Exist. Tree Plan att. to CC pckJ~ 3'.' !/ \, 'ck. 7-, LATOUR PARTNERS, L P ;5' WATER EASEMENT /-- 50' MUTUAL ....... · VOL. 95197, PG, .359 BY PEAT AQOESS EASEMENT :l: ::~ EXISTING TREE NOTES CALLED 40.655 ACRES j ~ ./ IBY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT). .. 1. ~isting trees to remain shall be protected during ~,ns~,on ~,m Z O N E D L[ ...... .... :~: I , ,t.'; . t~e s~cDre damage and ~mpac~on of ~il u~er and a~nd , : . /' ..... j ddpline (~nopy) of ~. .-' ~ ~ ~ ~ - 2, If any ~ot st~cture [s damaged dudng adja,~nt ex~va~on/~nst~,ction, noti~ the ~chJte,ct imm~iatefy. It is m~mmended ~at a IJ~nsed Arbodst be se~r~ ~r Be ~ent : / :' /., ~ ..... ~ -, : "~:9 ~ '~ of any ~s,siblo ~o wounds, . ~ I ~ 4, Any fine grading done within the cdti~ mot zon~ of Be · ~ I ' : ' _- ¢ ~ Vees must be done wire light ma~[new such as a ~,~t orlight 3809 Parw Avenue bactor, No ea~ moving ~uipment with ~cks is a[I,ow~ wi~in ~e Suite 205 24' FIRE LANE EA. SEMENT BY PLAT : : ~ 5, Material Storage: use or No materials intended for in ~,ns~c~on . /'~"" X " f--~'% :' :. ' '~ '~'~.. ,( ~131l/~ :'.' -:">~ '"' ~%-'~- ~ t '~ ~) 6. Equipment Cleanin.g/Llquid Dlsp.osal: No ~uipment may ~. ba limit~ to pain~ oil, solvents, asphal~ ~ncrete, mo~r, pdme.~, ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~~~~ ~ , . ~ ¢ ~ ~ Bose of ~ p~tec~ve nacre shall be aEach~ to any ~. · ] ~, i4 ~', 435 cir~mstan~s. ~e minimum length of ~e bore shall ~ ~e wid~ of ~' aaG/I / N ~N'~ t / ~: ~, ~ iJ i .... , ~,'~ ... ,,. ;~[ ~ } ......: , _ : inches. ~Y PI AT ---~ odti~l ~ot zone of a trea shall be dug by hand and enter ~,e a~ in -- 'L',' :. - ......... ." ' >::":"' "':: '."::".:'..'..:;* '-- VOL, 79085, PG, 2t7t . ,,. TreeFlagg,n,g: ~l~e. tobe.m.vedf, mthesitesha,l.~agg. I 3 7 5 15 4 S Q U A R E F E E T ";-¢: ;~ ~~ 4~7/ [ ~.~':' i ..... : "~,, ~ ¢; Flag,g[ngar°und ~e main ~nk at a height of four (4') feet a~ve grade. -- / : shall be approv~ by Lands~pe Amhitect pdor to any ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' .... / I: ~."~ ~ 4~ -' -:--,~ : ':' removal. 6on~actorshall ~ntact Lands~peAr~ite~wiB 72 hour ................... / ..... . .... . ..... ............. -- :, . ~ ......... .... . _ .. . ,~.. 4~. ~ ~ ~ -. : (!:-~ no,ce to sch~ule on.ire m~g, ..' .. :.. L IZ O N~ N G . '/:-:':'. . : fencing may be ~mpdse,d of snow fencing, orange vin~ ~ns~.~n .... ' ' ::/r ~' ~ '.-~ fencing, chain link fence or o~or similar foncin~ wi~ a four (4') ~t . PROPO,-SED BUiLDiNG. ...,.....,~ ~' ............... ~ ind~ted on the T~e Pretecdon Be~l(s). , ~ ~..4a~I , '-, . ~ ~ ~ ~ 13. Ba~ Protection: In situations where a ~ee remains la ~e lmm~late -,... . ama of Jntend'~ ~nst~o,n, the tree shall ~ pmtect~ by ............ 604,800 S F enc, os,n. gtheentkocircu.feren, ofth.,eo%~nkw,~,um~r enckcl~ wi~ wi~ or o~er means that does not d~e ~,e ~. ---_ , .... : .-- . , ", r ' ' -- ' ----r' 1' ' ZONED. L! , ~ I4. Oons~ctionP.nin.:ina.sewhe. afowha.inglimbisb.ken ~ ...... dudng the ~ursa of ~ns~cdon, the Oon~ctor sha~ ~ ~e ' ,, ~. ~ ~ Lands.pc Amhit~t immediately, In n,o ins.ri. ~,~1 ~,e F.F.E. 518.00 ::~ ~tractor p~o a~y p,o~o~ o[ tho da~afl~ ~oo w[~out ~* P~or .... · appmv~ by ~e Landsmp,e A~iIe,~. '-.. .... .. .... ...:., : TREE MITIGATION TABU~TION8 ' ' '- ' '"-. To~ ~fip~ ln,~hes ¢ ~ o,n s[t~ 611~ , '" ~ ~ ; To~ ~ laches ~ pm~ ~ ~" + ~" "' -- '. ' : (6' and gmat) + 23~ " ' " 10009 . - - FUTURE ~; : ' ' FUTURE . 9' X 10' "}~: ..... " " OFFICE Cz Pm.~atbn ~,~.8% + 1~' (53) ..... omcE OCK DOORS '- .... ~' ...... % i ' ' ~. B ~ ~ . / ~ ' ':"' "' -. '" -'- '>:.. R~ui~d m~bu~n - 1~" '-.. ' X k ..... .1 05.06.04 DRC COMMENTS ~ To~ ~Jiper tn,ohos ~ ~ pm~de.~ ........ , , : :. '~· (m~,r to L~ds~ ~n) + 1,3~.5 ' ~ .. ~ .l (217) ~ ~ ~1. (~% m~.) * 325.5 ..... .." : : i~;' '" ~ '-,., .... - .~,,,', (s~3'-~.0~%) +20~ 3 05.26.04 P&Z COMMENTS ~ (19) ~ ~ 3" mi. [~ +5'~ - ,, i I ~ , -- (4~CE ~ 3"~[.~¢~ +~4~" ~ . . ~ -' "'" "- , (133) CE ~ 1" ~[ l~c~ '1~' " 2~, RKiNG ~ ',. :..:.v:': ~ : "- . : EXISTING TREE LEGEND ~ - N00'37'00"W 1~05.00' v ," . ' :.: .. ' . ....... EXiST~N~ ~ ~ ~ ~.' :-., ,", ~ :7':_.. . ..,,, ... ' ...... --. TO RE~IN : , ,... :.. .... / FE~USON ~EALTY CO~',~AN~ .'~ ' " ' I. ~ ~ ~ ~iSTtN~TREE . TRACT ~' ' '~ '" ' ...... ~ ' , VOL 790~5, P~, 2~7~ ' .- ~E~ TO ~ ~O~ ~ / TO BE~EM'OVED ...... . ..... . , ITIN~ T~EE TO ~EMAtN ~ ~  TREE PROTECTION FENCING '' SNOW FENCE, ORANGE VINYL ~ TO ~iN DURING CONSTRUCTION TRUCTION FENCE, OR REFER TO 01~1,00 ~ ~.~ CHA[NL[NK FENCE ~x~ST~N~ ~ rO UN~STU~EO S H EET CO NTENTS: METAL T-PO,ST AT o~ ~ou. CO~NE.S EXISTING TREE PLAN DATE: April 19, 2004 LIMITS OF DRtPLiNE i EXISTING TREEPLAN SHEET: TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING O NTS o ,o . L1.00 -- ~ ~ {~ COPYR"GHT 200¢ AZE,4UTH : ARCHITECTURE, iNC.