CC approval on 6/8/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPFELL DEPT: Planning DATE: June 8, 2004 ITEM #: 16 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the West Sandy Lake Road Addition, Lot 1, Block 1 (Ferguson), Site Plan, to allow the construction of an approximate 604,800-square-foot office/warehouse on 31.6 acres of property located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 1,300 feet east of SH 121. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE GOAL(S): ~ M - Brancheau S - Peters Motion to approve subject to conditions 1 & 5 with 5 revised to read "Contingent that the revised Landscape Plan and Tree Preservation Retribution Plan be brought and submitted in six (6) months and pror to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy." EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Vote - 6-0 - z: York Absent Date of P&Z Meeting: May 20, 2004 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Milosevich, Kittrell, Halsey, Reese and Foreman voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) TxDOT approval for the access to S.H. 121. :c',:tS. (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 5) Consideration to up-sizing additional trees to reduce the reparation fee. .,,m ~ ...... ;"~¢ '";'" ;-;*;~ ......... ;~- (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 02/04 Document Name: @ 7West SLR SP I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: West Sandy Lake Road Addition~ Lot 1~ Block 1 (Ferguson), Site Plan P & Z HEAR1NG DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: May 20, 2004 June 8, 2004 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: Along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 1,300 feet east of SH 121. SIZE OF AREA: 31.6 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: APPLICANT: Site Plan approval to allow the construction of an approximate 604,800-square-foot office/warehouse. Ferguson Realty Company c/o Meyer & Crow Company 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd. #730 Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone: (214) 520-7800 FAX: (214) 520-2015 Architect: John Taylor azimuth architecture, inc. 3809 Parry Avenue, # 205 Dallas, Texas 75226 Phone: (214) 261-9060 FAX: (214) 261-9049 Engineer: David Littleton Halff Associates, Inc. 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 Phone: (214) 346-6200 FAX: 214-361-5573 Page 1 of 5 Item # 12 HISTORY: There is no zoning or platting history on this tract of land. However, the owners of this property, who also own the property abutting to the west, participated when the City initiated the rezoning of 200+ acres of property from Light Industrial to Highway Commercial along S.H. 121 frontage. The triangular tract of land between the subject tract and S.H. 121, north of Sandy Lake, is now zoned for Highway Commemial. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake is designated as a C4D/6 on the Thoroughfare Plan. In the third quarter of this year, construction will begin to improve this existing two-lane asphalt road to a four-lane divided thoroughfare within 110-120 feet of right-of-way. The median has been designed to be wide enough to accoinmodate the additional two lanes, if warranted in the future. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Undeveloped LI (Light Industrial) South - Undeveloped Four Seasons Addition; LI (Light Industrial) East - Undeveloped LI (Light Industrial) West- Undeveloped LI (Light Industrial) and HC (Highway Commercial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for Light Industrial and Showroom uses. DISCUSSION: This request is for a Site Plan approval to allow the development an approximate 605,000-square-foot office/warehouse building to be located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, east of S.H. 121. While this type of bulk/tilt-wall warehousing is fairly typical in our Light Industrial areas, given the location and visibility of this proposed project, there are issues which merit detailed discussion, including access, trees, screening and architectural character of the building. ACCESS Access to this property will be via two driveways along Sandy Lake Road and one to S.H. 121. Both of the driveways along Sandy Lake will be served by full median breaks. The eastern driveway straddles the property line and will be shared with the abutting land so that both properties can utilize access to the median opening. The western driveway, however, is not providing for mutual access to the abutting property. Staff is recommending that this driveway be relocated to be along the common lot Page 2 of 5 Item #12 line (similar to the eastern driveway), or provide a driveway connection, within the property, parallel to Sandy Lake Road. The third point of access is proposed to connect this property to S.H. 121 with a flag-shaped lot. First, this driveway will need to be approved and permitted by TxDOT. Second, the location of this access to S.H. 121 will impact the accessibility of the surrounding properties, due to TxDOT's driveway spacing criteria. Staff is again recommending that shared access be considered for the benefit of future development of the intervening, triangularly shaped HC property to the south and a similarly shaped property abutting to the north. TREE PRESERVATION/LANDSCAPING Trees heavily impact this site. Per the tree survey submitted by the applicant, 6,117-caliper inches exist on this site, approximately 2,377 of which are being preserved as tree rows along the northern and eastern property lines. As detailed in the attached comments from John Elias, Landscape Manager, giving credit for these preserved trees in combination with upsizing of various trees, a contribution to the City of Coppell Reforestation and Natural Areas Fund in the amount of $55,350 will be required. Further upsizing of the required trees on the Landscape Plan, as accomplished on similar projects in this area, may further reduce the total contribution due. The payment of this fee is not negotiable through the Site Plan approval process; however, it may be addressed through other venues. This property is in one of the City's Primary Image Zones. These zones have special landscape edge requirements. Specifically, "Cedar Elms are the dominant street tree in the median and the edges, accented with Redbud and Wild Plum and accent overstory trees of Sweet Gum or Chinese Pistache." This streetscape plan also calls for Live Oaks to "soften the edge and provide year-round screening." Compliance with this Ordinance will not substantially change the design of the landscaping of this project, it will just require the replacement of the proposed Bald Cypress trees with Cedar Elms along Sandy Lake Road. BUILDING ELEVATIONS/VISIBILITY This site is currently extremely visible from north and southbound S.H. 121 and will always be visible from Sandy Lake Road, and as mentioned above, it is within one of the City's Primary Image Zones. This building is proposed to have 540 feet of frontage along Sandy Lake Road and 53-55 dock doors within 1,120-linear feet along the east and west elevations. The view of this building will be somewhat obscured by the existing and proposed trees; however, compliance with the following provision of the Light Industrial District regulation must be demonstrated: Page 3 of 5 Item #12 "Where walls exceed 100 feet in length, additional architectural accents must be included to break up the expanse of the wall. These may include items such as reveals, windows, and wall articulations, among others." As detailed in the attached memo from the applicant, Richard Crow, he contends that this design exceeds this provision of the Zoning Ordinance through a combination of reveals, paint colors and the inclusion of clear story windows. Staff still has some concern, especially given the visibility from surrounding properties and thoroughfares. In addition to overall design issues, staff is recommending that two additional 1 O-foot screening walls, perpendicular to the building to shield the view of the loading areas, be added to the north side of the building similar to those being provided along the south side of the building parallel to Sandy Lake Road. No monument signs axe proposed for this development. Finally, them are still several easement discrepancies between the Plat and Site Plan. Specifically, the water line easement on the eastern property line is indicated as a 20-foot easement on the Site Plan, and a 22-foot easement on the Plat. There is also a drainage easement on the Plat along the western property line, which does not show on the Site Plan. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of West Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1) TxDOT approval for the access to S.H. 121. 2) Mutual access being provided along the western property line. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Mutual access being provided from the driveway to S.H. 121 to properties abutting to the north and south. Demonstrate compliance with Sec. 12-25-5.2, Type of construction, of the Zoning Ordinance. Substitution of the proposed Bald Cypress trees with Cedar Elms along Sandy Lake Road. Consideration to up-sizing additional trees to reduce the reparation fee. Addition of two 10-foot screening walls along the north side of the building, perpendicular to the building. Page 4 of 5 Item #12 8) Resolve the inconsistencies in the easements between the Plat and Site Plan. ALTERNATIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request. Recommend disapproval of the request. Recommend modification of the request. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Department conm~ents (Engineering, Parks) Memo from Richard Crow Site Plan Elevations (2 pages) Landscape plan Landscape specs Existing Tree Plan Existing Tree Legend Page 5 of 5 Item # 12 COl'FELL Project ID 8PA-04-0021 Address 900 W Sandy Lake Rd CITY OF COPPELL 2nd nRC REPORT Project Name COPPELL West Sandy Lake Road Addition (Ferguson) Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Site Plan Approval 4/21/04 Marcie Diamond To allow the construction of an approximate 604,800-square-foot office/warehouse on 31.6 acres of properly Agency Engineering Parks and Recreation 1 of 1 Comments 1. The proposed driveway exiting onto SH 121 will need approval from TxDOT, See additional comments on the plat for this case. 1. A tree removal permit will be required prior to removal of any protected trees on this site. 2. Tree Mitigation Tabulations shown on Existing Tree Plan (05.'11.04 P&Z submital) are calculated correct. A contribution to the City of Coppell Reforestation and Natural Areas Fund in the amount of $55,350.00 will be required if this plan is followed. 4. Increasing the trees to 6" DBH is recommended, and has been done with previous developers with similar size projects. Marcie Diamond - Sand), Lake project Page 1 From: To: Date: Subject: "Richard Crow" <rlcrow@myerscrow.com> "Marcie Diamond" <mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us> 5/7/04 12:30:44 PM Sandy Lake project Marcie Diamond City of Coppell Assistant Director Planning 972-304-3676 Marcie, Thank you for meeting with us regarding the new Sandy Lake Road project in Coppell. We sincerely appreciate the efforts by the City of Coppell staff and the open communication you have afforded us. The support by the staff is important to us and we believe to the P&Z commission and City Council approval process. Our development team has exercised significant effort and creativity towards the design of the Sandy Lake project to provide a functional and aesthetic building, which meets or exceeds the City of Coppell codes and ordinances. The exterior wall design elements of the Sandy Lake project include 39,400 lineal feet of reveals averaging a reveal every 6 feet in both the vertical and horizontal directions on every wall. The architect has also included 32 clerestory windows around the entire perimeter of the building. The office entry corners include 24' high glass and metal canopies extending in two directions at each corner. All glass is proposed as the high-end reflective Greylite 14 material. The combination and pattern of the three earthtone paint colors combined with the reveals, corner entries and clerestory windows break up the expanse of the walls and results in a very attractive building. Section 12-25-5.2 of the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance states "Where walls exceed 100 feet in length, additional architectural accents must be included to break up the expanse of the wall. These may include items such as reveals, windows, and wall articulations, among others." We contend that we have exceeded the ordinance requirements and that we have accomplished the intent of the ordinance with the design elements proposed. In addition to the building design, we have positioned the building on the site 189' from Sandy Lake Road (code requires only 60') and are planting 61 trees along our Sandy Lake Road frontage. The building is 205' from our west property line, placing it 1,470' from State Highway 121 on the south and 430' from State Highway 121 on the North. In addition we are planting 19t trees between the building and State Highway 121. We are planting a total of 467 new trees at the project. Attached is the rendering of the Sandy Lake project. We respectfully request that staff approve the design as proposed and submit an endorsement to the P&Z commission and City Council. Thank you for your consideration of our request. Richard L. Crow Myers & Crow Company 214-520-7800 CC: "John Taylor" <jtaylor@azimutharc.com>, "Littleton, Dave" <dlittleton@halff. com> I i I I I I SANDY LAKE RD. ZONED: FO1941LI Sandy Lake -121- ; , Distribution Center I Sandy Lake -121- Coppell, Texas Sandy Lake -121- Distribution Center I ~i~ Sandy Lake -121- ,~ i~ i~ ~ --~ Distribution Center ~ i ! ~ ~ A MYERS & CROW COMPANY DEVELOPMENT I~1~1~[ ~/ Coppell, Texas I 1 Sandy Lake -121- ; Distribution Center Coppell Texas Sandy Lake -121- Distribution Center A MYERS & CROW COMPANY DEVELOPMENT Coppell, Texas