Application & check U4/14/~4 WED 11:56 FA,I 972 385 19~7 HARDY ~cCULLAt] ~002 §eh[ By; Clt¥ 01' Goppe~.].~ 972 304 7092; Apr-14-04 IO:08AM; Pege 2/1t COFFELL Site Plan Application PlaDni~ Dep4mment 2SS Parkway Blvd. CoPlxdl. T~.as 75019 Phone: 972=304-367g Fax: 972-304-?092 FilingDatc: _ ~pril 21, 2004 FilingFe~: $400.00 Name of Applie~at: Beth Oma/ag~ AppiicantAddr~m: 2860 liarket Loop, goutklake, Texas 76092 TelephoneNumbef: 8171949.2030 FaxNumber: 817/488-9158 Firm Prepadng Site Piatt Package: Bar~y F~m,ll-h/F~ Architects, Add.less: 77991 HeriC l~tve, Suite 280, Dallas, Tex~s 75251 Tclephone Number:. 972138.5, lqO0 Fax 'N'umbm': ~972/385.1937 Alt Corre$pondence r~lati~ to tki~ application #hould be directed to: Namc: £yle ~cCullah Ad~: 12771 l~rit Drive, Suite 280, ])~11as, Texas 75251 Telephone Number: 972/385.1900 F,m(.Nun.~:~:~9.72/385~1937 Name of Subdivision or Plat: Lot 2R - Fou~ Sea_=nns Addition Oencral Location of Property: SEC Royal & Sandy Lake Present Zoning: LI I~oposcd Si~ plan Con~ain~