LP/Tree Survey att. to CC pckt.ISTING BRICK WALL ISTING RAILR( kD TIE WALL EX. 20'X20' TEMP. DRAINAGE ESMT ( VOL . 94154 , PG. 712 D.R.D.C. EX. 20' TEMP. DRAINAGE ESMT. i ( VOL. O4154 . PG. 720 D.R.D.C.T) ~ '~'~0 ' EX. 18 · CEDAR EX. 15' TREE EX. 10'HACKBERRY~' EX.II·&12· ELM O EX. 32 'POST EX, 24'POST OAK EX. 27 ' POSTOAK EX. 20' TOAK EX. (4)9' HACKBERRY · ; EX, (2)! (TO BE-RE ( -' · ;R'ETE~ WALK ;.L, X S hNBY L hKE RO hD (80' R. O. W.) VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON AN ALUMINUM MARKER FOUND IN THE NORTH SIDE OF AN INLET ON THE WEST SIDE OF MOORE ROAD IN FRONT OF BARBARA AUSTIN ELEMENTARY, APPROXIMATELY 63 FEET NORTH OF PHEASANT LANE. ELEVATION OF 508.48 PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPT. OP EX. 20' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY ESMT. (VOL. 94154,PG. 708 D.R.D.C.T) · 2' FENCE ESMT. (VOL.94154,PG.708 D.R.D.C. ~ BRI WALL ri EX, 43' POST0~Y, (TO BE ;D) F24' F IRELANE, MUTUAL SAN. SEW. EX=. 21 ~'-C~T-ORM ~Y~= [TY AND ~ .NT X~ 1 · > I EX. 15' UTILITY ESMT. (VOL.91054, PG.1044 D.R.D.C.T. ) ISTING BRICK WALL 30' LANDSCAPE~ i/ AREA ............ :~~~?~]~-C ONC RE TE ' EX. LEFT TURN LANE NOSE ~---~~ . ............ EX. 50" WATER ........ EXISTING MEDIAN CUT EX. 16" WATER CONCRETE NOSE EX. 66" STORM- LAN[)SCAPE NOTES: W~th thc exception ol'dramagc areas, all grass areas ;irc to hc h'vdromuiched Bemmda (2i: per II)()() sq.ft.) tbr warm season application or hvdromulcl~ed nuxture of ~e grass (Se per 1000 sq. ft.) and hulled Bennttda (I' per lO00 Scl.ft. ) for cool season application. Grass in detention po,ds and floss' lines is to be solid sod Bermuda grass. and bed areas arc to be separated hv 12 gauge metal edging. All frees & shrtMs are Io he planted minimum ot'5' from impcm~cablc surthce'~ & utility Uncs. ('ontractor to vcri~' plant material quantities and notify ow'ncr ol'anv conllicls. Bcd preparation shall consist oI' mcorporating one 4 cubic fbol bale of spagnum peat mo~s and one 3 cubic flint bag of landscapers mix per 75 scI. ft. init) thc top six inches of'existing soil All landscape areas shall be watered by a fully automatic irrigation system meeting the minimum standards 9f the American Society of Irrigation Consultants, and the current building code(s) for the City' of Coppell. .,\11 phmt material shall meet American Nurseo' Standards fi~r height and width in each container size. With the exception of ground cover beds, all plant material shall be mulched with 2" of cedar mulch (minimum 1. Trees shall have a root ball ora minimum of 10 inches of'diameter fi)r each inch of caliper. ('ontractor shall be responsible fi~r locating all utilities and obtaining pennits as required by City. The owner, tenant and their agent, if any shall be jointly and severally responsible for the mainlenance of all landscaping. All required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include mowing, edging, pruning,, fertilizing, wateri'ng, weeding, and other such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Plant materials which die shall be replaced with plant material of similar variety and size. (Ord. No. 91500-A-30} TABULATIONS A. Perimeter Landscape Required: 8760 sq.ft. Provided: 8760 sq.fl. Landscape Buffer (15 ft.)-Sandy Lake Road 190 lin. ft. Required Trees - (1 tree per 40' lin!fi )(190/40=4.751 5 Provided - 6 Required Shmbs/Wall/Fence/Hedge/Berm- Provided - 30" tall shrub planting Landscape Buffer (10ft.) - perimeter/other property 640 ft. Required Trees -~(1 tree per 40'lin.ft.) (640/40=16 ft.) 16 Provided - 17 B. Interior Landscape Required (10% of paving area) (22411 sq.ff.x.10=224112241 sq.ft. Provided- 2241 sq.ft. Islands Required - ( 12% of parking spaces) (38 x. 12=4.56) 5 Provided - 9 Trees Reqaired (1 tree per 400 sq.ft.) (270g/400:6 77) 7 Prox ided - 10 C. Non Vehicular Landscape Required (15% gross property' not covered by bldg.) (42688-5612=37076) (37076 x 15%=5561) 5561 sq.ft. Provided - 5570 sq.ft. % of Site in non-veh. Landscape(5535 sq.ft, landscape/42688=12 9%) Trees Required - (1 tree per 2500 sq.ft.)(42688/2500=17.07) 18 Trees Provided - 30 t N 0 § 10 15 20 30 40 60 SCALE IN FEET 1"'20' [ NO l AN ROCK.~, HOME WOOD..~. SANDY LAKE ROAD .~ (D <~ Z z Ld n VICINI ? Y MmP N. 7-.S. WATER METER SCHEDULE SANITARY TYPE SIZE NUMBER SEWER DOMESTIC 1V~," 1- PROPOSED 6" IRRIGATION 1Vz" 1- PROPOSED NA OWNER/APPLICANT: DR. MELISSA V. ROZAS, D.D.S., P.A. DENTISTRY FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN & ADOLESCENTS 580 SOUTH DENTON TAP ROAD, SUITE 210 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 (972) 393-9779 - PHONE \~ - ~&z ~ L--'1'"' ':~' 2 ;e' :,c .', :: - ~,~ _ ............ FACILITY L1 (9721 393-9775 - FAX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT= SHARP LANDSCAPES, INC. MR. BILL SHARP 1129 HUNTINGTON DRIVE  Az- ~ I i ~-~, i , ~_ZZ_E_ ? ~ RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 Zl~.~'~ '"~'~ ~J2- , ~ ; 972 ) 978-6172 PHONE 'I::::'~(D~--, ' ~ ~9721 690-4938 : FAX ~ z.9__. ?~...i ....................... : ---;;-. J ANDSCAPE PL AN/r ,, , ,~ ~- ~" ~,<~ ~ ~/5 ~r:.,,,-~ :o~-~,~ PROPOSED MEOmC~ OFFICE ~ ~,, ~( ~,~ ~e~~7~,-~-~--~ ..................... ~ ...... ~ ..... ~~'~-~ LOT 1, BLOCK A, ROZAS ~DITION '' OFC PPELL, TEXAS DESION DRAWN DATE SC~E NOTES FILE .... ~GUST ..... LSBoRDER ~P ~v 2004 1 "zu .DON