CC 18mo X re PP on 9/14/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM COFFELL DEPT: Planning DATE: September 14, 2004 ITEM #: 9/G ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of an eighteen-month extension to the expiration date of the Coppell/121 Office Park, Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 and 3-7, to allow the development of an office park on 8.38 acres of property located along the north side of S.H. 121, approximately 875 feet west of Denton Tap Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: Decision of P&Z Commission: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE N/A N/A Motion to Approve M - York - Brancheau 'ote - 6-0 Suhy absent On December 18, 2003, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat, as well as the Final Plat for Lot 2 (7-0). On January 13, 2004, Council unanimously approved the Preliminary Plat, as well as the Final Plat for Lot 2 (7-0). Please see attached correspondence from Thomas J. Wouters Realty Capital Corporation, dated September 1, 2004. If this request were approved, the Preliminary Plat for the above-mentioned lots would expire April 13, 2006. Staff recommends approval. DIR. REVIEW: FIN. REVIEW: CM REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 Document Name: ~Cop. 121OP PPX I-AR (Consent) RCC Realty Capital Corporation September I. 2004 Mr. Matt Steer Cily nl'Cnppcll 255 Parkway Boulevard C,,~ppell, Texas 75019 RE: tlighway 121 Business Park - preliminary plat l)car Matt: Wc respectfully rcqucst an eighteen month extension to lhe above referenced preliminary plal. As we discussed, this extension has been made to provide the land owner with additional time lo market and sell the property to end-users and developers. The land owner started construction nn Phasc I (an approximately 8,000 SF building) a few months ago. Bascd on the market demand for this building and the balance of the property, the owner will fnrmulate additional development plans lbr the adjacent parcels. Please do not hesitate to contact me with an.,,' questions and/or comments. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Thank you. Sincerely. Realty Capital Cnrporation 1 homas J. Wouters 32 Village [,anc, Suite 200. Collc.x,,illc. I'cxas 76034 · (817),188-4200 · lax (817} 424-2',t48