CC 08/11 approval letterT H E C I T Y 0 F COl'FELL Augustll, 2004 Mr. Mark Wakeland 17480 Dallas Parkway, Suite 217 Dallas, TX 75287 RE: Villas of Lake Vista~ Preliminary, Plat Dear Mr. Wakeland: This letter is to inform you that the Villas of Lake Vista, Preliminatw Plat, to allow the construction of 155 tovmhome lots and 22 common areas on approximately 22 acres of property located south of Lake Vista Drive, east of MacArthur Blvd., was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, August 10, 2004, subject to the following conditions: 1) A variance was granted by City Council to offset street spacing involving LakeVista Drive and Lake Vista Place. 2) Adherence to the attached Engineering comments. Also, Council granted the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the approval authority for your Final Plat. You have nine (9) months to submit your Final Plat (May, 2005) for approval by the Commission before this Preliminary Plat becomes null and void. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Cc Daniel Heischman, Dowdey, Anderson & Assoc., Inc. Building Inspection file DEI"ELOP31ENT REFIEW COMMITTEE ENGLYEERL'YG COMMENTS 1 TEM: \illas of Lake Vista~ Preliminary Plat. to aH©;,~ the construd~on ©£ ]57 to~nhome lots and 13 common areas on app~oxmmtely 22 acres oFvopc~y located south of Lake Vis:a Drive, east ofMacArthur Blxd , al the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc STAFF REP.: GarySieb PROJEC]'ID~PP-04_0030 DRC D,4 T£: June 24, 2004 and July 1, 2004 CT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir. of Engineering~Public B/orks 972/304-3686 PreliminaD Plat Provide an exact ac do,,,.: nn thc rear o£Lots 9 56, Block A and lots 2X 3:, 7× Blocl< A for the "variable '~,~dtis t~t~ht) easement" Preliminary Pa',ing Plan - Al! access to and from L;~,ke *'~sta Drive needs to be coordinated ,,',,ith the Cityof'Le;vis,~ as it is a Le'~lS~,il]e o'a ned and maintained street ~ Coordinate the 4' s~dcwalk , ~ a;o ~g L~Kc V~sta Dr with the C~ty of Louisville PretiminaD Drainage Plan -- }ou need pcnmss~on from C~t} o, Lew~s~ ale to t~e into their stoma sewer hne m thcH street (:akeX~sta[ mc) AIso, pems~sslon must be oblamcd lo discharge smface flow mto thmr permission is granted to nsc storm sc~er lines and dram to the street, and to cut t}10 a, cess',hoscstormse~,,c~ imc, s Repair ' ol ake k ~st~ I)~i~c ~x~ll need to be done accordance x,, ~lh CI[~ of Lc',~ IskllJc sMnda~ds NO]E: Generall.2ngineeringObser.,ations ] hese comments do not constitute a detailed re',.iev~ of any Enginee~ Detailed re,,ieu, x'~ill be performed after approval b) Cit5 Council. Preliminary \Vater 8,: Se',',er Plan Sheet- ]'he 8" waterhne may not be adeq~ate to se~,e a propc~ ~th th~s density as far as requirements arc concerned General Nole- \crif~ Ihe ]ocalio:q and elevation of the ~aler ~c sewer stub-ouls to make sure they are able to ser',,e ~[~e propert}