LP att to 6/8/04 CC pckt.© o 33~ 34~ 3, FUTURE OFFICE FUTURE OFFICE LATOUR PARTNERS, LP. VOL. 95197, PG. 359 CALLED 40.655 ACRES ZONED LI W'ATE; iASEMENT -- 50' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT SEPARATE INSTRUIdENTt 24' FIRE LANE EASEMENT BY PLAT NOTE: Final lo~mticn of Eastern Red ~dar to tm- -' field located around axis.ting tre0s. If density of existing trees, provides screenin,g, ERC to be loca!ed els~whero on~te. (55) 9'X 10',DOCK DOORS FERGUSON REALTY COMPANY, VOL, 79085, PG, 2171 1,375,154 SQUARE 31 57 ACRES FEET ZONING mll PROPOSED BUILDING 604,800-i S. F. ZONED: L! F.F.E. 518.00 (53) 9'X : 60TRA1LER 10,' DOCK DOORS GAS EASEMENT FUTURE OFFICE FIUTURE OFFICE REIdAINDER OF FERGUSON r',EALTY COMPANY TRACT VOL 79085. PG. 2171 ZONED LI/HC PI/ANT LIST TREES BOTI'ANICAL NAME COMMON NAME $lZ.E REMARKS Que~rcus vlrginiana Live Oak 33 5" cal. B&B, 14' ht. 5' sprd. min. Juni,iperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar 118 3" cal. B&B, full to base, 10' hr. min. Cerrcis canadensis Redbud 17 2" cat. B&B, 8' hL 4'-5' sprd. min. Myd~ca cerifera Wax Myrtle 4.8 6' ht. B&B or cont. full to ground NOTi'E: ALL TREES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING WITHIN VARIETIES SHFRUBS/GROU NDCOVER BOTrANIcAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY. SIZE REMARKS Juniiperus chinensis 'S.eagrean' Ilex comuta 'Burfordii n.an.a' Cymodon dactyh3n Seagreen Juniper 257 24" ht Dwarf Burford Ho[fy 213 24" ht Common Bermu,dagrass cent full 20" sprd. 36" o.c. cont. full 20" sprd. 36" o.c. refer to notes, hydromulch NO3rE: Plant list is an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall redly all qu.ant[ties on plan. Ail heights and spreads are minimums. All plant material shall meet or exceed remarks as indicated. LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERIMETER LANDSCAPE Requirements: Street Frontage shall contain a t5' landscape buffer with one (1) tree, 3' cat. I2" above ground, per 50 [.f. and 30" ht parldng bt screen: hedge or berm. Per[meter landscape areas shall conf;ah a 10' landscape buffer ak)n.g property tines with one (1) bee, 3" caL 12' above ground, per 50 Lf. Sandy Lske Reed: (98.0.12 I.f.) Requ[req Provided (20) trees, 3" cal. (20) trees, ¢' caL West Pro,party Line (1,523.70 I.f.) Required Provided (31) trees, 3" cal. (31) trees, 4' caL SH 121 Frontage Required (3) ~,es, 3" cal. (112.01 Lf.) North Fro.party Line Required (23) trees, 3' cal. (1,121.8 I.f.) East ~roperty Line (1,3.87.4 I.f.) Required (28 trees, 3' cai. INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Provided (3) ex, trees, *(3) trees, 4' cal. shown elsewhere o.n-s~ts Provided (23) ex. tree *(23) trees, 4' cal. shown elsewhere on-s.fte Provided (28) ex. tmes '(28) trees, 4" cal. shwon elsewhere o,n-s[te Requirements: 10% o.f gross park[n.g area to be landscape. One (1) tree per 400 s.f. of required landscape area. Perldng Lot:. 462,683 s.f. Paddng Spa.cas: 402 Requked Provid;ed 4.8,268 s.f. (10%) 57,954 s.f. (120) trees, 3" cal. (120) trees, 4" cal. OPEN SPACE Requirements: 15% of bt not covered by buildings to be landscape open space. One (1) tree per 2500 s.f. of open space. TOTAL LOTAREA: (ExclusNe of building): 769,464.1 s.f, Required Provided 115,414 s.f. (15%) 137,091 s.f. (46) trees, 3'caL (46) trees, 4' cal. SUMMARY Total trees required: (271) flees, 3' cai. Total trees provided: (6.6) trees, 6" cai. (33) trees, 5, c~. (1~5) trees, 4' c~ (118) tr~s, 3- caL (17) tree~ 2" caL (48) trees, 6' ht LANDSCAPE NOTES NOTE: All future parking areas will meet ali the requirements of the landscape ordinance Contractor shall verify all existing and proposed site elements and notify Architect of any discrepancies. Survey data of existing conditions was supplied by others, Contractor shall locate all existing underground utilities and notify Architect of any conflicts. Contractor shall exercise caution when working in the vicinity of underground utilities. 3. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required landscape and irrigation permits. 4. Contractor to provide a minimum 2% slope away from all structures. $. All planting beds and lawn areas to b.e separated by steel edging. No steel to be installed adjacent to s~dewalks o,r curbs. Ali landscape areas to be 100% irrigated with an underground automatic irrigation system and shall include rain and freeze sensors. 7. All lawn areas to be. Hydromulch Bermudagrass, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. The Owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be j.o[n~ and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscape, All land,s, ape shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at aU times. This shall [nclu.de mowing, edging, pruning, ferfJliz[ng, watering, weeding and other such acUvibes common to lan,ds.cape maintenance. 3. All landscape areas shall be kept tree of trash, litter, weeds and other such matedal or plants not part of this p~an. All plant material shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season cf the year. All plant material which dies shall be replaced with plant material of equal or better value.. 6. Contractor shall provide separate bid proposal for one year's maintenance to begin after final acceptance. COPPELL NOTES 1. Irrigation controller shall include a surge protect[on device, freeze detector and rain sensor. 2. Landscape plans shall be signed and sealed by a Iica,nsecl Landscape Architect, 3. Irrigation plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Irrigation Designer. 4. Irrigation meter will requ[ra assessment by the City of Ooppell Water Utilities. ,5. All landscape areas to be 100% irrigated' with an autommatJc underground irrigation system. PLANT LEGEND' IQUANTIIY PLANT TYPE I SYMBOL PLANT TYPE LO5 Live Oak, 5" cal. LO Uve Oak BC Bald Cypress CE Cedar Elm ERC Eastern Red Cedar RB Redbud WM Wax Myrtle SG Seagreen Juniper DBH Dwarf Burfcrd Hotly LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 30 60 12O 3809 Parry Avenue Suite 205 Dallas, Texas 75226 214.261.9060 214.261.9049 Fax X 100,09 t 05.06.04 DRC COMMENTS 2 05.11.04 P&Z SUBMITTAL 3 05.26.04 P&Z COMMENTS m SHEET CONTENTS: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: SHEET: April 19, 2004 L1.01 [] ~ I J ~ ~ ~) COPYRIGMT 20~4 AZ!MUTH : ARCHITECTURE, iNC.