Replat attached to CC 8/10 pcktV,. C/ 'V/ ;-Y ,t.,/Af' (,VO SCX/_ £ ) r i- FIP SANDY LAKE ROAD ,,' FJB:._ C F' -' ~, ~' 8.) ~'5 '.?0 ' ~- /.~0. O0 ' ."0;- 2,?. BL OCtr / F; '~ T EA:. -~MEN ,V ~'.9 °_¢5 '20 ' ~' /Z:5. ¢/ Z 0 O~VNER S CERTI=ICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEING a tract or parcel of and situated in the Edward A. Cram Survey. Abstract No. 301 . City of CoRpell. Dallas County. Texas. and beinq all of Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossinq Addition. al recorded in Volume 88037~ Paqe 2~02. Plat Records. Dallas County. Texas. as ~onveyed to BFS Ret.=il & Commerci:~ 0 eratio~s. LLC. by Deed Recorded in Yolume'2001237. Paqe 1390. of the Deed Record~ D~llas County. Texas and bain9 more particularly described as BEGINNING at a I/2 inch iron ro~ found for corner, said point bain9 N 8~° 55' 20' W, 183.43 feet from the intersection of t~e West ROW line of }ento~ Tap Road Ia 120' ROW} and the South ROW line of Sand Lake Road [a I10' R~W). said Roint of bepinnin9 also bein~ 'the Northeast corner of sa~d Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossin9 A~dition: THENCE $ 02° 09' 05' E, 175.13 Test alan9 the West boundary of a tract o.ned by Exxon Corporation al recorded in Deed recorded in Volume 87001. Paps 6007. Deed Records Dallas County. Texas to a i/2' iron rod found for corner: THENCE N 8~' 55' 20' W. 186.81 feet alan9 the South boundary line o~ said Lot 2. Sandy Lake Cro:lsin9 Addition to a I/2' iron rod found ~or corner: THENCE N 00' 04' 40' E. 175.00 ~eet alan9 the West boundary line of said Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossin9 Addition to a I/2' iron rod found ~or corner: THENCE S 89° 55' 17 ' E. 17~.00 alan9 the North boundary line ;¢ said Lot 2. Sandy Lake Crossi Addition. said line also be~n~ in 'the South ROW line Sandy Lake Road to the PLACE ~¢ BEGINNING and containin~ 32095 Square Feet or 9.7368 acres aT land NOW THEREFORE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT KHIEM TRAN, does hereby adopt th; let desiqnatin9 the herein above described property as SANDY LAKE gROSSING, an a ~i~ n ia in t~e City of Coppell. Dallas County. Texas andthereon.dOel herebYThe easementsdedicate sho~nt° thehe~u bliCar US:of°rover 'the streets, alleys and ealelnents eon · reby reserved for the purpose al indicated. No build~nqs, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or gTe=tbs shall be constructed or placed upo~, over o~ across the Utility Easements' al sho~n. Said 'Utility Easeaents' being hereby reserved for the mutual use ~3nd ~ccommodotion of all public utilitie~ de~irinq to use or usinq-same. Air and any public utility shall h~ve the riqht-to remove and keep removed all or ertl of any bu~ldin s -flnces trees 'shrubs or other improvements or qra~ths-~hic~ ma,/ n any P . . g . . · , . ........ · ay endanqer or interfere ~lth the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective s~stems on the ~ald Utility Easements and all publ,c ut,l~t~ shal,, at al~ t~mes, have the full r~qht o'r inqress and eqress'to ~3nd ~rom and upon the laid "Utility Easement' for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspectinq, patrolling, m(=intaininp-and adding to or reaov~n9 all or part of itl respective system ~ithout t~e necessity'at any 'time of procurin§ the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND AT_ TEXAS. this ....... day of 2004. By: KH~EM TRAN (O~ner) STATE (iF TF_XAS CObNTY OF I)ALLAS BEFORE me. the und,rs~,tned authori y. a No'ory Pub' ic ,noad f,Jr the S'ate of "exam. on th s da', psi'son,lily appeared) Kh em "ran known "o me to be 'he permian shame nome im mub.~cribed "o th;~ Torepo ng nstrumoi~t a~d ackno~ledged +o m~t that h~ ex,~cut~d the ~(]me for ~he purp,)me (3nd consid,~rat oma therein expressed. ' GIWEN I.NDER MY HAND AND SEpaL OF OFFICE th = day o' 2004 Notary 3ubllc in and for th~ St3te >f T~xas My commissi3n expirss on__ t, URVEYOR S CERTII'ICA"E I,NOW ALL MEN BY "HESE PRESEN"S: 'HAT I. J. L Lane. R.P.I..S. No. 250g. de hereby cer'ify th,~' th s p~ at ,al j, rep,~red fro, an e. CtudJ and accurr~te uurv.y o' th. la.d and that the corn.r unument sho~n tnere~n i, rop.rl) placed .nder my p_er.ona superv sion in accordance with the pJa"tinq ru es und ~eBu atl,)ns ~f ti~e C ty .T Chaps . T.xas 'RELEASED 06\17\2003 zOR REV IE.N PdRPOSE$ ONLY DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RE3ORDED FOR ANY REASON J.L. LANE. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 250g THIS STATE OF TEX~S COUN"Y OF DALLAS I~EFOP. E me. the under~;i~jn,d authority a Notary P[~blic in and for the State o" Texas. on 'his ~a~' pers()nal y appearea knb~,n to ~e tn be the per,,on who~. name i,~ :.u~.crib~d to th,~ forego n9 n~trumeht a.d ackno,~ledqed 'o m. tha~ h,~ execut~d the ,.me 'or he purpose and (:on~ der(~tion~ there n expre~,led ' GIVEN UNDER ~Y H~ND AND ~EAL OF OFFICE. 'hi, ....... day o¢, 2004. N. tor,/ Puhl ic in .nd "or 'he ~;tat,~ of Texas blv cohmis:~ion exp res on 'F ood~lai~' D,~ve ,;,pme~t P~rm ' Ap.}licftio* Ci 'y o'" Co!.'pel F oodp aim Ada nis,rat,>r o, (F oodi) la ,. Ad,,ini,tra'or) RECOMMENDEI) FOI{ APPROV,:..L No _l, as :.eon fi I,,d · th 'he 2004. Date , TACHED RECI Et'T A(;KNO~LED(iEMEtiT VER I Z()N OIICOR ELE(:TRI(' DEL i VEP, Y C()MPAHY CC,MCA,( T T) U GAS F R CHAtRMAq PJannin3 & Zoning C~mmi~sion CitF of CopDeJ J, Texas DATE 0z APPROVAL APPROVED AND ACCEPTED MAYC,R DATE CF AF'PRO'~AL Cit) of CopFell. Ts)as The undersicned, th~. City Secrelary of 1he (Lit~,~_oF (.opp, II. Texts. FereEy certit ice tho1 th, for~9oir:9 Final Plal of SANDY _AKE CP, OS5 I~ ~a, submit!ed Io tFe Cmty Council cn t~e ......... da) of _. 2004, amc th~. Council. b) mai action, the~ an( thc, re (cceFted the dedication (,f slreel=, c Ile) e. [ark, eosen, nte. pu~,li~ Elates. and .at¢,r ard se.er lin~s a~ shc~n and set For t~e in (nd ~pon laJo plc~. (nd ~aid Courci tur~her authorized ~he Mayor to not, th,, acc~.ptarce 1her,-of Ey siGnir~ his nc~e cs h~reirabo~e s~bscr ibe(. Witres* my ~and thi~ ................ day of ;004, Cit) Secrete. fy REV I SI ONE REPLAT C,. 7368 ACRE ._OT 2R. BL(~CK I 1~' EDWARD A. (.ROW '3URVEv ABSTRACT NO. ~01 Cll'Y OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS -'~x-.:.c:-~:M ,,~,~ ~EING A REPLAT OF LO~ 2. BLO3K I 2~4, S~S-~:;:: LANE'S SOUTHWEST SURVEYING INC. DATE: :MAY 2004 2717 MCTLEY DR. SUITE B SCALE I'.. M:ESQUI:-E. TEXAS 75150 - 3812 ~ ~o ~s s,;