Summary of 5/26 mtg. w/staffMEMORANDUM
Beth Cunningham
BCE - Coppell
Meeting with City of Coppell - Marcle Diamond and Matt Steer
· F,om Kyle McCullah
· Date May 26, 2004
Marcie Diamond ~hx 972-304-7092 I Gary Sieb fax 972-304-7092 I Hardy McCullah
MaR Steer Iix 972-304-7092 Jack Evans [ Norman Coates
1. Reviewed building elevation changes recommended by City P&Z Board.
2. Elevations meet Board recommendations and should pass with no changes.
3. I reviewed with Marcie Diamond that at the east property line, the building will bc 58'
from the property line. We originally showed 60' which by definition gives tls unlimited
area by Building Code.
4. The new site plan with 58' will have definition of three sides open and we are allowed
tip to 69,000s.f. with sprinklered building.
5. 1 also reviewed that the original footprint square footage will grow a few hundred
square feet also as~d that is okay with the City.
6. Reviewed again signage location on the building for future tenants.
7. Lm~dscape must reflect more design along Sandy Lake Road because it is an "image
zone" or "gateway" to the City.
8. Civil has finished up the minor details of the site with Engineering Departn, ent.
At the next P&Z meeting, Staffwill not have any comments and it should pass with no
changes, subject to Public Hearing.
Kyle McCullah