Replat att. to 7/6/04 CC packet (.~ CE o o o o ~ 0 >~©~ d r~ /02- IN CH IRON D FOUND 25'x25' UTILITY EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) 1- 10' BUILDING SETBACK (VOL. 99241, PG. 196) b_ PROVENCE DEVELOPMENT, LTD. (VOL. 200209,3, PG. ,3214) LOT 1 FOUR SEASONS ADDITION (VOL 99241, PG. 196) 10' BUILDING SETBACK -- (VOL. 99241, PG. 196) 10' BUILDING LINE (VOL. 99241. PG. 196) (V(~LF~ER91159'ZONING) 2187) 1/2-INCH IRON --~ IRON ROD _ ~_~ N T/E NORTHPOINT PARTNERS, LTD. (VOL. 96106, PO. 5188) ROYAL LANE (VOL. 88118, PG. 0877) 1/2-INCH IRON ROD W/ "HALFF ASSOC." CAP FOUND -q , / lEAST 00'10 54" W / ~it~15,00' 66.15' I ~' Go ..~[ N 0010'34" I ~ o. ~ ',-- 1/2-INCH IRON : ROD FOUND W 20' DRAINAGE ESMT. -- _(BY THIS PLAT) d r~ POINT OF W/ "HALFF ASSOC." CAP FOUND (C.M.)~ 2`30.00' \ , --0 5/8- NCB RON-/ ROD FOUND I  'k~ C17..~..-- ~ 00'10'34" .W. 57.85' - "---'-- N I ,.C9~'~-~' S 00~20'01"~- -- 115.07~ ~~-'~"~'~'. ~_',I I ~~1~' ~ ~~ -~ % ~6~6' /~ - 30' BUILDING SETBACK C~ ~ 21.12, ~,6 W, THOUT PARKING ~ 7 ~- 10' ~UILDING SETBACK WITH PARKING / (VOL 99241, PG. 196) (VOL 99241, PG. 196) J I 24' FIRE LANE AND ACCESS EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) 15' UTILITY EASEMENT. (VOL. 99241, PG. 196!5 30' BUILDING SETBACK WITHOUT PARKING (VOL. 99241, PG. 196)1 I 15' WATER EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) E 60' BUILDING SETBACK WITH PARKING (VOL 99241, PG. 196) 24' FIRE LANE AND ACCESS EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) I I _1 1/2-INCH IRON ROD W/ "HALFF ASSOC." fAP FOUND (c.t.) t/ LOT 2R, TRACT 1 FOUR SEASONS ADDITION 4.095 ACRES (178,,386 SF) MARDEVCO CREDIT CORPORATICN (VOL 91129, PG. 4397) 4.095 ACRES 1 78,,386 SF LLJ NORTH 10.00' 10' BUILDING SETBACK \ (VOL. '99241, PG. 196) 20' DRAINAGE ESMT.~ --\ (BY THIS PLAT) ~ I I 0 N 00'19'47" wi ! >~ 25'116', I m ~- ~ 15' T.U E EASEMENT I -T ' , ~, --(VOL. 99241, PO. 196) / , I I"' \ ~, (VOL. 91159, 2187) ~%/ N ~0,19'~7" WI ~ %% 50' PERMANENT~ 5084' I k ~ __N ~1'58" W 145.27' UTILITY EASEME~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ (VOL 99241, PG. 196)/ ~ ~L6 I /(VOL 99035, 1561)~ / II- I I ~ , , /~J I I -- - -- -- .... I I-- I-- I 3S 00'10'54 E 304.27 ~ 60.00' / 1/2-~.c. ~o. ~OD .~ / W/ "HALFF ASSOC." 10' UTILITY EASEMENT~ COPPELL MILL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CAP FOUND" (VOL 2005077, PO. 80) (VOL 200~100, PO. 110~7) ~ (VOL 2002027, PO. 711) LOT la, BLOCK A AMBERPoINT BUSINESS PARK AT COPPELL (VOL. 2005077, PG. 80) 10' UTILITY EASEMENT (VOL. 2005077, PG. 80) (VOL. 2002027. PG. 711) --30' WIDE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT (VOL. 200.3077, PO. 80) (VOL. 99147, PO. 807) 120' R.O.W. 25'x25' UTILITY EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) 110' R.O.W. 1/2-INCH IRON ROD W/ "HALFF ASSOC." CAP FOUND (1/2" IRON ROD FOUND N 57' 51' W 0.2') FERCUSON REALTY CO. (VOL. , PO. FERGUSON REALTY CO. (VOL. 79085, PO. 2171) FEROUSON REALTY CO. (VOL. 79085, PC;. 2171) CURVE TABLE I_rP.,,'E DELTA RADIUS TANGENt' LEtJGTH CHOPD BEARING CHC)RD C1 13'06'31" 66.50 7.64 15.21 N83'57'OS"W 15.18 C2 7'29'50" 338.25 22.15 44.23 N73'59'OS"W 44.20 C3 20'36'01" 54.00 9.81 19.42 S80'12'20"E 19.31 C4 90'00'00" 50.00 50.00 78.54 N44'29'39"E 70.71 C7 89°57'55'' 30.00 29.98 47.10 N44'59'O1"E 42.41 C8 88'11 '52" 52.50 50.87 80.82 S45'35'35"W 73.07 C9 89'49'40" 50.00 29.91 47.03 N44'34'49"E 42.36 C11 88'22'45" 28.47 27.67 45.91 N45'57'58"E 59.68 C15 90°10'34'' 50.00 50.09 47.22 S44'34'56"W 42.49 C15 20'07'30" 171.00 50.34 60.06 N10°14'19"W 59.75 C16 20'07'30" 191.00 `35.89 67.09 N10'14'19"W 66.74 C17 20'07'`30" 191.00 33.89 67.09 S10°14'19"E 66.74 C18 20'07'50" 171.00 30.34 60.06 S10"14'19"E 59.75 C19 15,10'28" 191.00 25.44 50.59 S07"24'40"W 50.44 C20 15'10'28" 171.00 22.78 45.29 S07"24'40"W 45.16 LINE TABLE LINE LEK G [H BE APIr.4<g L1 25.00 S00'10'54"E L2 25.00 S89"49'26"W L5 44.89 S00'02'25"E L4 20.00 S89'57'55"W L5 44.89 S00'02'25"E L6 25.71 NOO'10'54"W L7 44.55 sgo'o0'o0"W L8 25.00 NO0,1 0'54"W L9 42.61 Ngo"oo'oo"w OWNER'S DEDICATION NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, MARDEVCO CREDIT CORPORA 17ON, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as Lot 2, Four Seasons Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys, and easements specified os dedicated to the public shown thereon. The easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for the purpose os indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Easements" as shown. Said "Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of off public utilities desiring to use or using some. Afl and any public utility shall hove the right to remove and keep removed oll or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from oll parts of its respective system , within said "Utility Easements", without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Notwithstanding the forgoing, MARDEVCO CREDIT CORPORA ?70N reserves for themselves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of cfi such easements for installing landscaping and irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved used. W~tness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the .... day of_ 2004. MARDEVCO CREDIT CORPORA TION STATE OF TEXAS 0 20 40 80 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET OWNERS CER TIFICA TE PROJECT LOC __ . ' COPPELL .f DALLAS COUNTY MAPSCO 1-T VICINI T Y MA P (NOT TO SCALE) COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS MARDEVCO CREDIT CORPORAHON is the owner of a 4.095 acre parcel of land situated in the Jesse Moore Survey, Abstract No. 968, Dallas County, Texas; said tract being oll of Lot 2 of Four Seasons Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 99241, Page 196 of the Deed records of Dallas County, Texas, being described in o Special Warranty Deed to Mordevco Credit Corporation recorded in Volume 91129, Page 4`397 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; said 4.095 acre parcel being more fully described os follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod with "Halff Assoc." cap found at the intersection of the east line of Royal Lane 100 foot right-of-way) and the south line of Thweott Road (Sandy Lake Road) (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE, along said south line of Thweat Road the fo/lowing three (5) calls: Due East, a d/stance of `300.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with "Haiti Assoc." cap found for corner; Due North, a distance of 10.00 feet fo c 1/2-inch iron rod with "Haiti Assoc." cop found for corner; Due East, a d/stance of 291.09 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with "Haiti Assoc." cap found for corner; said point being the northwest corner of o Lot la, Block A of Amberpoint Business Park At Coppell, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas recorded in Volume 2005077, Page 80 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE, South O0 degrees, 10 minutes, ,34 seconds East, departing said south line of Thweat Road and along the west line of said Amerpoint Business Pork At Coppell Addition o distance of 504.27 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; said point being the northeast corner of Lot I of said Four Seasons Addition; THENCE, South 89 degrees, 49 minutes, 26 seconds West, along the north line of said Lot I a distance of 606. 12 feet to o 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; said point being fha northwest corner of said Lot I and being on the east line of said Royal Lone; fit/e: THENCE, along the east line of said Royal Lane fha fo/lowing three (,3) calls; North O0 degrees, 10 minutes, J4 seconds West, o distance of 66. 15 feet to o 1/2 inch iron rod with "Hclff Assoc.' cop found for corner; Due East, a d/stance of 15.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; STATE OF TEXAS North O0 degrees, 10 minutes, 34 seconds West, a distance of 250.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; COUNTY OF DALLAS CONTAINING: 178,386 square feet or 4.095 acres of land, more or less. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared known fo me to be the person whose name is subscribed to fha foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVENI UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this __ day of 2004. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Notary Public in and for the State of Texas KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, James A. Koch, Jr., Registered Profess/and Land Surveyor do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land; that the corner monuments shown were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. My Commission expires: The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the forgoing Plat of Lot 2, Four Seasons Addition, on addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the __th day of , 2004, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, olley~, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plot, and ,.sold Council further authorized the Mayor to note fha acceptance thereof by signing his nome os herein above subscribed. PRELIMINARY RELEASED 04-15-04 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. James A. Koch, Jr. Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4688 · 1TNESS MY HAND, this __ day of 2004. City Secretory, City of Coppell, Texas Reco¢mmended for Approval: Chair'man, Planning and Zoning Commission Date Appr(oved and Acceoted: Mcyo,r Da te City ,of Coppell, Texas FIo0dJplain Development Permit Application No. Copp,ell floodplain administrator on ___ has been filed with the City of 2004. FIo0~ploin Administrator Date NOTE: 1. Bearing system for this survey is based on a bearing of Due East for the South line of Thweatt Road according to the plat of Four Seasons Addition, an ~addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, recorded in Volume 99241, Page 196 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. 2. Sidewalks will be constructed at the expense of the property owner when deemed necessary by the City Engineer. 3. (C.M.) - Controlling monument. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared dames A. Koch, Jr., known fo me to be fha person whose nome is subscribed fo the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration there~L .... expressed, i .... GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFF/CE this__ day of , 2004. ~, Approved and accepted by: ~U GAS ~-97~) ~,SL-~.~ -5~t--e of Approval ONCOR ELECTRIC ~ 888-1544 DEUVERY COMPANY Date Of ~,p~rovaJ VERIZON ~cj~ .3~8-065~ -6~'i~ of Approval AT&T BROADBAND(-9~) 5bf%~65 Date of Approval Volume: Page: Notary Public in and for fha State of Texas My Commission expires: LOT 2R, TRACT BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 2, TRACT 1 FOUR SEASON8 ADDITION BEING A REPLAT OF 4.095 ACRES FOUR SEASONS ADDITION LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, AND BEING OUT OF THE JESSE MOORE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 968 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS OF TEXAS CMW I CJE I 1,,:4o, I APRIL 2, 2oo41 1050-04-095 DWG FILE: 1050-04-095RP.DWG