Replat filed w/County 8/25/04 n r,- 00 ur) 0 0 LO 0 ~? (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) CITY OF COPPELL S.A.& M.G. RR SURVEY - ABSTRACT NO. 1439 ........ S.A.& M.G. RR SURVEY - ABSTRACT NO. 14.39 JOHN VEST SURVEY - ABSTRACT NO. 1508 ................................ J~'~"~ ~E~T-~-U--RV:Et; L--~T3S'TI~A~-~O'. i5~--~-- HILLWOOD FUND NO. 1. L.P. (VOL. 2005006. PG. 00074) ........... · ,-- .-- ........ , IRS ~RS , , I N O0 .:52 27 E _ ~. ..... _d/,741.39 -- _ j_ _ J_____ ..... ,.__...__ _ .L .......... ~ ~ ......... , T ...... o..o -,~ ~-- --"---- '/-,-- ......... ~ ' / / 882.65 .......... ~ .... ';'"" ''- ~__ Glo ,o /-- ........ --/- ....... .................. ' ............... / , -- ....................... z 22.85 --[ .......... - -- ~ ........ ~ --/ ~ 10 ~ GAS/ELECTRIC ESMT 17 5' HIKE AND F~-. ....... _~,... ,--,',',',',~.. _-7~'~, 2,.'--,',',',',',',',~,,, ' -- '~ 1-~-TX"O'~AS~EC--~'~C ESM T---~7.~- HIKE AND ' '"~'/~-7/~ 10 TXU ELECTRIC DEL,IVERY , --F _ / _TX U U TI L, .T'~_ _ _E A S_E_M E_N_T,Y ~1t ..... 0r~1065 PG 37'~ . . Blt~E EASEMENT2 , :~'~2 ~ I Jxu u~tul'r L^~b~Lr~_/ L_ ......... L/,-' .... ,, '. BIKE EASEMENT-~ _ / % r'nuPANY EASEMENT tBY THIS PLAT~.................. / / -- (,VOIL 2001055. PG. ,~/) k ....... / (,VOL. 2001065 PG. ,.37) --/ ~ ~ .__ / ~ I fVOL 2001065 PO. 37)'--' tVUL. ZUU~U~ t-'u. ,~,/ (VOL 2001065 PG. 37) · / ..... ,, , ~ w'ozz, : ,~u~.,u __! --__~ / / . ~ .... ~ ' / ~- iRS i. ; ' ' .... ' ' / / t M, AL O- ESS EASEME J I / ./I.. 24' F, RE *NE MURAL ACCESS EASEMENT _ t"' IIV OF , ~ I ~ / / I (-B'Y'~%-F'L~,T) -- /' / t (~Y ~S PLAT) N / / /- ....... '; - , ......./ / .......... --'x //'%-,0, '/ I / ......... ---- ' I J ~ (BY THIS PLAT) I I / // J L20X20 TXU ELECTRIC. DEUVERY . /nv-r'~,c P,&T', [z|i~ ~--14.11 19'J ./.., ~" ~ ~ /"Y~ \ \ ',,'~, · , I Iz fz - ~ · ~'---' ~ COMPANY EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) ,. .......... / r~--¢ "-- ....... I / ~" I'-. ~. ,~ 20 X20 TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY ~ ~ _ / 0~o ' I i.~ t,~ COMPANY EASEMENT (BY TH S PLAT) I ',.01 I l' I T-519,86 L /~ X / / -o ~ · RT XII ~ CB=S3851 ,35 E / ~ o FREEPO ~, , ~ ~ ,,, . . LOT7 BLOCK A lc. '- 0D-975.6 - ~ \ ~,"'o · FREEPORT XI ,,, = - 1 - I o d . . LOT 6 BLOCK A ~ .= / ~ I~ ". ~,559 ACRES l~j. I I~ >",:,~',."'~4"2 ,-,~'~ I I (BY THIS PLAT) / /' ,~,~ ~ ~ / / .a~ , ~ \ 0..~0 ~_1~ I I , 372 861 SF ~,~ ~, tzez,o/u ~r) - / ~ / \ -~=~ . (BY THIS PLAT, TEXAS DUOAN LIMITED PAR67~RSHIP '¢1'~ TEXA SHIP o.~~/~'' ~1~ ~ - ~~///~' ' ~ OL 2000251 PO 2 I / ' I - ! : MU~AL ACCESS EASEMENT , /~ ~ -- / ,/ , / I I I ~ (RY ~IS P~TI 10 U~LI~ EASEMENT N / / ~ ~ / / ~ I I I' I I '- ' (BY ~IS PLAT) ~ / ~ / / 0 30 60 120 180 I~l~ ':-~- [~0' UT~LI~ ESMT I 't / / ~~ / / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ~.¢ ,s 0o'9~¢ ~ ' (VOL 2001065, PG. ~7~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ 24 FIRE,NE ~ MURAL ACCESS EASEMENT mj~o ~ I I' ' O~ 20' PR[VA~i PLATDRAtNAGE ESMT , . W/"PACHE~cAP FOUND KOCH' S ~' '32 2Y--W 1 23' ~/s 8~Y33" E 2400'. / ~ / ~ ~ ~l - ~' ' ~; _] ~ ,1 ~__- ~ ~ / / , / LOT 3R, BLOCK A 8 ~ -' ' - 1/~; IN~ iRON RO~, % ~ . ~ 15 PR[~ SANITARY - , ~UKE-FREEPORT ADDITION - I ~ ~ ~- UA~ ~UUNU % / ~ -- -- ~ % EASEMENT I .... ,~,..,, ,,,I · X - --,~. I I ¢BY ~IS P~T% - . / (VUL. ZUUOueo, r~. oo2 Il % / ~ ~ ~ (VOL 2002125 PG, 0070)~ N ~ Z~ ~D W~ ...... . ~o'-~. I ' ' / / / ./ .............. ~ , I ~ ~ ~- ~ ~/_ I / / %~ ~ FiG' ONCOR EASEMENT m % / ~ % //V.~U I I ~ %~ I / / -- / (VOL 2002237, PG. 4795) ~ ~~~~ : - - / (vo. zooz,:,, ,:. oo o) < / -- . , /. // - , l. , , / I J // / . . . ~ LINE TABLE ~ ~ FO)UND ' (BY ~ S P~T) / / ~ ~ I L1 ~ 20.38 N50'58'57"E I , '% ~ % ~ I/ /.~ / ./ O~ERS CERfl~CA~ (NOT TO SCALE) z ~ 8 ' ' " [ ~' ~ % '~2 ' ~ , ,z I2o.; s~o~w I ~ ~ ~.~=,~-,,4%/ . ~ //.. . / m I Lo, 5, BLOCK A / 122,1e,~~.~'. ~ ./, ~ ~v.~ OF ~.~ / < DUKE-FREEPORT ADDISON ~ ~ ~ //~ C~N~ OF OALLAS ~ ~ 24' FIRELANE R AC~SS I (VOL. 2002125,. PG. 0070) ~ .( EA%MENT 15' UqUTY ESMT ~ 0 , VOL 2~2125, P~. 0070) VOL 2002125 PG. 007~) ~, ~EREAS ~XA~ DUGAN LIMI~D PAR~ERSH/P is ~h¢ owner of ~ ~4.~50 ocre ¢oroel ef lend dfu¢fed in ~he John Vest STA~ OF ~XAS z 0 L ~ / // ~ ~u~ ~ r~orded in Volume 2001065, Po~e 57 of the Plot Records of O~l/os Counf~ Texos, s¢N ~4.150 Gores tract bring more ................ ~ ~ [ ,//'~ CONCRE~ FOUND parUoulaW described as follows:' auu~/r u~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~ ' ' recbon of the we~thn,~frreeort BEFOREME th¢ undermnedouth~dM ¢NoforyPubhc,n ondfor theStofeof r~xo, on th,s doyp~s~dly > : BEGINNING, afa l/2-/nch iron rod with Pacheco Koch cap set at the /nfe s ' ' p r9 .... BEGINNING v CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 94'29'54" 25.50 27.58 42.06 S47'45'12"W 37.45 C2 90'00'00" 54.00 54.00 84.82 N45'50'lS"E 76.37 03 90'02'12" 54.00 54.03 84.86 S44'28'39"E 76.39 C4. 90'00'00" 54.00 54.0.0 84.82 S45"32'27"W 76.37 C5 39"33'30" 30.00 10.79 20.71 N70'45'42"E 20.30 C6 0'58'28" 1411.12 12.00 24.0'0 S39'01'03"E 24.00 C7 39'33'30" 54.00 19.42 37.28 N70'45'42"E 38.55 C8 90.00'00" 30.00 30.00 47.12 S45'32'27"W 42.43 C9 90'00'00" 30.00 30.0'0 47.12 S44'27'33"E 42.43 CI0 90.00'00" 30.00 30.00 47.12 N45'32'27"E 42.43 Parkwoy (110 foot wide right-of-way) and the south //ne of Creaky/aw OWve (variable width r/ght-of-way), and being appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to. me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing the beg/nn/ng of ~ non-tangent curve to the r/thC /nstrument and acknowfedge.d to me that he executed the same for the purposes and cons/deroUon therein / expressed. /, Thence, .long the west I/ne of sa/d Freeport Parkway and said non-tangent cur. to the right through o central angle ~_~ g/f...~.~ 2004. I of 40 degrees. 26 m/nutes, 51 second~, o radius of 1411. t2, ~ chord bearing ond d/stance of South $8 degrees, ~1 ¢IVEN UNDER MY' HANO AND SEAL OF OFROE this doy of ._ . I / / minutes, 55 seconds East, 975.61 feet, an ore length of 996. 17 feet to (7 '+' cut in concrete found for careen, san point dso being the north comer of Lot 5, Block I of Duke-Freeport Addition, os recorded in Volume 2002125, Page The undersigned, the C/fy Secretary of the City of Coppell, rexos, hereby certifies thor the forgoing Plat of corner;, That, TEXAS OUGAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, does hereby adopt this plat des/gnot/ng the herein descr?bed property os Lots 6 and 7, Block A, DukeT'~jeeQort Add/t/on, an add/Uon to the C/fy of Coppell was submitted to the City Lois 6 and 7, Block A of Duke-Freeport Add/UGh, an addiUon ta the City of Coppe/I, Texas and do hereby dedicate Council on the ~th day of ~'~z,~2~J , 2004, and the Council, by formol action, then ond there occepted the South 66 degrees, 51 minutes, 54 seconds ~Yesf, o distance of 50.25 feet to o "+' cut in concrete found for to the public use forever, the streets, al/ey~, and ecsemenfs specified as dedicated to the pubffc shown thereon, dedication of streets, al/ey~, p~.~.r, ks,(~asements, public p/aces, and water and sewer fines, as shown and set forth corner;, ~ c~r'~ m~--'~1 The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as ;nd/coted. ;n and upon said p/at, and said Co~nc# further author/zed the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof ~ c-_~ mr-- subscrbed. "< No buddings, fence~, trees, sh~bs, or other /mprovement~ or growth shall be consf~cted or placed upon, over by signing his n~me os herein obo~ N~th 89 degree~, 29 m/nufe~, ~ s~onds West, o d/stance of 110.~ feel to ~ 1/2-inch iron rod w/th or across the "UtOity Easements" as shown. S~/d "Ut[iffy Easemenf~' be/n9 hereby rese~ed for ~he mutual use and accommodoUon of ail pubffc uf///Ues des;ring fo use or using same. A/I and any pubffc uUI/ty shaft ha~ ~ESS MY HAND, this of~ . 2004. Pg. 70); from ali ports of ~ts resp~t/ve s~tem , within san "Utility Eosements~ without the necessity qf any Ume 2~2125, Pg. 70) q distance of 828.73 feet to q 1/2-inch iron rod with "Pach~o Koch' cop found for corn~ at the Of proourin9 the perm/ss[on Of ~n~n.. sou~hw.~ co. er of s~/d Duk.-Fr.~o~ odd/Uon (VoL 2002125, Pg' 70) ~nd ~./ng ~ ~h. n~h fin. of ~ dry,nog. Nofw/thsfond;n9 the forgoing, ~XAS OUGAN L/MI~D PAR~ERSH/P resales for themselves, their successors and ~sdgn~ ~ENC~ North 89 degree~, 29 minufe~, 45 s~ond~ West, ~ distance of 419.41 feet o~oss sdd Lot 2 of sdd the Wghf to use the ~urfoce of o/I such e~sement~ for ~nsfo/Ifng f~nds~p~ng and ~goUon s~tem~, for po~ng Approved end Accepted b~ Duke-Fre~ort AddiUon (Vol. 2001065, Pg ~7) ~nd orang ~d drainage e~semenf to ~ l/2-~nch ~r~ rod wHh "P~checo const~cf and maintain paZng on ~he surface of such easements for the pu~ose of Recommended for Ap~ro~h Approved and Accepted: and vehicular ~rof~c, and fo ~ ~~~ ~ENCE, No~th O0 degrees, ~2 m[nufe~, 27 seconds East, deporUng so~d drainage eose~ and dong the wes~ Hne ~fnes~ my hond ct Coppe/I, Tex¢~ th[~ the ~ d~y of_ , 200¢. Koch" cop se~ for comer on ~he ~ou~h fine of sold CreekOew Dr/ye; ~~ ~ENCE, North 89 agree~, 58 m*ufe~, 12 seconds East, dong the south l*e of s¢id OeekWe~ Drive , dfsfonc, ~XAS DUGAN L/MI~O PAR~ERSH/P Cho~on, Plo DoleII ~ ' ~ I1 ~'~?~ 2Z85 feel to ~he POINT ¢ BEGINNING. ..... ' '"' DUKE FREEPORT ADDITION ~~ .... Zon~ Comm[ss~ C[fy ~f Cop~e/l ~ ~C~{C ~ ~P~Y D~te ~f ~pr~v~ C~T~/~/N~: 6~5,5~2 squoce fee~ or 14.~0 ocres ~f /ond, /ess. ~oodp~Wn Devewpmen~ Per~ Appt~coUo~ No.~ hos bee~ fi~ed w~h the City of ST~ OF ~ ~zo,-- ~ ~' ~ ~mm, BEING inst~ment ond ocknow/edged to ~e that he executed the some for ~he purposes on~ con~,~ero~,on [~rel, ~ LOCATED IN THE CI~ OFCOPPELL,TEXAS ~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~MCAST D~te of Approv~ KNOW ALL MEN BY ~ESE PREENS: ~ot f, Jome~ A. Koch, Jr., Registered Professional Lond Surve~ do her~y ~ogd~Wfn A~m~fs~tor D~te certify ~h~t I pr~r~ ~his pf~ ~o~ on oc~uol ond occur~ge ~u~ey of ~he /~nd; that ~he corner monum~f~ ~hown ~I~N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OmCE~h/s~O dayof .~., I. , . 2oO~. co~,/,, r, xo,. ~ JOHN VEST SURV~, ABSTRACT NO. 1508, ~ pt~ ~f Four ~n~ ~U~, ~n ~diU~n ~ ~e ~ ~f ~ppe/t, D~It~ ~ounf~ Te~, recor~ ~n ~er~ ~24~. P~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ecor~ ~f D~It~ ~ounf~ ~x~. ~d~nd ~n~ 2. S/dewo/k~ wN be constructed ct the expense of the properly ewner when deemed necessory by the C/fy Engineer. 5. (C.M.) - Con~rol//ng monumenL 8350 N, CENTRAL EXPWY SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75206 972,235,3031 DWG FILE: 2052-04-058RP.DWG