DRC commentsCOPPELL Proiect ID RP-04-0062 Address 330 S Denton Tap Rd CITY OF ¢OPPELL COPPELL 2nd DRC REPORT ~~~ Proiect Name Texas Bank Addtion, Lots IR and 2R Block A~ Rel Proiect Type Application Date Case ManaRer Project Description Replat 9/22/2004 Marcie Diamond To allow a Cr~me de la Creme day care center on 3.6 acres of property Agency Engineering 1 of 1 Comments Plat 1. Extend the fire lane and access easement to the west property line. Preliminary Drainage Plan 1. Collect as much of areas 1, 7, 8 & 9 on-site as possible. 2. Show all off-site drainage that drains onto this site. Preliminary Utility Plan 1. FDC must be located adjacent to the proposed fire hydrant. CO?PELL Proiect ID RP-04-0062 Address 330 S Denton Tap Rd CITY OF COPPELL COP?ELL DRC REPORT Proiect Name Texas Bank Addtion, Lots IR and 2R Block A, Rel Project Type Application Date Case Mana~er Project Description Replat 9/22/2004 Marcie Diamond To allow a Cr(~me de la Cr~me day care center on 3.6 acres of property Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 9/28/2004 Jeff Curry 10/1/2004 Engineering Ken Griffin 9/30/2004 Fire Administration Tim Oates 10/1/2004 Parks and Recreation John Elias 9/2912004 Comments 1. No platting comments made. Plat Unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972-323-8917 to discuss electric easement requirements and George Melindez at 972-485-6204 to discuss gas easement requirements. Also please change the "Receipt Acknowledgement" for separate signatures for TXU Electric Delivery and TXU Gas. Plat 1. Dedicate the 10' sidewalk and utility easement as shown on the site plan. 2. All internal storm drainage will be privately owned and maintained; so therefore should not be within a public easement. 3. Rename the "water easement" to "utility easement". 4. Extend the fire lane and access easement to the property line. Can this be done and maintain the appropriate turning radius? Preliminary Drainage Plan 1. All on-site drainage will be private. 2. Collect as much of areas 1,7, 8 & 9 on-site as possible. 3. Show all off-site drainage that drains onto this site. Preliminary Utility Plan 1. Configure your water services so only one tap is required on the existing 16" main. 2. Eliminate the curvature in your sewer line. 3. Provide a oleanout on the sewer line where it enters the public right-of-way. 1. Dead-end fire lane configuration at north end of project is unacceptable. No comments. COl'FELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Marcie Diamond CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 9/29/2004 COPPELL Comments 1. This is a Replat, therefore the new lot numbers are 1R and 2R, revise all references accordingly. 2. There are two easements which were platted on the original plat of Lot 1 which are not reflected on this replat. 3. Correct lot size, and the dimension of the east property line, of Lot 1R. 4. Need to extend the mutual access and fire lane easements to the street to coincide with driveway locations. 5. The White Glove Express Addition, located to the north of Lot 2R, indicated a 20 foot drainage easement to be dedicated by separate instrument on this property. Was that easement ever recorded? Also, the return curb radii for the existing driveway for White Glove Express encroaches on this property, was an easement granted for that? 6. Add the proposed front yard building setback line to the replat. 7. Remove the note stating that "Prior to the development on Lot 2, Lot 2 shall be replatted", and add a similar note to Lot I which states that Lot 1 will have to be replatted prior to the development on that lot. 8. Show the proposed median opening on Denton Tap, as indicated on the Site Plan. 9. Update all dates from 2003 to 2004. 10. Revise Oncor to TXU Energy Delivery