro¥isiOll ~'~)r .sh~ r Ilg lhe tlr vc "7" 'n2ch off of Sandy Lake Road S ncerely, 'CpresenI 4[,.~ for !.,~ tz, tlSOt~ Realty ('ompan¥ 214-237-2920 !vlon, P.E. l/lc. x ? 14-361.5573) Ric lard L, Cr'o'~ Myers & Crow Compu. ny 214-5211.7R00 ({'~x 214-520-2015)