Orig. summation-6/3 mtg w/staff06/03/04 THU 16:18 FAX 972 385 1937 HARDY McCULLAH ~001 MEMORANDUM HARDY McCULLAH/MLM ARCHITECTS, INC. · To Beth Cunningham · Pro)ect Sturdy Lake ~ Royal Laoe · Re: City Meeting with Matt Steer · From: Kyle McCullah ·Datc ltltle 3, 2004 Matt Steer 972/304-7092 Gary Sieb 972/304-7092 Hardy McCullah/file Marcie Diamood 972/304-7092 Jack Evans PK Norman Coates/file · 12221 Merit Drive Suite 280 Dallas, TX 75251 Phone 972-385-1900 Fa× 972-385-1937 Ms. Cunningham: 1. I first reviewed the Site Plan to reflect the new elevations and footprint of the Building. 2. Showed scored concrete at the Entry drives requested by City Code. 3. The function of Service Court for the rear of the Building is the same, and all of the parking lot has not changed. 4. Reviewed the new elevations - showed we added higher soffit area at the Entries from 10' to 12'. 5. Each Entry is pulled out 2'-0" X 35'-0". 6. The parapet line is 2'-0" higher at each Entry. 7. A metal canopy is also incorporated at each Entry area. 8. The Royal Lane ~ Sandy Lake Drive has entry with two (2) metal canopies plus the Office Area is out two (2') feet on both sides. 9. Reviewed the longest distance of single plane of the elevation and is 69'-6". This meets City Standards which allows up to 100'-0". 10. The future Tenant Entry, in question, is being challenged by Mr. Matt Steer. This future Entry is in the BCE area and is not required by function. 11. Richard McCaffrey, P&Z Board Member, is dictating personal influence mad wants this Entry to match the other Entries ..... "the Building looks unfinished".... 1 told Mr. Matt Seer this will not be an Entry to BCE, and this Design is to meet City Standards plus give flexibility to the Building if BCE moves from the property. 06/03/04 THU 16:18 FAX 972 385 1937 HARDY McCULLAR ~002 Beth Cunningham BCE City Meeting June 3, 2004 Page 2 12. I, once again, asked Matt Steer if this meets the City Requirements of Coppell. [lis answer was yes. 13. I told Mr. Steer that making us "Build Out" this fnture Entry, requested by Mr. Richard McCaffrey, would go beyond City Requirements. No where in the City Code Standards is this request addressed. 14. Matt Steer showed me a project off Royal Lane - a single tenant - Dexas International. 15. P&Z Board added more glass to front of this Building to show the Entry from Royal Lane. 16. I noticed the Building was exceeding 1 Off-O" articulation on Royal Lane. 17. Both projects were at the same scale. I showed Matt Steer that the BCE Project has much more articulation than Dexas Internationak 18. Matt Steer said Dexas International was approved, and they liked the Design. 19. My response was - is the P&Z Board following Code or Design preference? No response from Mr. Steer. Summary: This Project exceeds City Requirements and should pass at P&Z Board on June 17, 2004 Submitted by: Kyle McCullah