LP attached to CC 8/10 pckt.OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS · PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES E 4. $0' B.L BLIILDING ;IDEWAL 122' - 0" LOT SANDY LAKE CROSSING lO 0.737 ACRE 104.47 S, F. I 13 ?,198 $.F. F.F, 93.00 (4) INFORMATION: THE EXISTING TREE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WAS TAKEN FROM A TREE SURVEY PRPEPARED BY STEVE MILLER R.P.LS. # 4224 AS PART OF A LARGER TREE SURVEY PREPARED FOR A PREVIOUS PROJECT ON THIS SITE WHICH HAS A ORIGINAL SHEET DATE OF 5/9/00. ON MAY 6-2004 A VISUAL ANALISYS WAS MADE OF THE EXISTING TREES. ALL TREES SHOWN ON THE PLAN AS EXISTING TREES ON THIS SITE WERE FOUND· PRIOR TO SUBMITAL FOR A TREE REMOVAL PER~IT AN UPDATED TREE SURMEY SHALL BE CONDUCTED. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE INCORPORATED IHT0 THE PLAN WITH THE TREE RETRIBUTION SUMMARY UPDATED ACCORDINGLY. ALL REVISED DOCUMENTS SHALL BE SUBMITFED FOR REVIEW AND APROVAL WITH '[HE TREE REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION, DESCRIP liON Q~,.~iIAN l ! ~" 'D AND GRAPHIC SYMBOL E)(ISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED OR SUBJECT TO CONSTRUCTION IMPACT EXISTING TREE TO REM,NN LANDSCAPE PLANTING SCHEDULE NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE © 2 CE O TREE BOTANICAL AND COMMON NAME COMMENTS ULMUS ER/LgSIOFILA - CEDAR E]JJ AND (:nAS.SES -- 1 VL BED PLANT (!L.__ 5¢_, 05O) ME (6.1 LF) YL (618 [SIGN -- MDN (4~) BC, 0) /I ~e (~ 1~/) / -- CRC)UN ISLAN: 6" ABOVE 50 (~5) DC, (1) /L ULMUS ERASSIORLA - CEDAR EL~ 25' - · _o_p. EN SPACE REOUI_RED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING: A. 10% OF PAVING AREA AREA OF PAVING: 14,~,22 S.F. X 10' = 1,432 S.F B. ISLAND OR PENINSUI A AT FND OF EACH ROW OF PARKING MIN. SIZE 9' ~/IDE AND MIN. 150 S.F. 2. PERIMETER LANDSCAPING' A. 15' BLJFFFR AT PUBI lC STRFET B. 10' .AT Al [I!Y OR ()IHER PROPERLY NONIVEHICULAR OPEN SPACE: A. 15% OF lOT NOT COVERED BY BL/ILDINGS Wll'11 A MINIML;M OF 50% IN file FRONT YARD AREA REQUIRED: lOT SIZE: 32,104 S.F. BUll DING SIZE: (7,198) S.F. LANDSCAPE: 24,906 S.F. X .15 ~- 3,736 S.F. · OPEN SPACE PROVIDED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING: 190 S.F. 190 S.F. 190 S.F. 274 S.F. 209 S.F. 396 S.F. 1449 S.F. PROVIDED PERIMETER LANDSCAPING 2,205 S.F. 710 S.F. .L,_4 2_o s.f. 4,335 S.F. PROVIDED NON-VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 1,188 S.F. 1,896 S.F. 660 S.F. 3,744 S.F. PROVIDED · OPEN SPACE ANALYSIS TOTAL LANDSCAPING TOTAl PAVING TOTAL SIDEWALK TOTAL BUILDING 9,528 SmF. 30 % 14,322 S.F. 45 % 1,o56 S.F. F,J_98 ~:F._ 22°,0 _. 32,104 S.F. 100% TAXODIUi~ DIST1CHUU - BALD CYPRESS 710 URIOPE MUSCARI - SILVE~ SHOVtI:RS 305.6 LF l ME REFER TO TABLE FOR SIZE AND SPECIES REFER TO TABLE FOR SIZE AND SPECIES 5' CAL, T SPREAD, 12' HEIGHT, SINGLE TRUNK, B & B 5' CAL, 7' SPREAD, 12' HBGHT, SINGLE TRUNK, B & B 5" CAL 14' HT, 8' SPRC~CI, CONTAINER GROWN. FULL CANOPY 5 GAL. 36' O.C. PET PLANT, MIN. 30' AT TIME OF PLANllNG 5 GAL, 18' O.C., PiT PLANT 1 ~ 12' O.C. BED PLAKr[ 4' POT ~ 6' O.C. 700 SC SEASONAL COLOR F ' ! CYNODON DAC~fLON - COMMON BERMUDA 7390 SF BO/SS i [ GEASS INSIDE PROPERTY UNE CRASS SOUD SOD FREE OF WEEDS CYNODON DAC'rYLON - COMMON BCRMUDA SOUD SOD FREE OF WEEDS 6125 SF BO/SS GRASS OUTSIDE PROPERTY UNE GRASS EDGING METAL EDGING. RYERSON STEEL EDGING TREE SURVEY L OCATfON DIAMETER SPECrES CANOPY POINIS-FEET CROWN CLASS % L)VF CROWN PRESERVE REMOVE- 16' 1 12' PECAN 12' 14' CO DOMINATE 50% 12' 17' 24' 2 17" K ELM 15' 20' CODOMINATE 60% 17' 3' 3 6' POST OAK 3' 15' INTERMEDIATE 5D% 6~ 17 4 19' CEDAR ELU 18 11 INTERUEDIATE 70~ 19' 12 9' 5 g' CEDAR ~ 10' 11' INTERMEDIATE ~ 9' 11' 6 58' PECAN 2.2' 28' DOMINANT 75% 38' 25' 18' 7 7' HERCULES CtUB 15' 9' INTERMEDIATE 5D% 7' 10' 5' 8 6' PECAN 0' 9' INTERMEDIATE 40?, 6' 11' 9 6" E. RED CEDAB 7' 9' INTERMEDIATE 80% 6" 7' 13' 10 7' , BLACKJACK OAX 4' 12' INTERI~IEDIATE 80% 7' g' 7' 11 6' i A. E~ 7' 4' INTERMEDIATE 50% 6' 6' 12 9' BLACK OAK B' 6' CODOMINATE 50% 9' 9' 4' 13 6' POST OAK 1' 1 f INTER~IEDIATE 60% 6' 6' 4' 14 6' PECAN 5' 6' INTERMEDIATE ~ 6' 4' 3' 15 6' POST OAK 6' 5' INTERMEDIATE 50~ 6' 5' 8' 16 6" E. RED CEDAR 9' 9' INTERMEDIATE 75% 6' 9' 11' 17 7' PECAN 12' 10' IffFERMED~,TE 4.0g 7' 7' 24' 18 20' PECAN 12' 16' INTERMEDIATE 60~ 20' 17' 15' 19 9" K EL~ 3' 20' IN'rERMEDIATE 70% 9' TOTALS 202' 89' 113 ' * NOTE: TREE j[ 3 ~&Y BE SUBJECT TO CONS[RUCTION IMPACT. THIS TREE IS TO REMAIN BJT K&S BEEN ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE RETRIBUTION SUMMAf:bF, SHOULD IT NEED TO BE REMOVED. INTERIOR LAN DSC,a, PIN(; REQUIRED 10% ¢)F PAVING AREA . 1,4a;2 S.F. (14,322 X .I0) PROVIDED INTERIOR I.ANDS('APE AREA -: 1,449 S.F. NOTES: INTERIOR L/'SAREASSHAtl BF PROTECfFI) FROM VEHICUI AR ENCROACHMENT 'FEtROL;(;H USE OF WHEEL ST()PS OR CURBS. REQUIRED TREES : 4 ~1,4.~;2 DtVID[ BY 400) PROVIDED TREES - 4 (THE REQUIRED INFERIOR LANDSCAPING-FREES ,ARE LOCATED IN FHE ANDSC~,P[- ISI ANI)S. REQUIRED lANDSCAPE ISLANDS - 4 (36 X .12) PROVIDED LANDSCAPE ISLAND = 4 REQUIREDI.RNDSCAPF ISlANDTRFFS ~ 4 (1 PER ISLANDI PROVIDED LANDSCAP[ ISLAND 'FREES : 4(SEE INTERIOR LANDSCAPING TREES) PI RIMETER LANDSCAPING REQUIRED FREES 14 (746' - 48' = 698 DIVIDE 5(.)) PROVIDE'[;) TREES t4 NON-VEHICULAR OPEN SPAC[ REQUIRED TREES - 2 /3,744SE [DIVIDE 2,500SF) PROVIDE[) FREES - 2 GENERAL STANDARDS '1REES: trees referred to in thi* section shall lie chosen from the approved plant palette located in table 1. Trees ,d~all be chosen from the approved plant palette located in table 1. lrees shall have an average spread of crown of g~eater than 15 feet at maturHv. Trees having a lesser average mature crown of 15 feet may be substituted by grouping the same so ar tO create the equivalent of 15 feet spread of crown. At time of planting trees shall be a minimum of three inches in caliper, measured 12 inches above the ground, and a minimum of seven feet in height. SttRUBS: shrubs shall lip a minimum of two feet in height when measured immediately after planting, or 30" when used as parking screening, and shall be chosen from the approved plant palette located in table 1. Hedges, where mstatled, shall be planted and maintained so as to term a continuous, unbroken, solid, visual screen which will be three feet high within one year after time of planting. MAINTENANCE NOTE The owner, tenant an(] their agent, if any shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. Thisshall include mowmg, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, and other such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Iandscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition a* is appropriate for the season of the year. Plant materials which die shall be replaced with plant material of similar variety and size. GUIDELINES FOR TREE PROTECTION A ~malor purpose of article 34, division 2 is to protect all existing quality site trees which are not required to be reenoved for approved development and construction to occur. Fhe following are minimum requirements for the pr,election of all protected trees widqn 50 feet of all development and construr~ion activities related, but not limited, to streets, parking lots, building sites, driveways, and sidewalks. (AD Prior to construction or land development, the developer or builder must clearly mark all protected trees within 50 feet of all public rights-of-way, public easements, or construction areas, l'he protected trees will be flagged with bright, fluorescent survey ribbon wrapped around the main trunk at a height of four feet from natural grade such that the tape is very visible to constru(lion workers and equipment operators. (Bi Prior to construction or land development, the developer r)r builder shall establish designated parking areas for the parking and maintenance of all vehMes, trailers, construction equipment, and related ttems, as well as stockpile areas for the storage of construction supplies and materials. After approval by the city manager or designee, the location and dimensions of said designated areas shall be clearly identified on construction and site plans and at the construdion site. (C1 In those situations where the drip line of a protected tree is not directly affected by construction but construction related activities may infringe on said drip-line, protective fencing shall be installed at minimum around the drip-line designating a tree protection zone. The fencing must he a minimum of four feet in height with gilt fencing attached to the base of the fence. Bright, fluorescent survey ribbon must be attached to the protective fencing at ten-foot mtervals. rD) Bilingual tEnglish and Spanish) signage will be conspicuously located on all protective fencing designating a tree protection zone. Every effort will be made to retain under story vegetation and leaf litter during all phases of development and construction. If under story vegetation and/or leaf litter is removed, the critical root zone within the tree protection zone will be mulched with three to six inches of organic material to aid in keeping soil temperatures down and in the retention of soil moisture. IF) Underground utilities may be bored if the line of the utility passes within a tree protection or critical root zone. IG) Grade changes in excess of four inches cut or fill within a tree protection or critical root zone will require a retaining wall or tree well, made of rock or brick, to be constructed around the protectecl tree no closer than 75 percent of the distance between the trunk and the drip line. The top of the retaining wall should be constructed at the new grade. Additional measures to maintain proper oxygen and water exchange with the protected tree roots may also be required. (It) All protectod trees shall lie l)rovided with a permeable surface under a minimum of 75 percent of the existing drip line of the tree(si. l'he following activities shall be prohibited on any development or construction site within a tree protection zone or the drip line of any proteded tree: (AD No construction vehicle or equipment traffic or parking shall take place. (Bi No materials intended for use in development or construction, or waste materials a(-cumulated due to excavation or demolition, shall be placed or stored. No equipment shall be cleaned or liquids deposited or allowed to flow overland. This includes, but is not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, and similar materials. iD) Grade changes in excess of four inches shall not be made unless properly protected by a retaining wall or tree well as described ~n section 12-34-2-q. (Fi No water, which ac(-umulates due to construction-related activities, shall [De permitted to remain around any protected tree. (Fi No signs, wires, or other attachments, other than those of a protective nature, shall be attached to any protected tree. Gt Except for these aforesaid exemptions in section 12-34-2-6, under no circumstances shall there be a clear cutting of tree,~ on a property for any purpose at any time. (I-t) No person, directly or indirectly, shall ('ut down, destroy, effectively destroy through damaging, remove, or move any tree, protected tree, specimen tree, or historic tree without a tree removal permit at any time unless exempted by section 12-34-2-6. (I) No person, directly or indirectly, shall act in concert with an owner, occupant, lesser, lessee or any person claiming an interest in property to enter into any agreement, contract, negotiation, letter of intent or any other type of arrangement to circumvent the prohibitions contained herein or to otherwise qualify for an exemption from the provisions of this ordinance. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (AD In the event it becomes necessary to remove a tree for development or construction, a tree removal permit will be required. Permits for' tree removal may be requested by making application on a form prescribed by' the city to the city manager or his designee. (Bi Upon receipt by the city of a completed tree removal permit application, an administrative fee shall be paid to the city by the applicant. (CD The tree removal permit application shall be accompanied by a preliminary plat or site plan showing the exact location, size (DBH), ( ommon name, and reason for request of removal of each tree on site. iD) Submission of a tree removal permit application to the city shall authorize the city manager or his designee or his designee to conduct field inspections of the site as necessary for purposes related to the provisions of the tree preservation ordinance. (ED After thorough review of the tree removal permit application and accompanying documents, the city, manager or this designee will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application. Disapproved applications may be revised and resubmitted to the city free of charge. · TREE REPLACEMENT If any protected and/or replacement tree dies within two years of initial planting or issuance of certificate of occupancy and is brought to the attention of the city manager or his designee, the original permit applicant shall be subject to the same replacement as a protected tree in section 12-34-2-12. · TREE RETRIBUTION SUMMARY Gross Retribution - 113" Trees Preserved on Site - 89" Total Trees on Site = 202" Preservation Percentage = 44 % Preservation Credit = 50" I ANDSCAPE CREDIT = 70" Required Min. Trees = 20 @ Y' = 60" Retribution Credit @ 50% = 30" Provided = 20 trees @ 5" (:al each (20 trees @ 2 Additional inches each = 40" Total Preservation and Landscape Credit - 120" Gross Retribution Required = 113" Total Positive Retribution - 7" · PROJECT INFORMATION LO1 2R SANDY LAKE CROSSING CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS APPLICANT: KHIEM TRAN 3818 INWOOD DF. GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75052 PHONE: 817-683-4945 FAX: 972-602-3958 PREPARED BY: CREEKSIDE CONSTRUCTION LTD. 160 KRISTFN lANE WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 PHONE: 972-442-4648 FAX: 972-442-3781 SITE DATA TABLE: EXISTING ZONING: RETAIl_ DISTRICT PROPOSED USAGE: RETAIL STORES BUILDING AREA: 7,198 S.F. BUILDING HEIGHT: 25'-0" PARKING REQUIRFD: 36 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED: 36 SPACES PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE: 7,198S.F. FLOOR AREA RATIO: 22 PERCENT /ONIN(; I)ISTRICf ADJACENT: RETAIL DISTRICT F[MA 100 - YEAR FlOOD PLAIN NOT NEARPROPERI¥ PER PlAN IN CITY ENGINEERING DFPT. LANDS ,APE NOTE5 NC:) PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLANTEIZ) dNT1L THE LANE:~9,m-_,AF::'E IRRI~ATION SYSTEI,,4 !S GOI,4PLETE ANE) OPERATIONAL. FOR PERMITTING AND 2. IRRt~AT]ON ~Ad...L E~E AN UN~ER~ROL;NE2 AL)TOIvfAT!G dNE;'ER~ROL;Ng? [RRi~ATION ~¥~TEN1 YNtTH RAIN ANE2 FREEZE m__.~UTOFF ~ENc-~OR~. CONSTRUCTION 3. APPLY 5H~-.E.U~EP HARI~:;~kNOOP BARK MLJL¢_.,H 3" PEEP JN ALL TREE IAi. EL.L_5 ~t eLAN'TEE2 AREA5 OTHER THAN T'dRF 5-11-04 4-. ALL LANE2SC,At::IE~ AREA ARE TO BE OROP4.NE~ 6" AN[:2 PROTEC'f'EE:) BY A 6" C4?NC, RETE 5. TREE5 ~HALL NOT BE PL,'S..NTEP P4.'THIN D.5' OF PAVEMENT. 6. ALL LANI~'~=~.,APIN~ (NO'T-HtN® OVER :2' IN HT. A5 t,4E~dREI~ FROM THE TOP OF OURB) I,'NITHIN THE VI~IB!LI-r"f TRIANGLE9 PROx/Ig)E[~ AT ALL PdBLIE, OR PRIx/ATE ~EET IN'TERgEC,'f'iON9 IN AC/-~OR.[~ANOE kNITH G!'TY Ch~,E)INANGE. -L ALL JTILITY E~EMENT5 MAY NOT BE ON TH,~ PLAN. REFER TO THE 5['T'P_ UTIL!TY PLAN. THE C, ONTRAGTOR 15 RESPONd>IDLE FOR F[EL_D~ LOGATIN~ ALL L)TILIT[E5 ~lOR TO CX~N~Tt~,L)GTION. 6. ALL k'IATEI~. METERS, FIRE HYDRANTS, x/ALVES. MANHOLE~. AND CLEANOUT9 ON OR A42JAGENT TO THE ~L)BJEC, T PROPER'TY M!35T REMAIN E~ILY ACC, ES~tBLE ~L)RIN® C4~NS'TRUCTION AN[~ dPON CX~MPLET~C:)N OF NEOE95ARY (~,./k[~lN~ AND LAN~C, AP~N~. THE EXIST~N~ FAOLfTIE~ 9HALL BE AI~JU~TE!:~ TO FINAL ~R,z,4~E. ABOVE THE FINI.~,H ~t~.,,~E)E OF THE LAN~APIN~. q. TRAgH RE~d~E FAC,!LiT.E9 5HALL BE ~REEN~ B"f A ~>C.,REEN!N~ ~LL AT LE~T THE HEIGHT OF THE ~dMP~TER AN~ AN OPA(:~dE ~ATE IF OMd'~ ARE U~E~. THEY 5HALL BE ~PLtT FADE.E) OR ~EC4:)RATIVE. 2'-'/5<24 DATE: .5-8-2004 JOB NO: 2'/504 DRAWN BY: JEER CHECKED BY. K. GI2 REVISION DATES 1 i  ~z~ ~ Copyright 2004 S~T ~O. O~ ,/