DRC commentsDEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Villas of Lake Vista~ Preliminary Plat, to alloxv the construction of I57 townhome lots and 13 common areas on approximately 22 acres of property located south of Lake Vista Drive, east of MacArthur Blvd., at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. STAFF REP.: Gary Sieb PROJECT 1D# PP-04-0030 DRC DA TE: June 24, 2004 and July 1, 2004 CONTA CT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir. of Engineering/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENTSTATUS: PREL!M!N,'!.RY *"FINAL RE!"!SED Preliminary Plat- 1. Provide an exact tie down on the rear of Lots 9-56, Block A and Lots 2X & 7X, Block A for the "variable width utility easement". Preliminary Paving Plan - 1. All access to and from Lake Vista Drive needs to be coordinated ,vith the City of Lewisville, as it is a Lewisville owned and maintained street. 2. Coordinate the 4' sidewalk along Lake Vista Dr. with the City of Le~visville. Preliminary Drainage Plan - 1. You need permission from City of Lewisville to tie into their storm sewer line in their street (Lake Vista Drive). Also, permission must be obtained to discharge surface flo~v into their street. 2. We need a letter for our file from the City of Lewisvillc to the developer stating that permission is granted to use storm sewer lines and drain to the street, and to cut the street to access those storm se,ver lines. Repair of Lake Vista Drive will need to be done in accordance with City of Lewisville standards. Additional comments may be forthcoming during the full engineering review. NOTE: General Engineering Observations These comments do not constitute a detailed review of any Enginee~ Detailed review will be performed after approval by City Council. - 8 2004 JUL ittals. Preliminary Water & Sewer Plan Sheet- 1. The 8" waterline may not be adequate to serve a property with this density as far as fire flow requirements are concerned. General Note- 1. Verify the location and elevation of the water & sewer stub-outs to make sure they are able to scrve the property. JUL-8 COPPELL Proiect ID PP-04-O030 Address 500 Lake Vista Dr CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT ProJect Name COPPELL Villas of Lake Vista Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Preliminary Plat 5/19/04 Gary Sieb to allow the construction of 158 townhome lots and 13 common areas Agency Building Inspection Electdc and Gas 1 of 3 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 5/27/04 Comments No comments. No comments received COPPELL Agency fingineering Reviewed By Ken Griffin CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 6/24/04 Comments COP'FELL Preliminary Plat - 1. All utility and drainage easements must be 20' in width. 2, Common area should be provided on Lots 1 & 19, Block D to contain the off-street parking, Right now it is on private property. 3. A 20' drainage easement should be provided across the north edge of Lot IX, Block A. 4, Common area designations do not match the site plan, 5, Provide an exact tie down on the roar of Lots 9-56, Block A and Lots 2X & 7X, Block A for the "variable width utility easement", Preliminary Paving Plan - 1, All access to and from Lake Vista Drive needs to be coordinated with the City of Lewisville, as it is a Lewisville owned and maintained street. 2. Coordinate the 4' sidewalk along Lake Vista Dr. with the City of Lewisville. Preliminary Drainage Plan - 1. You need permission from City of Lewisville to tie into their storm sewer line in their street (Lake Vista Drive). Also, permission must be obtained to discharge surface flow into their street. 2, We need a letter for our file from the City of Lewisville to the developer stating that permission is granted to use storm sewer lines and drain to the street, and to cut the street to access those storm sewer lines. Repair of Lake Vista Drive will need to be done in accordance with City of Lewisville standards. Additional comments may be forthcoming during the full engineering review, Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Tim Oates John Elias 6/24/04 6/24/04 NOTE: General Engineering Observations These comments do not constitute a detailed review of any Engineering submittals. Detailed review will be performed after approval by City Council Preliminary Water & Sewer Plan Sheet- 1. The 8" waterline may not be adequate to serve a property with this density as far as fire flow requirements are concerned. General Note - 1. Verity the location and elevation of the water & sewer stub-outs to make sure they are able to serve the property. 1. Parking shall not be allowed within the "bulb" of the cul-de-sac. No comments. COl'FELL CITY OF COPPELL CO??ELL %~* ~ ~ DRC REPORT ~~~, Agency Reviewed By Review Date Comments Planning Department Gary Sieb 6/22/04 1. Place volumn and page number at bottom right of plat document 2. Mayor is Douglas N. Stover, not Candy Sheehan COND. MET BUT REALIGN STATEMENT 3. Reconsider street names--difficult to pronounce, spelling, consistency, etc.