DRC commentsCOl'FELL Project ID MP-04-0022 Address 900 W Sandy Lake Rd CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name COPPELL Sandy Lake Road Addition, Lot 1, Block l(Fergu Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Minor Plat 4/21/04 Marcie Diamond To allow the construction of an approximate 604,800-square-foot office/warehouse building Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 4/28/04 Jeff Curry 4/29/04 Ken Gdffin 4/29/04 Comments 1. No comments made. No Comments Received. 1. The flag-shaped lot that allows access to SH 121 - the driveway will need to be approved and permitted by TxDOT, and it will impact the surrounding properties. Only certain driveway spacing is allowed which means that shared access may be a consideration for the benefit of future developments along that corridor. 2. The same thing is true of the Sandy Lake Road access on the west side of the property. We will be locating a median opening to serve this driveway as well as the driveway on the property on the south side of Sandy Lake Rd. That median access will be the only one allowed between Royal Lane and your property. Some sort of mutual access to the property to your west will need to be provided. 3. Sandy Lake Road does not have a 50' ROW in its present condition, show the actual dimension of that ROW, 4. Show the dimensions of the drainage easement that was dedicated by separate instrument on the plat. 5. The public waterline shown should be in an easement. 6. We request a copy for our files of the 50' mutual access easement granted by separate instrument on the property to the east. 7. Is the fire lane easement you are dedicating on the adjacent property also addressed in the mutual access easement? 8. There is another line shown on the adjacent property that goes up to a point then ends, I don't see anything that describes what that line is. 9. We need to have for our files some type of easement or agreement on the drainage situation. We are concentrating a lot of water into a small point and discharging it onto the property to the east of this development. Has this been addressed with the adjacent property owner? Preliminary Grading & Drainage Plan - 1. Drainage plan needs to show offsite drainage areas in several places. 2. What is the limit of the offsite drainage channel construction on the property to the east? Is there an agreement or easement for this? COFFELL Agency Reviewed By CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date COPPELL Comments 3. Provide a table of drainage areas and discharge points. 4. Will the double 8'X4' box culvert under the driveway on the east side of the property be adequate to convey the drainage? This will need to be evaluated in more detail during the full engineering review. Preliminary Water & Wastewater Plan - 1. Show valve spacing within your fire line not to exceed 500' or a reasonable layout to go with your hydrant layout. 2. All vaults, meters and public lines shall be within a utility easement. There may be an opportunity to eliminate the western vault off Sandy Lake. This will be evaluated in more detail during the full Engineering 3. In all cases where you have a fire vault and a domestic or irrigation meter, a valve should be installed between the meter and the vault so that service is not interrupted during vault maintenance. 4. Proposed sanitary sewer line needs to tie into the line in Sandy Lake Road rather than the line on the adjacent private property. 5. There is an area at the south end of the building with a 300' space missing a water line. Please connect that to provide a better loop for the system. 6. Something is shown adjacent to the fire service that is unidentifiable. 7. Private water line size will be evaluated at plan submittal. A 12" water line may be needed. Additional comments may be generated during full engineering review. Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Tim Oates John Elias Marcie Diamond 4/30/04 4/27/04 4/27/04 - Relocate fire lane easement on S side of building out of the 'collapse zone'. Move S to make fire lane easement straight, C18, C21 can be eliminated. No comments. 1, Rectify the inconsistencies of the locations and types of easements along western and southern property lines as indicated on the site plan and the plat. 2, Indicate filing information for all easements established and abandoned by separate instruments. If not available, then leave blanks where they can be filled in at a later date i.e Volume: , Page 3. Add "Volume: , Page "to add the recording information for this plat in the lower right-hand corner. 4. Correct the zoning on the adjacent property to the South as: PD-194 LI, 5, Vicinity Map - the street to the north of the subject property is Canyon Drive not Corporate Park, 6. It would be helpful to have the plat and the site plan at the same scale and orientation. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Sandy Lake Road Addition, Lot 1~ Block 1 (Ferguson)~ Minor PlatT to allow the construction of an approximate 604,800-square-foot office/warehouse on 31.6 acres of property located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 1,300 feet east of SH 121, at the request of John Taylor, azimuth architecture, inc. STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond PROJECT ID# MP-04-0022 DRC DA TE: April 29, 2004 and May 6,2004 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Gri~n, P.E., Dir. o~ En~ine, COMMENT STATUS: PP~L!M!N~RY rin~/Public Works 972/304-3686 '~ FINAL o ~ ~'r~:o P&Z 1. The flag-shaped lot that allows access to SH 121 - the drive~vay will need to be approved and permitted by TxDOT, and it will impact the surrounding properties. Only certain driveway spacing is allowed which means that shared access may be a consideration for the benefit of future developments along that corridor. 2. Show the dimensions of the drainage easement that was dedicated by separate instrument on the plat. 3. We request a copy for our files of the 50' mutual access easement granted by separate instrument on the property to the east. 4. ls the fire lane easement you are dedicating on the adjacent property also addressed in the mutual access easement? 5. We need to have for our files some type of easement or agreement on the drainage situation. We are concentrating a lot of water into a small point and discharging it onto the property to the east of this development. Has this been addressed with the adjacent property owner? Preliminary Water & Wastewater Plan - 1. Proposed sanitary sewer line needs to tie into the line in Sandy Lake Road rather than the line on the adjacent private property. Additional comments may be generated during full engineering review. -7