CC approval on 11/9/04AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: November 9, 2004 ITEM #: 19 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Gateway Business Park No. 2, Lot 2, Block A (Avaya), Site Plan Amendment, to allow for the addition of three air conditioner chillers, an additional transformer and modification of the previously approved generator plan on property located at 1111 Freeport Parkway. GOAL(S): APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1 & below - York S - Suhy Vote - 7-0 ~ ~ Date of P&Z Meeting: October 21, 2004 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt, Hall, McCaffrey, Foreman, Milosevich, Kittrell and Reese voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) A tree removal permit will be required if trees are removed. Di ............................... (CONDITION MET) 3) Add Live/~,.1 ...... ;~ .~- .... C ~1~;1! ........ : ...... l! (CONDITION MET) 4) Abide by comments of other departments (Engineering) Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/04 Document Name: ~IOGBP2 (Avaya) SPA 1-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Gateway Business Park No. 2~ Lot 27 Block A (Avaya), Site Plan Amendment P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: October 21, 2004 November 9, 2004 STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Planning Director LOCATION: 1111 Freeport Parkway. SIZE OF AREA: 2,204-square feet of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI and HC (Light Industrial and Highway Commercial) REQUEST: Site Plan amendment to allow the placement and screening of three air conditioner chillers, an additional transformer, and modification to the previously approved generator-storage tank site plan located at 1111 Freeport Parkway. APPLICANT: Mr. Brion Sargent IA Interior Architects 3232 McKinney Ave., Suite 970 Dallas, Texas 75204 (214) 740-1922 Fax: (214) 740-1933 HISTORY: Page 1 of 3 This property was platted and developed with a 100,000-square-foot, two-story building in 1998-99. At that time, it was the home of Lucent Technologies. In 2000 ownership changed, and today, the building is occupied by Avaya Communications. In July 2004, a site plan amendment was approved allowing the construction of two Item # 13 diesel generators and two fuel storage tanks. The pending application will alter the configuration of the generator space, add three large air conditioning chillers, and allow the construction of an additional transformer. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is a C4D/6, four-lane divided thoroughfare within a 95-foot wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) South - vacant: HC (Highway Commercial) and LI (Light Industrial) East - vacant; LI (Light Industrial) West - LBJ Freeway; A (Agriculture) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996 shows the property as suitable for freeway commercial uses. DISCUSSION: This property was developed as a 99,495-square-foot, two-story building in 1998-99 to house Lucent Technologies. In 2000, the building was acquired by Avaya Communications and is one of its regional offices. In July of this year, an application was submitted requesting generators and fuel tanks be added to the site to perform back-up to the existing power grid serving the building. As explained to staff, if there is a power outage, these back-up generators would ensure 24-hour-per-day, seven- day-per-week service to the building, with no interruption in service. Based on the fact that the screening structure surrounding these facilities was the same design and constructed of the same material as the building itself, staff supported the request. This submitted site plan has been altered from the one initially approved in July by adding additional equipment as explained below. The function of this building is in process of change with a much heavier reliance on computer support. That being the case, more air conditioning capacity is needed. As submitted, three large air conditioning chillers 48-feet long by 8-feet wide by 8-feet tall, are needed to properly cool the building and its enhanced computer function. A concrete barrier varying in height from 11 to 16 feet (with spandrel glass panels) repeating the design of the main building will screen the chillers. Tilt-wall construction will be identical to the existing building and to the generator screening granted in July. Page 2 of 3 Item # 13 The approved generator screening is being modified to allow additional equipment be located behind the screen and is enlarged by roughly one- quarter. The existing transformer site is being redesigned to accommodate another transformer similar in size to the existing one. Base planting is proposed for all screening walls and the transformer area. Several trees have been added around the generator and chiller walls to break up the massing of the screening wall itself. This landscaping will soften the appearance of a wall 16-feet in height and almost 120-feet long. One suggestion of staff is to include some Live Oak trees intermingled with the Crape Myrtle trees in front of the chillers. The Live Oaks will give additional green color, be of sufficient height and massing to screen and break up this massive wall, and offer additional interest to this screening feature. Although parking is being reduced by 27 spaces with this proposal, there are still 458 parking spaces remaining, well over our code required 299. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1) A tree removal permit will be required if trees are removed. 2) Dimension transformer sizes. 3) Add Live Oak trees in front of chiller screening wall. 4) Abide by comments of other departments (Engineering) ALTERNATIVES 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan with structure elevations, and landscaping (2 sheets). 2) Computer generated elevation of chiller yard screening wall. 3) Departmental comments (Engineering) Page 3 of 3 Item # 13 COl'FELL Prelect ID SPR-04-0063 Address 1111 Freeport Pkwy CITY OF COPPELL COIF'FELL 2nd DRC REPORT Prelect Name Gateway Business Park No.2, Lot 2, Block A (Ava Prelect Type Application Date Case ManaRer Proiect Description Site Plan Amendment (Revision) 9/22/2004 Gary Sieb To allow for the addition of three air conditioner chillers along the east side of the existing building Aqency Engineering 1 of 1 Comments 1. It appears this work may impact drainage in the area. 2. There is both an 8" and a 3" water line in the proposed construction area. 3. This work will require engineered drawings and a permit from the Engineering Department