Revised signage - Art HouseMatt
Please coniader the following revised proposal for signage at 509 W. Bethel Road, State 100 in Coppell. The existing sign is 40 square
feet. The proposed ~gnage will cover a total of 39.25 square feet.
Sorry about the miscalculation on the original proposal.
Thanks again for all your time, Jenmfer Rogers
Proposed m/ached sign for 509 W. Bethel
Road, Suite 100
8~ x 4' (25.12 square feet)
Dark green border with black letters and
Wood sign with raised painted wood letters
and logo on a painted white background
Will hang in the stone place as e~g
sign, centered on the faqade
: bhouse
art dasses& parties
Proposed ltangmg s~gns for 509 W. Bethel
Road, Suite 100
Each oval sign will be:
3' x 1.5' (3.53 square feet)
Foar signs total 14.13 square feet
Wood sagns with painted dark green bor-
ders and black vinyl letters on a painted
white background
Will hang under overhang, spaced equally
on each side
Administrative Approval