CC approval on 8/10/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL & DEPT: Planning DATE: August 10, 2004 ITEM #: 1TEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block 1, Site Plan, to allow the construction of an approximate 7,200-square-foot retail building on 0.737 of an acre of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 200 feet west of Denton Tap Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to approve subject to conditions 2, 3 & 5 below M - Peterrs S - Raines Vote - 5-1 Tunnell voted against York absent 18, ~,y Date of P&Z Meeting: May 20, 2004 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Milosevich, Kittrell, Halsey, Reese and Foreman voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: (CONDITION MET) 2) A tree removal permit, based on a current tree survey, will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 3) Discussions with TXU be pursued to determine what types of trees and/or vegetation will be allowed to be planted within this easement, reducing the density of the trees along the other property lines, accordingly. (CONDITION MET) 5) The color board needs to identify th e manufacturer ete,atiio~. (CONDITION PARTIALLY MET) At the request of the applicant, on June 8, 2004, consideration of this Site Plan was postponed to Council's July 6th meeting (6-0). On June 25, 2004, a request was received to hold consideration to Council's August l0 meeting. (See attached fax) Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 02/04 Document Name: ~ 1SL Crossing SP I-AR 06/25/04 FRI 13:50 FAX 214 348 8002 ~001 City of Copbell Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Ref: Sandy Lake Crossing Addition Lot 2R, Block #1 Attn: Marcie Diamond FAX COVER SHEET CREEK$1DE CON.S. TRUCTION, LTD. 160 KRISTIN LANE SUITE#1 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 PHONE NUMBER 972-442-4648 FAX NUMBER 972-442-3781 Dear Mrs. Diamond: Please Continue the case for Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block #1, Site Plan to the August 10, 2004 City Council Meeting. Also, please deny the replat of the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block #1 Replat at the Public Hearing for the July 8, 2004 City Council Meeting. I would greatly appreciate the reconsidering of this replat be added to the Public Meeting on August 10. 2004. My client has asked for this reschedule due to a delay in the financing. The project will still be pursued. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION c.c Steve ,CREEK$1DE CONSTRUCTION. LTD. 160 KRISTIN LANE SUITE#1 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 PHONE NUMBER g72-442~1648 FAX NUMBER 972-442-3781 FAX City of Col~pell Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Ref: Sandy Lake Crossing Addition Lot 2R, Block #1 Affn: Marcia Diamond Dear Mrs. Diamond: Please continue the Case for Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, BIoci( 1, Site Plan to the July 13, 2004 City Council Meting. Aisc, please deny the replat of the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block !, Replat at the Public Headng for the June 8, 2004 City Council Meeting. I would greatly appreciate the reconsidering of this rel~lat be added to the Public Meeting on July ¥3., 2004 of the City Council. My client has asked for this reschedule ~lue to a delay in the financing. The project will still be pursued. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SINCERELY, Thomas J. Whan CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block 1, Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: May 20, 2004 June 8, 2004 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: Along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 200 feet west of Denton Tap Road. SIZE OF AREA: 0.737 of an acre of property. CURRENT ZONING: R (Retail) REQUEST: Site Plan approval to allow the construction of an approximate 7,200-square-foot retail building. APPLICANT: Thomas J. Whan Creekside Construction, LTD. 160 Kristen Lane, Suite 1 Wylie, Texas 75098 972-442-4648 FAX: 972-442-3781 HISTORY: In 1987, Council approved a Final Plat and a Special Use Permit on the current request area for a Firestone store. However, given that no building permit was issued within the required six-month time period, this permit expired. Page 1 of 4 Item #14 On April 20, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of a Special Use Permit for an auto repair garage on the subject property based on the Site Plan's lack of adherence to the Landscape and Sign Ordinances, conflicts with the recommendations of the CIVIC Report in terms of colors proposed, and aesthetic concerns with the bay doors facing a thoroughfare designated as a primary image zone. In June of that year, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed a revised Site Plan for a Firestone store and made additional recommendations for revisions to the screening, landscaping and the elevations, voting to continue the Public Hearing on this SUP until its next meeting. Before this date, the applicant withdrew its application. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a two-lane asphalt road within 110-foot right- of-way, shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as a C4D four-lane divided collector street. The improvements to this section of Sandy Lake Road are in the design stage. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Albertson's Shopping Center; C (Commercial) South -vacant; C (Commercial) East - Exxon gas station and McDonald's; R (Retail) West -vacant; R (Retail) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Neighborhood Retail Uses. DISCUSSION: Page 2 of 4 The applicant desires to construct a 7,198-square-foot retail building on this site with 36 parking spaces. Given the limited amount of parking available, the occupancy of this building will be generally limited to retail uses. A restaurant with a maximum square footage of approximately 1,400-square feet could be accommodated within this building, limiting the remainder space to office uses, which have a lower parking requirement. Access to this property from Sandy Lake Road will be via the existing mutual access easement that serves as a secondary access point for the existing gas station and McDonald's restaurant. A fire lane will be Item//14 Page 3 of 4 provided in from of the building, parallel to Sandy Lake, which terminates at the west property line, allowing for the eventual extension onto the abutting property. It is recommended that this fire lane also be a designated as mutual access easement. Existing trees impact this site. There are 19 trees, ranging in size from 6- to 38-caliper inches. While the applicant was successful in preserving approximately 44 percent of the trees, mainly along the western property line, including a 20-caliper inch Pecan and 17-caliper inch Elm tree, the remaining 113-caliper inches need to be removed. The 20 trees required to be planted on this site have been up-sized from three- to five-caliper inches to address some of the tree mitigation issues. A tree removal permit, based on a current tree survey, will be required prior to the removal of any trees. The Landscape Plan addresses most of the City's requirements, showing that approximately 30 percent of the site is devoted to landscaping. This plan includes a 27-foot landscape buffer along Sandy Lake Road and 15 feet of landscaping along the southern property line, coinciding with the existing TXU easement. Due to the uncertainty of whether or not trees can be planted within this easement, the Landscape Plan does not indicate the four required overstory trees along the southern property line. These trees have been distributed along the other property lines. The placement of these additional 5-caliper inch trees, coupled with working around the existing trees being preserved, has resulted in an overcrowding of the trees along the other three property lines. The Landscape Plan indicates the Cedar Elm trees to be as close as 15 feet on center. The recommended spacing for these trees is no less than 20-feet on center. Given the visibility of the rear of the building from adjacent land uses, it is recommended that discussions with TXU be pursued to determine what types of trees and/or vegetation can be planted within this easement, reducing the density of the trees along the other property lines accordingly. The parking lot will be buffered from Sandy Lake by Dwarf Burford Hollies and accented by seasonal color. Finally, the elevations of this building indicate a fairly typical retail building. The main building material will be red brick with limited EFIS as an accent material. The metal roof will be a hunter green. A clarification is needed on the elevations as to the materials proposed for the columns. The label states that they will be "brick or stone". However, it is rendered similar to the rest of the building, which is brick, and there is no stone on the color board. Along the rear of the building, the color of the man-doors needs to be specified as being painted to match the color of the building. The color board lacks the identification of the manufacturer specifications, which also need to be reflected on the elevations. Item #14 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 2R, Block 1, Site Plan, subject to: 1) Revise label on fire lane parallel to Sandy Lake Road to a fire lane and mutual access easement. 2) A tree removal permit, based on a current tree survey, will be required prior to the removal of any trees. 3) Discussions with TXU be pursued to determine what types of trees and/or vegetation will be allowed to be planted within this easement, reducing the density of the trees along the other property lines, accordingly. 4) Clarification is needed on the elevations as to the materials of the columns. It is stated as "brick or stone". 5) The color board needs to identify the manufacturer specifications, which also need to be reflected on the elevations. 6) Specify color of the man-doors along the rear elevations. ALTERNATIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request. Recommend disapproval of the request. Recommend modification of the request. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Site Plan Landscape Plan/Tree Survey Irrigation Plan Landscape and Irrigation Specifications Elevations Page 4 of 4 Item #14 COPPELL Project ID RP-04-0024 Address 105 W Sandy Lake Rd CITY OF COPPELL 2nd DRC REPORT Project Name COPPELL Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 2R, Block 1 Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Repiat 4/21/04 Marcie Diamond Being a replat of Lot 2, Block I of the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, to allow the construction of an approximate 7,200-square-foot retail building Agency Engineering 1 of 1 Comments Utilities Plan - 1. Provide on etap to the 8" water line with the domestic and irrigation taps off the 8" water line. The fire vaultneeds to be in a 15' x 15' utility easement. Additional comments may be generated and a need for additional easements may be identified as a result of a detailed engineering review. tt , I