FP filed w/CountyCJ ~ - 6O Z 0 © 60 6o Mc K I NNEY & WILLIAMS SURVE Y ABST NO. 1054 /,~ ON. BELT LINE RI]. © ,<~ S88° 5 I' O0"E 118. 46 LOT ,~ hr, Zoning: C - ~m~rcial ~'~r, ov 1',8. ~6 N88° 51' O0"W 240 C h. A,len (10 -19-65~ ~<,.n', ir' t.OT 9 ;,-' Zonlr~g. 1 J - Commerc:al Z 3 0 P P E ~ L. 32 -22-3) J J W E S T LAND ROBT. H. WEST, 7918 HANOVER ST.; .' ?x' ',~, 1985 S URVEYCRS RPS , L< ' DALLAS, 75 ~': 5 SCALE. I" I00' OWNER, CH£VRON USA p r-) ~O/ 660250 O~dl._,' AS TX., ., /nc. 75266 - 0 250 :RVEYORS CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, ROBT. H. WEST, do hereby cer:ify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the iron pins at each corner w~re properly placed under m7 personal supervision in acc, rdance with the platting rules and regulations of the City Plan Commission of the City of Coppell, Texos. ._ THE STATE OF TEJ6~S COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority a Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas, on this day personally appeared ROB; H. WEST, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing tnstm ant and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerat' n therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFF' , Thts the ~ day of ___~__~- , 1S ~" NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ,kl -- LOCATION MAP City of' Coppell, Texas Date t~ :';': ,t ~.~..,_., u. < - ~,;', that th. -abc',',' fJ.: <oir,¢ ',~lat of , .;' LOT t), CO) FE~L ' .i.' ADDITION .... to t.~,, .'' uf 3<':_)p~.ll, T'x'~':, approv~a by City Council th, tft. v:' Copp,]: on t, h6 iOth. day o~ oeptember, i985. '"-~' ,r, v~l .,!~ai~ b,: t~v:,l~,~ unless :h~ approve, plat. ¢or ' ~r: ::. r~.r:or'~:,: ~n th~, Offic~ of thc County Clerk of Daiwa. ,otmty, f.,,a.~, ~ztnin .,~ ~ayc from said date of fin,,] ar: uval. W1 tna:-~ mv hanu,thJ .'~v --~ _~ .., ____ · , OWM~{ S CSRTIFICATE & DEDICATION STATE C.F TEXAS COUNTY C.F DALLAS a par t of WHEREAS, CHEVRON U.SmA., Inc. is the own=r oI' a tracu o1' iana xn the McKINNEY & WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABST. NO. Dallas County, Texa~;'-and beingVLot 9 of Coppell Heights Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as per map recorded in Vol. ~2, pg. 229 of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas; and being more particularly described as follows: CO5H~ENCiNG at a point in ~he Southwest Corner of said Lot 9, thence, N OO°&9'O0"E along the East Line of Belt Line Rd.(120.O0 ft. R.O.W.), 163.23 ft. to THE POINT OF BEGI:;NING THENCE, N O0© hS" 00" E, along the East Line of said Belt Line Aa, 12.S.47 ft. to the South ~nd of a visibility clip at the intersection of the said Belt Line ( runnzn.a North and South) with the SouSh Line of Bait Line Rd.( running East and We ~ :, ) THENCe, N a5° 5~' 00" E, along said visibility clip, 84.60 ft. to the East end of said clip in the South Line of said Belt Line rd. THENCE, J d8° 51' CO" E, along t~:e South Line of said Belt l, in~,, ]18.~6 ft. THE1;(.:E, .300° a'.,' 00" ',';, lb8.40 ft. Ti:ENCE, ,, 22© 5l' 00" W, 178.46 ft. to THE POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 31,S'~ ...... ,a. Ft (0 7308 Ac.) of land NUW, ,n:~.tFOk[, LhOW ALL HLN BY THESE PRESENTS' THAT , CHEVRON USA, In.~,. ,,~ ......... .~ ~ does hereby adopt tl.is plat deslonatlnq the herein described property as SUBDIVISION OF LOT 9, COPPELL HEIGHTS ADDITION an Addition to the City of CoppelI, Texas, and I do hereby dedicate to the public use forever the stp,ets and alleys shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purl,opes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection aqencies, and all public and private utilitius for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane ea.~er. Jents is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrub~, or other improvements, or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, o~er or across the easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mubal use and the accon~nodations of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. ;Il, and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keen removed all or parts ,, ,,.ny t,utldinqs, fences, shrubs, trees, and other improvements or growths which in any way :,,,!ar,qer or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respect'ye '.~ystem on the easements and all public utilities shall at all times have the full ri, ut of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said easements for the purposes of const~jLting, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaininq and adding to removing all or F~-ts of its perspective system without the necessity at any ttme of procuring the permissi)n of anyone. Any public utility shall have the right of ingress or egress to private :'roperty for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance and service required or ord:r~.rily performed by that utility. This pla. approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of th~~ F tv of C oppell, Texas. ,...t'lp AT DALLAS, TEXAS, this the ~:~,"7 day of S'LVfh COUNTY i :'.i'L,\ 5 J persor.·~ whose Chevrc being there of his re mu, t!~.e undersigned authority a Notary Public, on this day :; :sub.s,-r ibud to the forego ink instrument as Attorney-in-Fact t-or ..'... ixc., and acknowledgud to me that he, as .such Attorney-in-Fact, r izud ~o to do, executed the same, for the purposes and con~iduratfon tossed, in the capacity therein stated, and as the free act and deed :pal, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. .vcn under my hand and official seal of office this '~'1 day of My Co:re':. .c:', h'>:pi res: Notary Public N AL PLAT S! BDIVIS I0 N OF LOT 9. ,- COPi LL HEIGHTS ADDITION CITY r:COPP E L L IN THE DALLAf McKIN!. & WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABST. NO. 1054 UNTY, TEXAS