DRC commentsCOl'FELL Project ID PP-04-0014 Address S Macarthur Blvd CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name COPPELL Riverchase Townhome Addition, Lots 1-52 Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Preliminary Plat 4/21/04 Gary Sieb To allow the construction of 52 single-family attached homes on 4.42 acres of property located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 1,400 feet north of Riverchase Drive, Agency Building Inspection 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 4/28/04 Electric and Gas Jeff Curry 4/30/04 Engineering Ken Griffin 4/28/04 Comments 1. Project must compry with all building codes for R-3 construction. 2. All units must have complying automatic fire sprinkler system installed. No Comments Received 1. Align proposed Haas Court with existing Bethel School Road, which will be signalized within a short time. Those two streets must align in order for that planned signalization to work. 2. Construct a left turn lane for southbound traffic on MacArthur Blvd. to access Haas Ct. 3. The 10' drainage and utility easement shown must be a minimum 20' wide. Please provide that width where a drainage easement is required. 4. Cul-de-sac length exceeds maximum allowed by Subdivision Ordinance. 5. Is this to be a publicly dedicated street? 6. A significant amount of your proposed parking area is shown within the public right-of-way and on Lot 25. Two comments: a) Sidewalks should be shown in the entire development, and specifically around the parking area b) A cul-de-sac should be shown. c) Make sure Lot 25 parking area is in an HOA easement rather than on pdvate property. Drainage Area Map - 1. You show a large area of the City Park and ballfields to the NW of this property draining through this development. Indicate how that drainage will be picked up and conveyed through the site to an appropriate outfalL 2. The 5' inlet shown within the curb return at the end of Haas Ct. should be relocated to an appropriate location outside the curb return. 3. The developer will need to provide an easement document giving authorization to construct the headwall structures and direct drainage onto the adjacent private property. 4. Show topography in the existing channel that is shown with a headwall structure and grading down to the channel to ensure that this design will work. COFFELL Agency Reviewed By CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date COP'FELL Comments Preliminary Water & Sewer Line - 1. Verify that the 24" and 12" lines are shown properly; make sure you are tying into the 12" line, not the 24" line. 2. For the connection of the sanitary sewer to the existing stub out: verify that the stub out is really there, and that the etevation works for your proposed sewer line. 3. You are proposing a 6" sanitary sewer line and our minimum standard is an 8" line. 4. Each individual property should have a separate water and sewer tap. 5. Remove the General Note that "water service is %" with bullhead connections." Sewer services are 4" but our minimum water tap size is 1". We can altow a %" meter but the tap is a 1" minimum. 6. Valve spacing needs to be no greater than 500' per the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. At the end of this water line you show it to go from 8" to 6" however our minimum line size is 8". 8. This is a 900' dead end waterline. I suggest you tie into the 8" waterline in Bradford Drive which is northeast of your project and would require some additiona~ offsite construction. The City owns a portion of the adjacent property and would entertain the option of an easement for waterline construction. Also adjacent is the TXU easement where you may be able to locate an offsite waterline. Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Tim Oates John Elias Gary Sieb 4~0~4 4D7~4 4~1/04 - Show entire fire lane easement - Indicate turning radii for fire lane - 30' inside, 54' outside. - Show utility easement (water line)? No comments. 1. Change addition name to Riverchase Townhouse Addition. 2. Change street name to Bethel School Court. 3. Place all information (plat, vicinity map, signature blocks, etc.) on one sheet. 4. indicate Point of Beginning. 5. Place acreage, density, and density per acre in title block. 6. Establish a property owners association to maintain all common areas (parking lots, landscaping, etc.), and indicate those areas on the plan. L , EVEL OPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Riverchase Townhomes Addition~ Lots 1-52, Preliminary Plat to allow the construction of 52 single-family attached homes on 4.42 acres of property located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 1,400 feet north of Riverchase Drive, at the request of Jason Rose, Architect STAFF REP.: Gary Sieb PROJECT ID# PP-04-0014 DRC DA TE: April 29, 2004 and May 6,2004 CONTACT: Kenneth M.. Griffin~,~P;E~.;D~E~jgineering/Public Works 97~;/~f;36~8~6 COMMENT STATUS ................ y ~r FINAL ~ 1. Align proposed Bethel School Road with existing Bethel School Road, which will be signalized within a short time. Those t~vo streets must align in order for that planned signalization to work. 2. Construct a left turn lane for southbound traffic on MacArthur Blvd. to access Bethel School Road. 3. The 10' drainage and utility easement shown must be a minimum 20' wide. Please provide that width where a drainage easement is required. 4. A portion of your proposed parking area is shown within the public right-of-way and on Lot 25. Two comments: a) Sidewalks should be shown in the entire development, and specifically around the parking area b) A cul-de-sac should be shown. Drainage Area Map - 1. You show a large area of the City Park and ballfields to the NW of this property draining through this development. Indicate how that drainage will be picked up and conveyed through the site to an appropriate outfall. 2. The developer will need to provide an easement document giving authorization to construct the headwall structures and direct drainage onto the adjacent private property. 3. Show topography in the existing channel that is shown with a headwall structure and grading down to the channel to ensure that this design will work. Preliminary Water & Sewer Line - 1. Verify that the 24" and 12" lines are shown properly; make sure you are tying into the 12" line, not the 24" line. 2. For the connection of the sanitary sewer to the existing stub out: verify that the stub out is really there, and that the elevation works for you're proposed sewer line. 3. Each individual property should have a separate water and sewer tap. 4. Remove the General Note that "water service is V4" with bullhead connections." Sewer services are 4" but our minimum water tap size is 1". We can allow a ~/4" meter but the tap is a 1" minimum. 5. Valve spacing needs to be no greater than 500' per the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. This is a 900' dead end waterline. I suggest you tie into the 8" waterline in Bradford Drive which is northeast of your project and would require some additional offsite construction. The City owns a portion of the adjacent property and would entertain the option of an easement for waterline construction. Also adjacent is the TXU easement where you may be able to locate an offsite waterline. gad ? 2004 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Riverchase Townhomes Addition~ Lots 1-52~ Preliminary Plat to allow thc construction of 52 single-family attached homes on 4.42 acres of property located along the cast side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 1,400 feet north of Riverchasc Drive, at the request of Jason Rose, Architect STAFF REP.: Gary Sieb PROJECT ID# PP-04-0014 DRC DA TE: April 29, 2004 and May 6,2004 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Gri~n, P.E., Dir. o/ Engineering/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENT STA TUS: r PP. EL!M!N.~R Y ,~ FINAL I tOTd,,ZgF~ 1. All off-street parking shall be on HOA owned and maintained lots. 2. All sidewalks on private property will need to be in a sidewalk easement. Drainage Area Map - 1. You show a large area of the City Park and ballfields to the NW of this property draining through this development. Indicate how that drainage will be picked up and conveyed through the site to an appropriate outfall. 2. The developer will need to obtain written authorization to grade any areas on the adjacent private property. 3. Additional comments may be generated during full Engineering review. Preliminary Water & Sewer Line - 1. Verify that the 24" and 12" lines are shown properly; make sure you are tying into the 12" line, not the 24" line. 2. For the connection of the sanitary sewer to the existing stub out: verify that the stub out is really there, and that the elevation works for you're proposed sewer line. 3. Remove the General Note that "water service is 3/4" with bullhead conn, 4. Valve spacing needs to be no greater than 500' per the Subdivision Or MAY '{2 2004 The Engineering Dept. will work with the developer to provide a looped fire line during full Engineering review. The developer will need to acquire one easement across our park property, as well as permission to cross a city of Irving water line.